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Belly Fat Weight Loss Tips

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Belly Fat Weight Loss Tips

It is difficult for everyone to take time out of their busy schedule to find ways to lose weight, but now you can lose weight in some easy ways. 

A traditional diet for weight loss requires eating salads, leafy vegetables, fruits and protein-rich foods, which also show good results.

Apart from sweating, intense workouts also help in weight loss, but when time is scarce, it becomes difficult for us to find time for both diet and exercise.

It is difficult for everyone to take time out of their busy schedule to find ways to lose weight, but now you can lose weight in some easy ways. 

You don't even need to spend money for these methods. Let's learn about the little things that will help you lose weight.

Stay Hydrated

In order to achieve your weight loss goals, it is most important that you drink enough water. Water helps you feel satisfied. 

In fact, many people start eating when they are thirsty, which can lead to weight gain. Water helps burn calories and flush out toxins from the body.

Do Not Drink Cold Drinks

Coffee, carbonated beverages, sodas, and juices that have added flavors can prevent weight loss. Often these drinks give you 1000 calories a day. 

Alcohol should not be consumed at all as it only adds calories.

Do Short Exercises

You don't have to go to the gym every day to lose weight. You can also do some normal activities like walking, running, cycling which will help you get the desired results.

If you want, you can wash the car, mop the floor, cook food, press the clothes yourself, which will help shape your body.

Eat Salad In Your Daily Diet

Eating a bowl full of salad can make you hungry. Salads are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Since our body cannot digest fiber properly, the amount of calories in our body does not increase. 

Apart from this, salad contains many essential nutrients, which are very important for the proper development of the body.

Increase Fiber Intake

Consuming foods rich in fiber helps in weight loss as they are not easily digested. Slow digestion reduces your body's appetite for food. 

Foods high in soluble fiber help keep your intestines in good shape. Foods rich in fiber help to satisfy your hunger.

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Corn is Good for Weight Loss

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Corn is Good for Weight Loss

This is how you can eat corn flour to lose weight. It also has many health benefits. You may have eaten cornbread at home, hot corn. This corn flour is beneficial for your health in many ways. 

Maize flour is very beneficial in food and it keeps the digestive system healthy and prevents indigestion.

Along with this, bones also remain strong. Maize flour itself is very beneficial for treating the symptoms of heart disease and diabetes, but do you know that regular consumption of corn flour.

Maize flour can also help you lose weight. In fact, many people are very concerned about their increased weight and are on the lookout for any such food.

So that their body can get nutrients and also help in losing weight. There are many ways you can incorporate corn flour for this.

It contains calories, protein, carbs, fiber, vitamin C, E antioxidants and lutein. Let's know the benefits and recipes of corn flour for weight loss.

1. Constipation Will Not Occur

Constipation problems cause many people to not digest food properly and find it very difficult to control their weight. Also, it can cause other stomach problems, but with the help of fiber found in corn flour, your food is digested properly and bowel movements are not disturbed. You can make many dishes with cornflour.

2. High Calorie Will Lead To Fatigue

Many times we think of something to eat because we are tired or hungry. In such a condition you start eating at irregular times, so you start gaining weight suddenly. Also, if you work from home or have a sedentary job, the problem can be compounded, but cornmeal is high in calories, which will keep you full throughout the day and not get hungry again. Vitamin B also promotes metabolism.

3. Gain A Healthy Weight

Many times we eliminate many nutrients from our diet to lose weight, which weakens our body. At the same time, you will be surprised to know that instead of losing weight, it suddenly starts gaining and the body does not develop properly, while corn flour contains a variety of vitamins, proteins, fiber and other nutrients. You lose weight in a healthy way and get a toned body shape.

4. Lower Cholesterol

The fiber present in cornflour helps in reducing the level of low-density lipoprotein, which helps to reduce bad cholesterol in the blood and reduce excess body fat. Therefore, fat does not accumulate in many parts of the body and near the stomach. Apart from this, it helps in reducing the symptoms of heart related diseases.

5. Get Plenty Of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is very beneficial for your body and skin. It helps detoxify your body and flush out waste products. This can help in reducing body weight.

Use Corn Flour To Lose Weight

Using cornflour to make oats You can cook cornflour in milk and eat it with a variety of dry fruits and fruits. This helps in weight loss.

You can use cornflour to make cakes or cupcakes. With the help of this you can also avoid the side effects of flour.

You can also use cornflour to thicken pasta and noodles. With this you can have healthy carbs.

Apart from this, you can eat corn flour bread for breakfast and dinner. You can include green vegetables in this.

You can also make its bread and keep it.

Also, if you have trouble with wheat flour, you can use cornflour.

Maize flour is beneficial for health in many ways, but consuming too much of it can increase the risk of diabetes. Also, it can cause stomach problems and weight gain, so always include a balanced amount in your diet.

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Intermittent Fasting Plan

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Intermittent Fasting Plan

You have everything that you need to start a customized intermittent fasting diet plan as early as today as long as you simply follow.

You'll learn guaranteed methods to start losing weight and burning fat with fasting protocols like
16/8 fasting alternate day fasting the 5:2 diet the warrior diet and even the one meal a day diet.

The best part is that I'm gonna give you guys this complete step-by-step guide for free and I'm not
Gonna hold anything back because if I can help you start losing weight with intermittent fasting

Let's get started first you should know that intermittent fasting isn't as much of an eating plan

It's an eating pattern this means that there is no approved and unapproved food list no specific
Calorie recommendations and no macronutrient targets.

Instead, you would take the intermittent fasting eating pattern and apply it to any kind of diet plan that you like the best whether that be paleo, keto, atkins, vegan, vegetarian carb cycling or an old-school bodybuilding 40-40-20 split the point of intermittent fasting is to make all of these eating plans fit into your life.

In an eating pattern that happens to be convenient for you and doesn't worry if you're a little confused right now.

You'll know exactly which eating plan and which eating pattern is best for you so besides
Convenience a couple other benefits of intermittent fasting.

  • Improved insulin sensitivity
  • Fat loss
  • Increased levels of muscle building
  • Human growth hormone
  • Enhance repair process for old and damaged cells
  • Increased productivity
  • Mental clarity
  • Weight loss

All the different intermittent fasting protocols they all have one thing in common there's a portion of the day that's spent fasting where you don't eat anything at all

There's also another portion of the day where you're allowed to eat which is known as
The eating window when first choosing the right intermittent fasting plan

You want to consider two major things which one will fit your lifestyle and preferences the best and which one you're currently ready for because you'll definitely want to ease your way into for in tougher fasting protocols with time and practice.

That means that if you've never fasted before you don't want to start by planning too fast three days in a row because you'll find it almost impossible to manage hunger you see the hunger that you currently feel at the moments of the day where all you can think about is food

Eat instead of a lot of the hunger that you feel comes from conditioned hunger responses that are created after years of practicing a certain eating pattern until it becomes a habit once established these eating habits aren't just reinforced by your mind but they're reinforced by your whole body down to a microscopic level

For example, your stomach will release a hunger hormone known as growling during the times of the day that you're normally used to eating

This means that if you eat breakfast every day for a year straight but then one day you wake up too late and have to skip breakfast then you're very likely to feel very hungry

However, if you skip breakfast again and again for the next few days and weeks you'll adapt to the new eating pattern and the hunger will gradually diminish so the most common starting point for beginners is known as the 16-8 method

I want to start with that before we move on to tougher fasting protocols with 16-8 you would fast for 16 hours of the day and then you would eat within an eight-hour eating window to accomplish this most people will simply skip breakfast and just eat lunch and dinner

You can choose to break you're fast earlier and skip dinner instead of breakfast.

You also aren't limited to just two meals per day you can technically have as many meals as you want as long as they all fall within that eight-hour portion of the day.

That you're allowed to eat for but to keep things simple let's pretend that you decide to start your eating window at one o'clock and end it eight hours later.

This would mean that you wouldn't be able to eat anything between 9 o'clock at
Night and one o'clock the next day and since you're restricting the amount of time per day.

You'll most likely be eating less automatically however it doesn't always work
Out that way and even if you do start losing body fat by simply skipping breakfast without a
The systematic step-by-step process

You'll be completely stuck once you stop losing weight hit your first plateau and the results start slowing down, calculate exactly how many calories and macros

You'll need to aim for every day to burn fat and the easiest way to do that is by using my free fat loss calculator that gives you a recommended plan or you could choose another dieting style


Some of you may want more carbs in your diet so you might go with the higher carb dieting
Others may want more fat rather than carbs so they can choose the ketogenic option

No matter which plans you choose all of them will work fine with intermittent fasting and you'll be able to spread those calories and those macros out between your meals in a way that actually suits your lifestyle

So let's say that you love eating at night you can have 30 percent of your daily calories and macros for your first meal at 1 o'clock and save the other 70 percent for a large satisfying dinner around 8 o'clock

You can also do the reverse so 70 percent for your first meal and then 30 percent for your last or you could do 50/50 where you can have 3 meals and do 20 20 60.

If you want to eat past 9 o'clock if you're a really late night eater you can set up your eating
Window to start later on in the day let's say at 4 o'clock and that would allow you to continue
Eating all the way until midnight with intermittent fasting

You really do have a lot of options but regardless of how you set up your plan after you've picked the plan that you like you should monitor the number of calories and macros that you're eating.

For the first few days or at least until you get the general idea of exactly how much food you should be eating per day because you can still very easily over-eat within an eight-hour time limit.

To prevent overeating I recommend filling your diet with a lot of green vegetables high-quality sources of protein healthy sources of fat and high-fiber carbohydrates all of these will fill you up and keep you full for longer.

In general, you want to be eating whole natural single ingredient foods the majority of the time but you can also incorporate some junk food into your diet without sacrificing results and you would do that by filling in the gaps in your macros.

Your last meal and you already ate a bunch of vegetables and protein as well as some healthy
Fats and carbohydrates but you still have 45 the carbs and 10 grams of fat leftover for the day
Rather than having a serving of brown rice with some butter you can have 4 or 5 oreos instead.

Just keep in mind that you should only reach for the snacks and sweets after you've already filled your stomach up with healthy food because most junk food is very dense in calories but not very filling.

Again I recommend tracking your macros like this in the beginning but this is definitely not something that you'll be doing forever as soon as you have a good idea of how much total food you're allowed to eat for the day.

You can switch over to a more intuitive approach now managing hunger during your
16 hour fast is a little trickier because you obviously won't be able to eat any food

There are things you can do to really help first of all I already said as long as you're eating
Filling natural foods during your last meal before you start your fast it'll be a lot easier to control
Your appetite.

Once you're fasting black coffee can be really effective at helping some people reduce
Their hunger throughout the day and it's really not the end of the world

If you add a little bit of cream to your coffee drinking a lot of water throughout the day will help as well and you can also drink things like green tea and lemon water

Now once you feel like you've mastered the 16-8 fasting protocol you could stick with it or you can move on to a tougher one like the warrior diet which is a 24 split meaning you would fast for 20 hours per day and only allow yourself to eat for 4 hours.

Within a 4-hour time limit, you'll probably only be able to get a maximum of 2 meals
Or just one meal and a snack but you'll feel like you're able to eat a lot more freely

Hot dog eating champions eat close to 20,000 calories in 10 minutes but logically speaking if
You're cramming your whole day's worth of calories.

You can just like with 16-8 the same rules applied you can position your four-hour eating window in the morning at night or in the middle of the day you can also once again divide your macros and calories.

How you want between your meals having more at the beginning of your eating window or more towards the end. It's entirely up to you but after mastering the warrior diet you can try to move on to the next protocol one meal a day.

This is technically supposed to be a 23:00 one split where you only have an hour per day to eat your meal, it becomes even easier not to overeat even if you're eating freely you have a lot more room for high-calorie foods and for one giant very filling meal.

With 1 meal a day you finally can eat it's especially important to start with a high-quality source of
Protein a lot of vegetables and healthy sources of carbs and fats.

After fasting for almost the whole day you're gonna want to eat anything you can get your hands on like I said we don't want this to turn into a hot dog eating contest after you eat a truly filling healthy meal

Muscle loss

In intermittent we won't have risk of muscle loss. But in one meal a day we put muscle into a starvation mode well I wouldn't recommend the one meal a day diet or even the warrior diet for those of you that are primarily focused on gaining muscle mass.

It's gonna be so hard to take in enough calories in just one meal to stay in a caloric surplus but
It turns out that even though it'll be very tough to gain muscle you won't be losing it.

According to studies protein breakdown rates dropped when you're fasting and human growth
Hormone goes up which helps preserve muscle loss also your body evolved long before.

We had things like agriculture and refrigerators your body is fully capable of going without food for at least 3 days before you see any negative effects on muscle and after those three days protein breakdown rates decrease.

Even more, the bottom line is that you don't have to worry about muscle loss unless you're doing a
Real really long fast and before you even try something like a three-day fast.

You should try the last two fasting protocols that I want to go over with you right now alternate day fasting or the 5:2 diet these are actually very similar fasting plans because they both involve going 24 full hours.

Without food on certain days and then eating freely
Alternate-day fasting you would have as close to zero calories one day then you would eat freely.

It's unlikely that you'll eat two days worth of food in just one day however it's not impossible so you do want to keep an eye on your results and make changes to the amount you're eating.

If you're not losing weight or if you're losing weight too fast with the 5:2 diet you would spend two days per week fasting and five days eating freely

The two days don't have to be consecutive back-to-back days but they can be with both of these fasting protocols

You have some people choose to still eat around 500 calories on their fasting days to help hold them
Over but I recommend that if you feel like you need those 500 calories you might be better off
Sticking with a shorter fasting protocol like 16:8

Breaking the fast

I really think that some people are over complicating it all of the fastings protocols, don't last long enough for you to obsess over.

Exactly what to eat first second and third when you can start eating again

You only have to ease back into eating food when you do a fast that lasts longer than three days because your digestive system will need some warming up.

If you fast for three days or longer then you can start incorporating the bone broths and the
Apple cider vinegar and things like that

All the fasting plans that I talked about today your number one priority when ending you're fast should be to start with a meal high in protein and vegetables to prevent overeating .

Don't stress yourself out now in regard to fasted training as of right now.

There are some studies that support the theory that you could burn more fat by exercising in a fasted state

There are other studies that show that fat loss will level out by the end of the day whether you train for that or not

I really like to train while fasting because I feel less tired without having to digest a pre-workout meal and I tend to get a better workout on an empty stomach

Other people it's the exact opposite effect regardless even if you do burn a little more fat by exercising on an empty stomach I really don't think.

It'll make that much of a huge huge difference so position your workout at a time that's most convenient and works best for you

Losing either 20 pounds or 5% of their body fat in only 42 days not only will you get a customized diet plan but you'll also get a 42-day workout plan.

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Amla Helps in Weight Loss

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Amla Helps in Weight Loss

An amla a day, keeps cold, coughs and flu away.

An indigenous fruit, amla has a long tradition of being used as a therapeutic fruit across all regions of india. Indian homes and our dadis, nanis, appas, ammas have always known about the benefits of amla.

Why did it lose favour in modern india? 

Well, one reason is that the farmer cannot buy billboards or sponsor tv shows like orange juice makers or kiwi sellers can. And your grandmom doesn’t speak with an accent or tells you about its benefits from an exotic locale. Toh follow the money and you will figure where we lost our common sense.

How you can include amla daily life :

1. As the whole fruit by itself, with kala namak
2. As sherbets, fresh and homemade
3. As moravla (murabba) or amla jams that are made at home and stored literally for ages 
4. Amla pickle – have it with lunch or dinner.
5. Chyawanprash – main ingredient is amla. Can have with milk, water or just like that.
6. Amla supari - dried and salted amla used as a mouth freshener and as a digestive and antacid.

Why Amla and what all benefits will get ?

- prevent cold, coughs and flus and even help you recover from them
- help you burn fat and sport a slimmer waist
- improve insulin sensitivity and help regulate blood sugars
- regulate production of cholesterol and has cardio-protective abilities
- provide 20 times, you heard that right, the vit c of orange.
- if you are tired, dull, irritated, it will help perk you up.
- work as a co-factor for iron assimilation.
- if you are low on hb, have this. 
- prevent wrinkling and greying of hair (even used as a hair dye).
- improve eye sight, oral health and help heal bruises faster.
- rich in vit b1 and b2, will help you if have heavy flow on second day of the period.

Basically, this winter, "Ek amle ka dose, har roz."

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Lose Weight Fast : Avoid Maida, Oil, Sweet

Lose Weight Fast : Avoid Maida, Oil, Sweet

Things made from maida may sound very tasty but they are no doubt harmful to health. Consuming it continuously can lead to many diseases like obesity and diabetes. About which we are going to learn today.

While eating samosas, kachoris, biscuits, bhaturas, don't even think that both the ingredients and the process used to make them are harmful to health. Eating things made from flour can lead to rapid weight gain, as well as many heart-related diseases. Let's take a look at this.

For These Reasons Flour Is Harmful To The Body

Blood Sugar

Flour has a very high glycemic index, so when you eat things made from flour, the glucose level in the body rises. Due to this, the pancreas immediately activates and starts releasing insulin in large quantities. So if you have a lot of flour in your diet, stop it. Because this will gradually reduce the production of insulin, as a result you may become diabetic.

Increases Digestion Problems

The things made of flour get stuck in our intestines, due to which the digestive system starts to deteriorate and gradually causes problems like constipation, acidity, stomach ache.

This is because flour is low in fiber and therefore takes a long time to digest. It not only affects digestion but also slows down metabolism. Due to this, obesity starts to increase and many people also suffer from headaches.


Flour is very greasy, so our digestive system cannot digest it properly, thus increasing the chances of acid reflux. Acidic foods directly affect our bones. Loss of calcium from the bones leads to loss of bone density, leading to diseases such as arthritis and inflammation. So instead of eating flour, eat wheat substitutes. 

Fat burnner : Intermittent Fasting -> IF Diet

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 Intermittent  Fasting : The IF Diet

Here's everything  you need to know about intermittent  fasting boy this kind of describes my  commute at rush hour goes fast then slow-fast then slow intermittent fasting get  it okay.


We're not talking about stop-and-go driving here nope intermittent fasting  or if' is the most popular weight loss  program today even celebrities like Hugh  Jackman Chris Hemsworth and Benedict  Cumberbatch.

Dr. Kevin Gendreau a primary  care doctor claimed that he lost 125  pounds in 18 months thanks to
intermittent fasting before IF he  weighed 300 pounds whoa  it seems that intermittent fasting is a  true miracle worker

What is the  secret behind if' that makes it so  effective  the truth  behind this weight loss craze with a  nagging question in our minds is it  possible for the all human body to endure  long hours of fasting on a daily basis 

Hey let's perform a little sleuthing first who created intermittent fasting, in general, is an age-old  practice but it has nothing to do with  your dream of achieving each body  physique actually you've been kind of  doing if.

History of fasting

You eat breakfast has in breakfast Greek heavyweights such as Pythagoras.

Socrates and Plato fasted to purify  their spirit and mind some major  religions exercise fasting to
strengthen  their faith Mahatma Gandhi fasted 17  times during his campaign for Indian  independence 

He not only shed some pounds but also shed the British government but when did fasting gain recognition as a means of shedding a few pounds well it was popularized by the American writer Upton  Sinclair in the 1900s.

Sinclair practice juice cleansing and  fasting at the same time in August 2012  fasting gained
recognition from the  health and fitness community  thanks to the influence of a doctor and  journalist
Michael Mosley.

He published a  book about it in January 2013 entitled  the fast diet now before we move on
we  need to clarify misconceptions about  intermittent fasting

First of all if' is often thought to be  a type of diet with intermittent fasting  you're not watching what you eat instead  you have to watch when you eat


It's not a diet plan but an eating pattern we'll explain this later in detail, for now.

The  second misconception about if' is that  you must starve yourself so let's look  at the definition of starving from the  Merriam-webster dictionary to suffer or die from lack of food on the other hand  also taken from the same dictionary  fasting means to eat no food for a  period of time

With if' you still have  to eat and drink but it should be time-restricted that's why intermittent  fasting is sometimes called time-restricted eating

The third and last the misconception that holds back the health  buffs from trying this controversial  weight loss program is the safety and  health concerns associated with  intermittent fasting

How intermittent fasting works

Intermittent  fasting is an eating pattern with if'  your entire day or week is divided into  two parts the eating period and the fasting period

During the eating period, you can eat a regular meal so yeah you  don't have to starve yourself well in  the fasting period you're not allowed to  consume any food nope not even a single  morsel can touch your lips

There is  an exception to this rule during fasting  you can drink but only water tea or  black coffee no sugar or creamer plays 

Some cases, means when you're on full-day fasting or one meal a day on in a worrier diet, you can eat a few hundred calories or a fruit and veggie combo.

While you're in fasting mode how can you split your day week into an eating period and a fasting period can it be  16 hr fasting and 8 hours eating.

Here are some eating patterns you can follow

Lean Gains

The sixteen to eight pattern also known as lean gains was invented by fitness expert Martin Burkham lean gains is an if' schedule that's good for beginners.

It involves  fasting for 14 to 16 hours a day the  remaining six to eight hours are for the  eating period

The 5 to 2 pattern

The fast diet is a method created by British doctor and journalist Michael Mosley yup the same guy who revived the popularity of intermittent fasting.

This is lighter  than the lean gains protocol because you  can eat 500 to 600 calories or calorie-rich foods during the two days of  fasting and then you can eat normally  for 5 days

  Eat Stop Eat

 Eat stop eat was discovered by fitness expert Brad Pihl on with this intermittent fasting eating pattern you have to fast for 24 hours once or twice a week.

  For example, you can start your fast on Monday at 12 p.m. and ended on  Tuesday the next day at 12 p.m.  alternate day fasting as the name  suggests is where you fast every other  day when in a fasting period you can  either eat 500 to 600 calories or  nothing at all

Warrior Diet

The warrior diet was popularized by fitness expert Meckler contrary to the scary name it requires fasting all day but you can still eat small portions of fruits and vegetables.

The eating period is from 6  p.m. to 10 p.m. and you can eat one huge meal.

The primary concern about intermittent fasting is the insane amount of time required for the fasting period. we're wired to eat breakfast lunch dinner and a couple of snacks every day.

How would your body feel if you skipped breakfast or lunch you might experience hunger weakness dizziness or vomiting. you might also have sudden mood swings from frustration to irritation.

These are normal bodily reactions during the first weeks or months of if' because the body is still adjusting but what can you really achieve with fasting over the course of time your body will eventually overcome the side-effects under normal circumstances.

Your body gets energy from the food you  eat this energy is stored in your liver and muscles

When you're in a  fasting period your body gets its energy from its last reserve fat the fat stored in your body is burned to convert it to energy the longer you fast the more fat is burned in the process.

Health benefits

  • Getting  rid of the fat you wanted to flush out  from your body
  • Prevent type  2 diabetes
  • Promote insulin  resistance
  • Good for the heart
  • It  may prevent cancer
  • It improves brain  function
  • It promotes longevity

It simplifies your lifestyle because you  don't need to plan cook and pack three to six meals a
the day you can save money and time.

When buying and preparing food hey that means fewer dishes to wash up too although intermittent fasting seems promising this weight loss solution is not for everyone.

If you really want to  try it  we suggest consulting your doctor first especially in  cases diabetes low  blood pressure underweight pregnant  breastfeeding or trying to conceive  eating disorder

Children and teens are advised not to  try if' because at this stage of their development they need more energy than  adults

You should also remember that you can't lose weight through intermittent fasting alone since you're always fasting your body needs proper nourishment from healthy foods like dairy lean proteins nuts and seeds veggies whole grains and unprocessed and whole foods.

It's also safe to exercise  while fasting but we recommend doing it  after your body has adjusted and is not experiencing side effects like hunger or  weakness

It's tough to lose weight regardless of the slimming program you go with sacrifices must be made saying goodbye to your favorite greasy foods or not eating from time to time.

If you can't keep away  from that bag of chips or you don't have  enough self-control it might have
something to do with your body's Constitution than this diet not much effective.

what's important

It should work for you in the long run so how about you have you tried  intermittent fasting
do you know a  better way to lose weight love to know your thoughts in the comment box.

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Intermittent Fasting Mistake : The IF Diet

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Intermittent Fasting Mistake : The IF Diet

Most of you have heard about intermittent fasting and you've probably heard that fasting can help you burn fat lose some weight and be more productive throughout the day

while still enjoying bigger more satisfying meals but most of you probably don't know that if you set up your intermittent fasting plan incorrectly it can make you fatter rather than leaner

i want to go over five of the top intermittent fasting mistakes so you can avoid them and get the fastest results possible.

First Mistake

The very first mistake i want to go over it has to do with people's lack of patience so many people start fasting and all they could think about is how badly they want to lose weight or body fat

what's the quickest way to do it so what they do is they spend the whole day or part of the day not eating and then finally when they're feeding window arrives and they're finally allowed to eat they still try to severely restrict calories.

One of my favorite things about fasting is that it teaches you how to listen to your body and how to eat normally without having to think about every last calorie.

Fasting allows you to reteach your body how to stop eating when you're full but a lot of people that think that they're going to get results faster continue to deprive themselves of food even when they're allowed to eat

not only is this physically stressful on your body but it's also extremely mentally stressful on your willpower and your mind, in the long run, this is completely unsustainable and will most likely lead you to a big bad binge.

Binging can lead you into a downward spiral that causes you to regain all the body fat that you might have lost from fasting, to begin with, to prevent this make sure that you allow yourself to eat sensible options.

All the way until you're full as long as you're having real natural single and reading foods you'll feel full long before you go over your total daily allotted calories.

Second Mistake

you can make and that bingeing as soon as your fasting window has ended a lot of you especially if you're new to fasting might be sitting.

There every day just counting down the seconds until you're finally allowed to eat during that way in your mind is giving you all kinds of suggestions that will help you feel full and satisfied.

As soon as you can eat again and unfortunately most of those suggestions are going to be junk food that you've been mentally obsessing over and craving even if you're eating fewer meals per day.

If you binge and satisfy your unhealthy cravings every time that you eat you won't get many results but don't worry there are a few simple tips that can help you avoid binging every time.

Make sure you're tracking your calories and macros.
To be sure you're not going way over your daily allotted calories.

If you don't know what calories and macros you need for fat loss you can use the calorie calculator that i have linked up.

You can do is have a meal sitting in the fridge already prepped and ready to go by having a meal ready

you don't have to go through the grueling process of cooking after a long period of fasting because a lot of you will start eating easy to access junk food while cooking your meal.

If you start eating junk food while prepping a healthy meal by the time that you're done cooking you'll already wolf down sometimes 500 calories.

The healthy meal ready to go my last tip to help you with this issue is to actually indulge in your cravings but only after you've already filled up on a healthy meal eat

your vegetables first followed by your protein source followed by your fruit you're a healthy carb source and then you can finally make room for snacks and cravings by satisfying your cravings.

Keep in mind instrument fasting works because ultimately you less fasting may give you more room for the food you enjoy but it's not an excuse to eat whatever you want to whatever excess.

Third Mistake

having coffee every morning and the good news is even while you're fasting you can but i'm sure most of you ever heard that you want to stick to black coffee.

It can take you out of your fasted state and prevent you from burning as much of your own fat however this is not entirely true many people add butter mct oil or coconut oil to their coffee because of none.

Those pure fat options will spike your insulin levels very much at all most creamers are very low in carbs and are higher in fat even though adding a creamer can slow fat loss down a little you should still stay in a fat-burning state.

Stay away from cream if you can't have your coffee black the key with coffee creamer is to go light on the cream put just enough in your coffee for you to be able to drink it the only time that.

This would become a problem is if you're having four or five cups of coffee a day but if you're having one cup of coffee a tiny bit of cream will most likely not break you out of your
fast the bigger problem is sugar.

There shouldn't be any sugar in your coffee because that will spike your blood sugar and your insulin levels and it'll ruin your fast most people know this so most people will replace the sugar with an artificial sweetener but this can be a big problem.

The problem with this is that some artificial sweeteners have shown to also increase insulin levels so do your best to stay away from artificial sweeteners while fasting

you can have a piece of sugar-free gum or not because the amount of artificial sweetener and one piece of sugar-free gum is basically negligible.

However, if you start taking four or five packets of equal or splenda or stevia and throwing it in your morning coffee not only can you be throwing yourself out of your past but you can also be making yourself crazy sweets even more.

The same thing goes for sugar-free drinks like coke zero or crystal light asides from the negative
effect of breaking your fast you should avoid these drinks just because of the harmful effects of
aspartame alone on top of that specifically in the coke zero and other sugar-free drinks.

If you're slamming down diet soda after diet soda you'll definitely run into problems.

Fourth mistake

i see people making all the time is an overall fear of being hungry many people when they feel hungry they feel like something's wrong or that something could go wrong.

What do they eat right away this can not only ruin your fast but it can completely turn you off to fasting due to a fear of something going wrong.

You have to understand when you first start fasting your body is still in its regular eating schedule so a lot of people feel like their morning breakfast cravings will never go away but the truth is that your body will adjust over time and you'll feel less hungry at breakfast.

As you get more used to not having your breakfast your hunger hormones are released during the
same times of the day that you're used to eating.

You can see this in your pets will start getting antsy and they'll start looking for their food at the same time every day without being able to read a clock it's because our bodies are on an internal schedule.

If you have a lot of trouble with hunger when you first start fasting try to first just cut out all carbs for breakfast then stick to primarily fat and protein then work your way to having a smaller breakfast then delay your breakfast a little later in the day and finally you'll work your way into comfortably skipping breakfast.

Last mistake

you want to avoid is a mistake that most people that do early morning workouts makeover and
over again people are still under the impression that directly after your workout you have to have a
protein shake as soon as possible or else your muscles will not start repairing.

So someone that wakes up at 6 a. M. To get an early one cow tin will immediately have a protein shake even though they're supposed to be fasting until noon or one o'clock the problem with this is that protein.

Especially whey protein is extremely insulin degenerate meaning having a protein shake after your workout will throw you out of your fast.

It's not just because the protein shake has calories it's because of insulin, in fact, there's a lot of debate about whether having even bcaas or branched-chain amino acids that can throw you out of your fast.

Even they are considered insulin a genic by many experts you don't have to worry about your muscles not repairing

if you wait after your workout until you're eating window if your main goal is a fat loss, i highly recommend that you wait if your main goal is to bulk up and get as muscular as possible then fasting may not even be the most appropriate diet plan for you at this current time.

Fasting makes it hard to create enough of the calorie surplus to significantly bulk up however once again for those of you that are primarily looking to lose some body fat with fasting you'll be better off saving the protein shake too later that's it.

The big catch is that you actually have to stick to the plan who would have ever thought that if
you wanted to change your body you would have to not only have a plan but you also have to be
willing to follow it and stick to it.

This plan will give you everything you need to succeed including an accountability coach that's going to check in with you every week as well as a diet and a workout plan and we transition you into a lifestyle fasting plan.

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Diet Plan for Navratri

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Diet Plan for Navratri

It’s the time of the year when the end of pitru paksha leads to the beginning of navratri. Both, in their own way, are a means that use food or anna as a learning tool. 

Pitru paksha is about charity and offering food to the ancestors who no longer live in their bodies and in the realm of our world. 

Navratri, amongst many other things, is about staying disciplined with food to help nurture the creative and the feminine principle in our physical bodies.

Meal one (on waking up) 

  • fresh fruit
  • handful of nuts
  • overnight soaked raisins with kesar

Meal two (breakfast) 

  • Singhare ke pakode
  • sabudana khichdi
  • sweet potato with dahi
  • alu ki kheer
  • chana poori 
  • halwa (on last day)

Meal three (lunch) 

  • Rajgira or kuttu or singhare atta ki roti with alu 
  • arbi sabzi/ makhane ki sabzi  
  • kuttu ki kadhi with samo chaawal
  • upasacha thalipeeth

Meal four (dinner) 

  • Samo chawal with dahi
  • jhangora kheer 
  • paneer ki sabzi with kuttu 
  • singhare or rajgira or banana flour ki roti


  • fresh fruit
  • milkshake
  • chaas
  • shikanji
  • kheer
  • shakarkandi ki chaat 
  • sabudana wada with dahi

Navratri is of special significance to women as they are live expressions of the divine mother. I believe it is our cultural way of “feminism”, both fearless and joyful, in harmony with the dance of life.

 In a way, it teaches us that as women we must celebrate our lives every moment, and in every role we take up. Whether we choose to express ourselves as forms of annapurna, saraswati, lakshmi, durga, kali, we are all beautiful.

The food is “restricted” as a method of disciplining the senses. Nutritionally, it empowers the women with nutrients that make them not just physically stronger but helps bring about a balance at the hormonal level too. 

This is because of the diversity of foods that are traditionally eaten during this time. It’s a “religious” method of teaching families that good physical health of the women and girls is of paramount importance to the wellbeing of communities and societies.

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Running Vs Walking Weight Loss

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Running Vs Walking Weight Loss

We always think about exercise, should we run or walk in the morning and evening? What is more beneficial? Find out which exercise is more beneficial between running and walking. Understand which exercises are suitable for weight loss.

Which exercise is best for you between walking and running depends on your fitness goals. Know the benefits of both.

Which Exercise Is Better Between Walking And Running?

Both walking and running are excellent forms of cardio exercise. Both are most popular among people who want to lose significant weight and who don't like going to the gym. But if you try to find out which is better between running and walking, it will be difficult to choose between the two as both offer different health benefits.

One of these two is a low-impact activity while the other can be a challenging exercise for your body. Which of these two exercises is better for you depends on your fitness goals. So we have tried to explain the difference between running and walking to make it easier for you to choose the right one for you.

Health Benefits Of Walking And Running

Both walking and running offer similar health benefits. The main difference between the two is the number of calories burned. Both are good for your cardiovascular system, help flex your muscles and improve your mood. Moreover, they can increase your stamina, strengthen your immunity and help you manage chronic diseases.

What Is Good For Weight Loss? Running Or Walking?

If your only objective is to lose extra fat, then running is the best option as it helps you burn more calories. Walking can help you burn calories, but it is relatively better than running. For example, a 72 kg person can burn 600 calories running at 5 mph (mph).

If you want to maintain a healthy weight, just 30 minutes of walking every day is enough. A 54-pound person burns 133 calories walking 2 miles. By increasing the speed, you can increase the number of calories burned.

Which Exercise To Choose?

If you have just started exercising, it is a good place to start your weight loss journey. Once you have a routine, you can increase your speed to burn more calories. 

When you feel the fat is coming off, you can walk after a week or two. You can also try interval walking which can help you burn a lot of calories.

If you are over 50 or have heart problems or joint and muscle pain, walking is good for you. Running is a hip-impact activity that can put a lot of stress on your body, which can worsen your posture.

You can't lose weight just by exercising. Equally important is your diet. Include healthy and nutritious food in your diet and reduce your calorie intake to reach your weight loss goals.

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