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5 kg in 1 week - Most effective diet - Military diet vegetarian version

Healthy Food 2 Meal a Day Diet Balanced diet Virat Kohli diet Military diet

Military diet Vegetarian version

The vegan military diet is the most popular "diets."It helps you lose weight quickly, up to 5 kg in a single week. The diet isn't copyright with any military or governmental institution.

Military diet vegetarian version

The vegan military diet goes by several other names as well, including the Navy diet, the army diet, and even the ice cream diet, vegetarian military diet.

The vegan military diet also called weight loss diet that can help you lose up to 5 Kg in a week.
 vegetarian or vegan people also follow this diet easily we also explain as vegan version of this diet.

 The vegan military diet plan involves low calories food in starting the diet of the first week.
 In the second week take fruits and vegetables with extremely low calories meal. 

This diet claim that it was designed by nutritionists in the US military in order to get soldiers into top shape quickly.

How Does The Vegan military diet Work?

The vegan military diet is actually split into 2 phases over a 2 week.

 For the first week :

you must follow a set low-calorie meal plan for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Total calorie intake during this phase is roughly 1,100–1,400 calories per day.

 In worst case Maximum 1500 calorie calories per day.
You can check your own calorie requirements using this calculator.

For the second week :

 you are encouraged to eat healthily and continue to keep your calorie intake low.
 Try to add maximum vegetables and fruits.
The remaining second week has fewer restrictions.

Military diet vegetarian version

Why the vegan military diet so effective?

Yes, The vegan military diet is high in protein and low in fat.
 VLCD published one article, This diet effective in helping people lose weight in the short term.

Military diet vegetarian version

A VLCD allows a maximum of 800 calories per day.
People with obesity may need to adopt a VLCD to achieve rapid weight loss before bariatric surgery. Low-calorie diets are those that allow fewer than 1,000 calories per day.

What things need to add in the shopping list?

The vegan military diet shopping list should include peanut butter and whole-wheat bread, slice of toast, black coffee, cottage cheese, cheddar cheese, hot dogs, vanilla ice cream.

Military diet vegetarian version


Following a first week, vegan military diet plan can cause several potential problems.

The poor variety on the diet days means that people will struggle to eat enough fiber, vitamins, and minerals. 

the saltine crackers, peanut butter, bread, and cheese, the diet is quite high in processed foods that contain high salt, sugar, and saturated fat.

People should check nutrition labels to make sure that they are not eating more sodium.
the recommended sodium level is 2,300 milligrams a day limit.

A diet that supports high-calorie foods may not feel full because portion sizes must remain small to keep within a daily calorie budget.

Keep total calorie intake under 1,500 per day. You can find a list of websites and apps to track your calorie intake in this article.

For example,
 peanut - can swap - almond butter.
1 cup of tuna – can swap – almonds.

All that matters is that the calories remain the same. If you change the meal plan in any way, you need to be counting calories.

The course of action of the vegan military diet encourage drinking hot lemon water, but recommend against artificially sweetened beverages.

This diet claim that it has a certain weight loss advantage due to the "food combinations" in the meal plan.

These combinations are said to increase your metabolism and burn fat, but there is no truth behind these claims.

Coffee and green tea do contain compounds that can slightly increase metabolism, that helps to lose weight (1234).

Some people also claim this diet has similar health benefits to intermittent fasting. There is no fasting involved in the diet, so this is false.

The vegan military diet is likely safe for the average person.

 if you were to follow this diet for months at a time when the risk of nutrient deficiencies may occur.

This is especially true if you do not regularly eat vegetables and other quality foods on your days off.

Additionally, eating fruits, salad, crackers and ice cream every week has the potential to cause metabolic issues. Junk food should not be a regular part of your diet.

The vegan military diet is likely safe for healthy people, but it shouldn’t be done for extended periods of time.

This diet became popular because it claims you can lose 5 kg in a week.

Theoretically, this rate of weight loss is possible for overweight people who severely restrict calories.
Most of the weight loss will be due to loss of water, not fat.

Water weight drops rapidly as the body's glycogen stores decline, which happens when you restrict carbs and calories (7).

If you want to lose a few pounds quickly, then the vegan military diet can help. But you are likely to regain the weight back very fast too.

This is simply not a good diet for lasting weight loss. If you're serious about losing weight and you don’t want an immediate result.

Then we have many weight loss methods that have more health benefit.

Calories too low to exercise?

Some people may find exercise challenging on diet days.

Eating fewer than 1,400 calories on diet days may make it challenging to do exercise, especially any high-intensity activities.

Eating enough calories on the second week off will allow people to exercise more easily.

The course of action of the diet recommends sticking to fewer than 1,500 calories on these days too.


The vegan military diet involves restricting calorie consumption on first week.

In next week eating a regular diet but full of fruits and vegetables.

To optimize their weight loss, people may wish to try reducing calories in the next few weeks.

Following the vegan military diet may be effective and harmless in the short term, but long-term adherence has associated risks.

Adopting healthy eating habits every day is a more sustainable approach to losing weight and maintaining weight loss.

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  1. Best work you have done, this online website is really cool with great facts. vegan meal plan

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    Fast weight loss diet plan lose 5 kg in 5 days

  5. Looking for an easy diet to lose a few pounds? If you're searching the internet, chances are you've come across something called the "military diet."

    It's also known as the Navy diet, the Army diet, and sometimes the ice cream diet, because in addition to hot dogs and tuna, you can have ice cream on all three days of the program. It is said that it was invented to make overweight recruits lose weight.
