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GM diet plan - General Motors Diet

GM diet plan - General Motors Diet

GM diet plan - General Motors Diet

The GM diet means as general motor employees diet plan it is a 7-Day diet plan for quick weight loss.The employees consumed low-calorie food groups on different days. This is believed to have triggered the weight loss.

The GM diet, also known as the General Motors diet, is a plan that promises to help you lose weight.
It was created in 1985 by General Motors to help its employees lose weight.

The employees consumed low-calorie food groups on different days. By the end of the first week, the employees lost up to 7.7 kg.

Each day of the GM diet permits you to eat different foods or food groups. Proponents of the diet claim this technique stimulates weight loss and helps burn fat faster than other diets.

What Is the GM Diet?

GM diet is a weight loss management plan developed by the General Motors Corporation to help keep their employees stay in shape. This diet system involves the consumption of specific foods per day, in contrast to weekly schedules like that of Atkins and South Beach diets.

What started as an in-house program for individuals within the General Motors Corporation today has become a worldwide phenomenon. The GM diet plan has grown to be a popular diet plan over time has caught on and today has become very popular with people looking for a diet plan that works.

It can help you detoxify, burn more fat, improve your digestion and lose up to 15 pounds (6.8 kg) in one week.The GM diet plan is broken up into seven days, each with strict rules about which food groups you can consume.

For example, your diet on day two is limited to only vegetables, while on day five you're instructed to eat several whole tomatoes and large portions of meat or protein food. Going on a very low-calorie diet might work for weight loss.

It Is Low In Calories: 

Weight loss is calculated by the number of calories you consume and the number of calories you burn. When you consume fewer calories, your body shifts to a negative energy balance. This makes you lose weight.

It Boosts Metabolism: 

The foods included in this diet plan are believed to boost your metabolism and keep your body in the fat-burning mode. However, there is no study that backs this claim.

It Includes Negative Calorie Foods: 

Negative calorie foods burn calories during their digestion and processing. This means you lose weight by burning calories even when you eat.  It sounds good, but dietitians and nutritionists do not believe in the term “negative calorie foods“.

It Is A Good Detox: 

Consuming healthy food and staying hydrated may help flush out toxins.

Improve Digestion: 

The fruits and vegetables in the GM diet contain dietary fiber, which helps improve bowel movement and digestion. However, it is not established if the GM diet follows the recommended 25 g dietary fiber/day based on a 2000-calorie diet or not.

How to Prepare for the GM Diet ?

To those who are planning to follow the GM diet as their weight loss management regimen.
they should be able to withstand excess sweating, occasional feeling of hunger, and momentary
weakness. these are among the common side effects during the first days of the diet routine.

One way to prepare for the GM diet is by staying hydrated. That is, regular water intake should be observed, at 8-10 glasses each day. This is because once the body welcomes the effects of GM diet it would require extra water for energy and metabolism.

Those who instantly follow the diet system may suffer from incessant muscle pain and weakness, increased body heat, and malaise.All of these could only be regulated by adequate amounts of water in the body.

GM Diet Meal Plan Chart :

Avoiding alcohol intake should also be observed when preparing for the GM diet. This is because alcohol prevents the effects of the diet from taking place, and followers would only end up stumped with their current weight even after a week of weight loss management.

The main foods that the GM diet allows include fruits, vegetables, meat, and milk. The plan instructs people to eat a big breakfast, a moderately sized lunch, and a light dinner.

It also allows several snacks throughout the day. The diet involves a  "wonder soup" which is a tangy, low-calorie vegetable soup containing cabbage, tomatoes, celery, pepper, and carrots. People can eat wonder soup as a snack to curb hunger pangs until their next meal.

The GM diet consists of a 7-day meal plan. Each day focuses on a specific food or food group. the General Motors corporation developed and endorsed this diet plan to help its employees lose weight.

GM diet Exercise

The GM diet can take part in light forms of exercise, such as yoga, while dieting.
After day 3, they can add walking or other low-intensity cardio to their workouts.
On days 5 to 7, people can start adding strength training to their exercise regimen.

Does it actually work? 

GM diet works because many of the foods included in the diet are low in calories, such as fruits and vegetables. This can help promote weight loss by creating a calorie deficit, which is when you consume fewer calories than you burn throughout the day.

The plan also states that many of the foods in the diet are "negative-calorie foods," meaning they provide fewer calories than they take to digest. List of all negative-calorie foods.

Many of the foods the diet recommends are also high in water. For this reason, proponents claim that the GM diet can enhance fat loss and help detoxify your body. Supporters also say you may repeat the diet multiple times to achieve your long-term weight goals, recommending a gap of 5–7 days between cycles.

Rule book of GM Diet

First of all beans are not allowed on the diet.
The diet claims they are high in calories and may cause weight gain.
Coffee and green tea are permitted, but only without sugar.
Soda, alcohol and other calorie-filled beverages are not allowed unless specified in the diet.
You may use cottage cheese to replace meat, and soy milk instead of regular milk.
After 1 week the GM diet advises you to consume a high-protein, low-carb diet to help maintain weight loss.

Encourages people to eat more fruit and vegetables, which are healthful, low-calorie foods
Does not allow added sugars or processed foods
Does not permit refined carbohydrates
Lowers people's daily calorie intake

Foods To Avoid

  • Soda
  • Fried food 
  • Alcohol
  • Tea / Coffee 
  • Junk food
  • Packaged/canned food

Day 1 to Day 7: What to eat?

There is a different rule for each day. The diet recommends you to drink 8-12 glasses of water every day. Exercising along with the diet for weight loss is optional, however, it’s not required.

The diet advises against exercising for the first three days. The foods included in the diet are negative calorie foods, which means they provide you with fewer calories than they take to digest.

Many foods recommended in the diet are high in water. Proponents of the diet say that you can repeat the diet multiple times to achieve your weight loss goals but there should be a gap of 5-7 days between two cycles.

Benefits of the GM Diet

First of all, the plan encourages an increased intake of fruits and vegetables, which has been shown to help promote weight loss. This is because fruits and vegetables are low in calories and can create a greater calorie deficit to increase weight loss.

In a 2015 study of more than 133,000 participants, people with the highest intake of fruits and non-starchy vegetables had the lowest risk of weight change over a four-year period. In addition, the diet limits some foods and beverages that cause weight gain.

The benefits of the GM diet are not backed by evidence, but certain scientific facts pertaining to the foods included in this diet hold true:
  • Lose up to 15 pounds (6.8 kg) in just one week
  • Get rid of toxins and impurities in your body
  • Improve your digestion
  • Enhance your body's ability to burn fat
  • Detoxification – Fruits and vegetables are loaded with antioxidants that help flush out toxins.
  • Improves Health – Veggies and fruits boost immunity and improve cell functions.
  • Prevents Weight Gain – Cutting back on sugar and sugary foods help prevent weight gain.

More fruits and vegetables

One health benefit of the GM diet is that fruits and vegetables are the primary foods. Fruits and vegetables suppress fat accumulation in the body because they are low in calories and high in fiber, which makes people feel fuller for longer.

Fewer added sugars

The GM diet does not allow added sugars in either foods or beverages, including alcohol. People in the United States generally eat and drink more sugar than is healthful. Research has identified links between diets high in added sugars and a range of health conditions, including obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.
  • Improved quality and appearance of the skin
  • Enhanced mood
  • Better digestion and metabolism
  • Detoxification
  • Curing irritable bowel syndrome and constipation

The diet claims to help you...

- Lose up to 7 kilos in a week
- Get rid of toxins and impurities in your body
- Improve your digestion
- Enhance your body’s ability to burn fat

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  3. I tried GM diet long back. I lost 3.5 Kg in the week. But gained 4 kg the week after!

  4. While food is something that should be enjoyed, it should also be healthy and nutritious. When we plan our meals, we generally tend to take care that the health factors are addressed meaningfully. A pre-fixed strict meal plan can help you live a healthier life optimising your overall immunity.

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