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Dash Diet Meal Plan

GM DietDixit DietBalanced DietKito DietDash Diet Military DietVegan Diet

Dash Diet Meal Plan

What is the dash-diet and why doctors call it one of the best diets.DASH diet ranked as the best diet, the healthiest diet, and the best diet for diabetes because it is proven to improve health, has a balance of healthy food groups, and it actually works. 

Also, it proves proven to lower blood pressure and cholesterol and is associated with a lower risk of several types of cancer, heart disease, stroke, heart failure, kidney stones, reduced risk of developing diabetes, can slow the progression of kidney disease, and now is associated with reduced risk of depression.

Doctors say that this diet is the most effective way to improve your overall condition according to the National Institute of Health.

It scored 3/5 in the weight loss effectiveness category and 4/5 in healthy usefulness out of 40 diets result is evaluated.

Dash Diet Benefits

This diet is an easy safe and useful plan that can help you feel better and get rid of excess weight. You can lose weight gradually no starving or yo-yo dieting it won't shock or stress your body out.

It stands for Dietary Approaches to stop hypertension. It is a diet developed specifically to reduce blood pressure in those people who live with hypertension. 

what scientists understood later on that  this diet results it resolve tons of other health issues

  •  Reduces cholesterol
  •  Prevent stroke
  •  Prevent heart failure
  •  Brings weight down to a healthy level
  •  Prevent diabetes
  •  Controlling blood pressure

About Dash Diet

The DASH diet balances all the necessary nutrients and minerals. In this diet we take care of all essential minerals like calcium potassium protein and fiber.

This Minerals are responsible for the brain and overall organ function. it improves the condition of your hair and skin.

The best thing about this diet is that you don't have to calculate and monitor each nutrient. you just need to reduce your salt intake and eat certain recommended foods.

Food like for fruits, vegetables, grains, protein-rich foods and dairy products compared to trendy crash diets.

As compared to other diets this is a complete lifestyle change, it's for people who need to take care of their eating habits throughout their lives.

There's no cutting out or starving involved. You can have all sorts of tasty dishes you just need to keep in mind a few general rules.

Dash Diet Meal Plan


Your snacks to no more than eight bite per day in between meals and if you're really hungry not bored.

Lunch and Dinner 

It's not about the quantity of the food as much as it is about the quality drink.

It should be still water or green tea just limit the tea to no more than four cups a day.

Try to eat five times per day one serving should be no more than eight point eight ounces.

It's basically better to have smaller portions but eat more often.

limit your daily calorie intake it should be around 2,000 to 2,500 a day

If you have a sweet tooth you'll need to control yourself. 

You don't have to stop eating sweet foods completely just no more than five times a week.

Try to eat more cereals, seeds, beans lean meats, and vegetables.

Your diet should include whole-wheat bread exclude smoked or fatty foods, pickles pastries, and canned fish or meat.

If you want to slim down your menu should contain fewer calories in other words you need to reduce the size of your servings.


You should avoid drinking soda or alcohol because too much alcohol elevates your blood pressure also it harms your liver heart and brain limit.

 remember that tobacco use is prohibited.

Reduce your salt intake to a maximum of two to three teaspoons a day.

Dash Diet Chart 

Cereals no more than seven servings per day one serving should be a slice of bread half a cup of cooked pasta or half a cup of oatmeal.

Fruit no more than five servings a day. This could be one fruit 1/4 cup of dry fruits or half a cup of juice.

Vegetables 5 servings in a day. half a cup of steamed vegetables could be serving non-fat dairy products, two to three servings per day.

Eight ounces of cheese or five ounces of milk would do just fine.

Seeds beans and nuts five servings a week, one serving is 1.4 ounces animal and vegetable fats three servings per day.

Oil - 1 teaspoon of olive or linseed oil sweet dishes no more than five times a week a teaspoon of honey or jam is okay fluids again 67 ounces per day.

Water is preferred but green tea and juice are fine too.

Protein 7 ounces of lean meat fish or eggs a day is ideal.

Dash Diet Foods to avoid 

it is a diet and lifestyle change so you'll have to avoid all the typical unhealthy products and food

  • Fast food
  • Chips
  • Smoked and canned food salami sausage
  • Fatty meat
  • Candy
  • Cookies
  • Sweets
  • Soft drinks

 At initial time take baby steps over time your cravings will disappear.

Dash Diet Plan for weight loss

You can create your own menu by taking into consideration the diet rules in incorporating the products.

You have allowed to eat food list so you don't have to do anything special to create your diet plan.
You just need to include the necessary products and gradually exclude the bad ones.

If your goal is to lose weight cut the amount of recommended servings you can also find all kinds of tasty approved dishes on the internet.

According National Institute of Health, we mentioned earlier - 

Scored a 3.4 out of 5 in the category of easiness.

This diet doesn't restrict you from entire food groups there are tons of recipe options.

When you go out to eat preferred food options for fruits and vegetables and avoid soups, drink, alcohol.

Alcohol on Cheat Day

remember that you still have to limit yourself for the ladies that's no more than one drink a day.

men shouldn't have more than two per day and what's considered a drink that's five ounces of wine one and a half ounces of liquor or 12 ounces of beer.


A nice feature of this diet is that you never feel hungry the main idea is to have a satisfying feeling of fullness remember no starvation.

Astronaut DietAlmond BenefitsWalnut BenefitsBananaCalories Calculator BMI Calculator

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  • Dash Diet Meal Plan GM DietDixit DietBalanced DietKito DietDash Diet Military DietVegan Diet Dash Diet Meal Plan What is the dash-diet and why doctors call it one of the best diets.DASH diet ranked as the best diet, the healthiest die… Read More


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  2. The DASH diet emphasizes vegetables, fruits, and low-fat dairy products, and moderate amounts of whole grains, fish, poultry, and nuts. In addition to the standard DASH diet, there is also a lower-sodium version of the diet. You can choose the version of the diet that suits your health needs: Standard DASH Diet.
