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Lose Weight Fast : Avoid Maida, Oil, Sweet

Lose Weight Fast : Avoid Maida, Oil, Sweet

Things made from maida may sound very tasty but they are no doubt harmful to health. Consuming it continuously can lead to many diseases like obesity and diabetes. About which we are going to learn today.

While eating samosas, kachoris, biscuits, bhaturas, don't even think that both the ingredients and the process used to make them are harmful to health. Eating things made from flour can lead to rapid weight gain, as well as many heart-related diseases. Let's take a look at this.

For These Reasons Flour Is Harmful To The Body

Blood Sugar

Flour has a very high glycemic index, so when you eat things made from flour, the glucose level in the body rises. Due to this, the pancreas immediately activates and starts releasing insulin in large quantities. So if you have a lot of flour in your diet, stop it. Because this will gradually reduce the production of insulin, as a result you may become diabetic.

Increases Digestion Problems

The things made of flour get stuck in our intestines, due to which the digestive system starts to deteriorate and gradually causes problems like constipation, acidity, stomach ache.

This is because flour is low in fiber and therefore takes a long time to digest. It not only affects digestion but also slows down metabolism. Due to this, obesity starts to increase and many people also suffer from headaches.


Flour is very greasy, so our digestive system cannot digest it properly, thus increasing the chances of acid reflux. Acidic foods directly affect our bones. Loss of calcium from the bones leads to loss of bone density, leading to diseases such as arthritis and inflammation. So instead of eating flour, eat wheat substitutes. 

Fat burnner : Intermittent Fasting -> IF Diet

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 Intermittent  Fasting : The IF Diet

Here's everything  you need to know about intermittent  fasting boy this kind of describes my  commute at rush hour goes fast then slow-fast then slow intermittent fasting get  it okay.


We're not talking about stop-and-go driving here nope intermittent fasting  or if' is the most popular weight loss  program today even celebrities like Hugh  Jackman Chris Hemsworth and Benedict  Cumberbatch.

Dr. Kevin Gendreau a primary  care doctor claimed that he lost 125  pounds in 18 months thanks to
intermittent fasting before IF he  weighed 300 pounds whoa  it seems that intermittent fasting is a  true miracle worker

What is the  secret behind if' that makes it so  effective  the truth  behind this weight loss craze with a  nagging question in our minds is it  possible for the all human body to endure  long hours of fasting on a daily basis 

Hey let's perform a little sleuthing first who created intermittent fasting, in general, is an age-old  practice but it has nothing to do with  your dream of achieving each body  physique actually you've been kind of  doing if.

History of fasting

You eat breakfast has in breakfast Greek heavyweights such as Pythagoras.

Socrates and Plato fasted to purify  their spirit and mind some major  religions exercise fasting to
strengthen  their faith Mahatma Gandhi fasted 17  times during his campaign for Indian  independence 

He not only shed some pounds but also shed the British government but when did fasting gain recognition as a means of shedding a few pounds well it was popularized by the American writer Upton  Sinclair in the 1900s.

Sinclair practice juice cleansing and  fasting at the same time in August 2012  fasting gained
recognition from the  health and fitness community  thanks to the influence of a doctor and  journalist
Michael Mosley.

He published a  book about it in January 2013 entitled  the fast diet now before we move on
we  need to clarify misconceptions about  intermittent fasting

First of all if' is often thought to be  a type of diet with intermittent fasting  you're not watching what you eat instead  you have to watch when you eat


It's not a diet plan but an eating pattern we'll explain this later in detail, for now.

The  second misconception about if' is that  you must starve yourself so let's look  at the definition of starving from the  Merriam-webster dictionary to suffer or die from lack of food on the other hand  also taken from the same dictionary  fasting means to eat no food for a  period of time

With if' you still have  to eat and drink but it should be time-restricted that's why intermittent  fasting is sometimes called time-restricted eating

The third and last the misconception that holds back the health  buffs from trying this controversial  weight loss program is the safety and  health concerns associated with  intermittent fasting

How intermittent fasting works

Intermittent  fasting is an eating pattern with if'  your entire day or week is divided into  two parts the eating period and the fasting period

During the eating period, you can eat a regular meal so yeah you  don't have to starve yourself well in  the fasting period you're not allowed to  consume any food nope not even a single  morsel can touch your lips

There is  an exception to this rule during fasting  you can drink but only water tea or  black coffee no sugar or creamer plays 

Some cases, means when you're on full-day fasting or one meal a day on in a worrier diet, you can eat a few hundred calories or a fruit and veggie combo.

While you're in fasting mode how can you split your day week into an eating period and a fasting period can it be  16 hr fasting and 8 hours eating.

Here are some eating patterns you can follow

Lean Gains

The sixteen to eight pattern also known as lean gains was invented by fitness expert Martin Burkham lean gains is an if' schedule that's good for beginners.

It involves  fasting for 14 to 16 hours a day the  remaining six to eight hours are for the  eating period

The 5 to 2 pattern

The fast diet is a method created by British doctor and journalist Michael Mosley yup the same guy who revived the popularity of intermittent fasting.

This is lighter  than the lean gains protocol because you  can eat 500 to 600 calories or calorie-rich foods during the two days of  fasting and then you can eat normally  for 5 days

  Eat Stop Eat

 Eat stop eat was discovered by fitness expert Brad Pihl on with this intermittent fasting eating pattern you have to fast for 24 hours once or twice a week.

  For example, you can start your fast on Monday at 12 p.m. and ended on  Tuesday the next day at 12 p.m.  alternate day fasting as the name  suggests is where you fast every other  day when in a fasting period you can  either eat 500 to 600 calories or  nothing at all

Warrior Diet

The warrior diet was popularized by fitness expert Meckler contrary to the scary name it requires fasting all day but you can still eat small portions of fruits and vegetables.

The eating period is from 6  p.m. to 10 p.m. and you can eat one huge meal.

The primary concern about intermittent fasting is the insane amount of time required for the fasting period. we're wired to eat breakfast lunch dinner and a couple of snacks every day.

How would your body feel if you skipped breakfast or lunch you might experience hunger weakness dizziness or vomiting. you might also have sudden mood swings from frustration to irritation.

These are normal bodily reactions during the first weeks or months of if' because the body is still adjusting but what can you really achieve with fasting over the course of time your body will eventually overcome the side-effects under normal circumstances.

Your body gets energy from the food you  eat this energy is stored in your liver and muscles

When you're in a  fasting period your body gets its energy from its last reserve fat the fat stored in your body is burned to convert it to energy the longer you fast the more fat is burned in the process.

Health benefits

  • Getting  rid of the fat you wanted to flush out  from your body
  • Prevent type  2 diabetes
  • Promote insulin  resistance
  • Good for the heart
  • It  may prevent cancer
  • It improves brain  function
  • It promotes longevity

It simplifies your lifestyle because you  don't need to plan cook and pack three to six meals a
the day you can save money and time.

When buying and preparing food hey that means fewer dishes to wash up too although intermittent fasting seems promising this weight loss solution is not for everyone.

If you really want to  try it  we suggest consulting your doctor first especially in  cases diabetes low  blood pressure underweight pregnant  breastfeeding or trying to conceive  eating disorder

Children and teens are advised not to  try if' because at this stage of their development they need more energy than  adults

You should also remember that you can't lose weight through intermittent fasting alone since you're always fasting your body needs proper nourishment from healthy foods like dairy lean proteins nuts and seeds veggies whole grains and unprocessed and whole foods.

It's also safe to exercise  while fasting but we recommend doing it  after your body has adjusted and is not experiencing side effects like hunger or  weakness

It's tough to lose weight regardless of the slimming program you go with sacrifices must be made saying goodbye to your favorite greasy foods or not eating from time to time.

If you can't keep away  from that bag of chips or you don't have  enough self-control it might have
something to do with your body's Constitution than this diet not much effective.

what's important

It should work for you in the long run so how about you have you tried  intermittent fasting
do you know a  better way to lose weight love to know your thoughts in the comment box.

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Intermittent Fasting Mistake : The IF Diet

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Intermittent Fasting Mistake : The IF Diet

Most of you have heard about intermittent fasting and you've probably heard that fasting can help you burn fat lose some weight and be more productive throughout the day

while still enjoying bigger more satisfying meals but most of you probably don't know that if you set up your intermittent fasting plan incorrectly it can make you fatter rather than leaner

i want to go over five of the top intermittent fasting mistakes so you can avoid them and get the fastest results possible.

First Mistake

The very first mistake i want to go over it has to do with people's lack of patience so many people start fasting and all they could think about is how badly they want to lose weight or body fat

what's the quickest way to do it so what they do is they spend the whole day or part of the day not eating and then finally when they're feeding window arrives and they're finally allowed to eat they still try to severely restrict calories.

One of my favorite things about fasting is that it teaches you how to listen to your body and how to eat normally without having to think about every last calorie.

Fasting allows you to reteach your body how to stop eating when you're full but a lot of people that think that they're going to get results faster continue to deprive themselves of food even when they're allowed to eat

not only is this physically stressful on your body but it's also extremely mentally stressful on your willpower and your mind, in the long run, this is completely unsustainable and will most likely lead you to a big bad binge.

Binging can lead you into a downward spiral that causes you to regain all the body fat that you might have lost from fasting, to begin with, to prevent this make sure that you allow yourself to eat sensible options.

All the way until you're full as long as you're having real natural single and reading foods you'll feel full long before you go over your total daily allotted calories.

Second Mistake

you can make and that bingeing as soon as your fasting window has ended a lot of you especially if you're new to fasting might be sitting.

There every day just counting down the seconds until you're finally allowed to eat during that way in your mind is giving you all kinds of suggestions that will help you feel full and satisfied.

As soon as you can eat again and unfortunately most of those suggestions are going to be junk food that you've been mentally obsessing over and craving even if you're eating fewer meals per day.

If you binge and satisfy your unhealthy cravings every time that you eat you won't get many results but don't worry there are a few simple tips that can help you avoid binging every time.

Make sure you're tracking your calories and macros.
To be sure you're not going way over your daily allotted calories.

If you don't know what calories and macros you need for fat loss you can use the calorie calculator that i have linked up.

You can do is have a meal sitting in the fridge already prepped and ready to go by having a meal ready

you don't have to go through the grueling process of cooking after a long period of fasting because a lot of you will start eating easy to access junk food while cooking your meal.

If you start eating junk food while prepping a healthy meal by the time that you're done cooking you'll already wolf down sometimes 500 calories.

The healthy meal ready to go my last tip to help you with this issue is to actually indulge in your cravings but only after you've already filled up on a healthy meal eat

your vegetables first followed by your protein source followed by your fruit you're a healthy carb source and then you can finally make room for snacks and cravings by satisfying your cravings.

Keep in mind instrument fasting works because ultimately you less fasting may give you more room for the food you enjoy but it's not an excuse to eat whatever you want to whatever excess.

Third Mistake

having coffee every morning and the good news is even while you're fasting you can but i'm sure most of you ever heard that you want to stick to black coffee.

It can take you out of your fasted state and prevent you from burning as much of your own fat however this is not entirely true many people add butter mct oil or coconut oil to their coffee because of none.

Those pure fat options will spike your insulin levels very much at all most creamers are very low in carbs and are higher in fat even though adding a creamer can slow fat loss down a little you should still stay in a fat-burning state.

Stay away from cream if you can't have your coffee black the key with coffee creamer is to go light on the cream put just enough in your coffee for you to be able to drink it the only time that.

This would become a problem is if you're having four or five cups of coffee a day but if you're having one cup of coffee a tiny bit of cream will most likely not break you out of your
fast the bigger problem is sugar.

There shouldn't be any sugar in your coffee because that will spike your blood sugar and your insulin levels and it'll ruin your fast most people know this so most people will replace the sugar with an artificial sweetener but this can be a big problem.

The problem with this is that some artificial sweeteners have shown to also increase insulin levels so do your best to stay away from artificial sweeteners while fasting

you can have a piece of sugar-free gum or not because the amount of artificial sweetener and one piece of sugar-free gum is basically negligible.

However, if you start taking four or five packets of equal or splenda or stevia and throwing it in your morning coffee not only can you be throwing yourself out of your past but you can also be making yourself crazy sweets even more.

The same thing goes for sugar-free drinks like coke zero or crystal light asides from the negative
effect of breaking your fast you should avoid these drinks just because of the harmful effects of
aspartame alone on top of that specifically in the coke zero and other sugar-free drinks.

If you're slamming down diet soda after diet soda you'll definitely run into problems.

Fourth mistake

i see people making all the time is an overall fear of being hungry many people when they feel hungry they feel like something's wrong or that something could go wrong.

What do they eat right away this can not only ruin your fast but it can completely turn you off to fasting due to a fear of something going wrong.

You have to understand when you first start fasting your body is still in its regular eating schedule so a lot of people feel like their morning breakfast cravings will never go away but the truth is that your body will adjust over time and you'll feel less hungry at breakfast.

As you get more used to not having your breakfast your hunger hormones are released during the
same times of the day that you're used to eating.

You can see this in your pets will start getting antsy and they'll start looking for their food at the same time every day without being able to read a clock it's because our bodies are on an internal schedule.

If you have a lot of trouble with hunger when you first start fasting try to first just cut out all carbs for breakfast then stick to primarily fat and protein then work your way to having a smaller breakfast then delay your breakfast a little later in the day and finally you'll work your way into comfortably skipping breakfast.

Last mistake

you want to avoid is a mistake that most people that do early morning workouts makeover and
over again people are still under the impression that directly after your workout you have to have a
protein shake as soon as possible or else your muscles will not start repairing.

So someone that wakes up at 6 a. M. To get an early one cow tin will immediately have a protein shake even though they're supposed to be fasting until noon or one o'clock the problem with this is that protein.

Especially whey protein is extremely insulin degenerate meaning having a protein shake after your workout will throw you out of your fast.

It's not just because the protein shake has calories it's because of insulin, in fact, there's a lot of debate about whether having even bcaas or branched-chain amino acids that can throw you out of your fast.

Even they are considered insulin a genic by many experts you don't have to worry about your muscles not repairing

if you wait after your workout until you're eating window if your main goal is a fat loss, i highly recommend that you wait if your main goal is to bulk up and get as muscular as possible then fasting may not even be the most appropriate diet plan for you at this current time.

Fasting makes it hard to create enough of the calorie surplus to significantly bulk up however once again for those of you that are primarily looking to lose some body fat with fasting you'll be better off saving the protein shake too later that's it.

The big catch is that you actually have to stick to the plan who would have ever thought that if
you wanted to change your body you would have to not only have a plan but you also have to be
willing to follow it and stick to it.

This plan will give you everything you need to succeed including an accountability coach that's going to check in with you every week as well as a diet and a workout plan and we transition you into a lifestyle fasting plan.

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Diet Plan for Navratri

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Diet Plan for Navratri

It’s the time of the year when the end of pitru paksha leads to the beginning of navratri. Both, in their own way, are a means that use food or anna as a learning tool. 

Pitru paksha is about charity and offering food to the ancestors who no longer live in their bodies and in the realm of our world. 

Navratri, amongst many other things, is about staying disciplined with food to help nurture the creative and the feminine principle in our physical bodies.

Meal one (on waking up) 

  • fresh fruit
  • handful of nuts
  • overnight soaked raisins with kesar

Meal two (breakfast) 

  • Singhare ke pakode
  • sabudana khichdi
  • sweet potato with dahi
  • alu ki kheer
  • chana poori 
  • halwa (on last day)

Meal three (lunch) 

  • Rajgira or kuttu or singhare atta ki roti with alu 
  • arbi sabzi/ makhane ki sabzi  
  • kuttu ki kadhi with samo chaawal
  • upasacha thalipeeth

Meal four (dinner) 

  • Samo chawal with dahi
  • jhangora kheer 
  • paneer ki sabzi with kuttu 
  • singhare or rajgira or banana flour ki roti


  • fresh fruit
  • milkshake
  • chaas
  • shikanji
  • kheer
  • shakarkandi ki chaat 
  • sabudana wada with dahi

Navratri is of special significance to women as they are live expressions of the divine mother. I believe it is our cultural way of “feminism”, both fearless and joyful, in harmony with the dance of life.

 In a way, it teaches us that as women we must celebrate our lives every moment, and in every role we take up. Whether we choose to express ourselves as forms of annapurna, saraswati, lakshmi, durga, kali, we are all beautiful.

The food is “restricted” as a method of disciplining the senses. Nutritionally, it empowers the women with nutrients that make them not just physically stronger but helps bring about a balance at the hormonal level too. 

This is because of the diversity of foods that are traditionally eaten during this time. It’s a “religious” method of teaching families that good physical health of the women and girls is of paramount importance to the wellbeing of communities and societies.

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Running Vs Walking Weight Loss

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Running Vs Walking Weight Loss

We always think about exercise, should we run or walk in the morning and evening? What is more beneficial? Find out which exercise is more beneficial between running and walking. Understand which exercises are suitable for weight loss.

Which exercise is best for you between walking and running depends on your fitness goals. Know the benefits of both.

Which Exercise Is Better Between Walking And Running?

Both walking and running are excellent forms of cardio exercise. Both are most popular among people who want to lose significant weight and who don't like going to the gym. But if you try to find out which is better between running and walking, it will be difficult to choose between the two as both offer different health benefits.

One of these two is a low-impact activity while the other can be a challenging exercise for your body. Which of these two exercises is better for you depends on your fitness goals. So we have tried to explain the difference between running and walking to make it easier for you to choose the right one for you.

Health Benefits Of Walking And Running

Both walking and running offer similar health benefits. The main difference between the two is the number of calories burned. Both are good for your cardiovascular system, help flex your muscles and improve your mood. Moreover, they can increase your stamina, strengthen your immunity and help you manage chronic diseases.

What Is Good For Weight Loss? Running Or Walking?

If your only objective is to lose extra fat, then running is the best option as it helps you burn more calories. Walking can help you burn calories, but it is relatively better than running. For example, a 72 kg person can burn 600 calories running at 5 mph (mph).

If you want to maintain a healthy weight, just 30 minutes of walking every day is enough. A 54-pound person burns 133 calories walking 2 miles. By increasing the speed, you can increase the number of calories burned.

Which Exercise To Choose?

If you have just started exercising, it is a good place to start your weight loss journey. Once you have a routine, you can increase your speed to burn more calories. 

When you feel the fat is coming off, you can walk after a week or two. You can also try interval walking which can help you burn a lot of calories.

If you are over 50 or have heart problems or joint and muscle pain, walking is good for you. Running is a hip-impact activity that can put a lot of stress on your body, which can worsen your posture.

You can't lose weight just by exercising. Equally important is your diet. Include healthy and nutritious food in your diet and reduce your calorie intake to reach your weight loss goals.

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Running for Weight Loss

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Running for Weight Loss

Starting to run suddenly doesn't give you full energy, so start with a warm-up. Also, you will benefit more if you start with brisk walking and jogging. Initially run on any park track. Instead of exercising for an hour at a time, start small.

If you run after setting a goal, you will not go astray. For example, aim for 5 to 7 minutes on the first day. After a week, increase this time to 7 to 12 minutes. In this way keep increasing the time gradually.

The most important thing to do while running is to keep your mouth closed and breathe through your nose. Breathing through the mouth dries the throat quickly. Also do not drink water while jogging. You can drink some water before running.

After a good night's sleep, our body has plenty of energy in the morning. Morning time is considered best for running in such conditions. Although some people run in the evening, it is not very beneficial because the body is also tired after a day's work.

Do not run in crowded places and with earphones on. Try to run in the morning in a clean place. At first there is a risk of getting unbalanced or falling while running on the road.

Take care of your posture while running. If your posture is not right, neck, shoulders, etc. can hurt. While running, keep the body straight and bring the hands near the waist to the chest. 

Do not feel pressure on the body while running. Realize your potential and run for excitement, not exhaustion.

Keep changing the place of your running practice. Sometimes choose bridges or even low elevation roads. Along with this, your position will also keep changing and there will be no pressure on the same muscles.

Don't panic if you're feeling tired, sore, or steamy after a run. It is natural to do so in the beginning. If pain prevents you from continuing to run, continue with fitness activities.

Do Not Run These People

Pregnant, high blood pressure or heart patients should not run. Such people should consult a specialist before taking up any fitness activity. Being overweight puts you at risk of injury. Avoid running during slipped disc, spine surgery, or any other surgery. In such cases, doctors advise to walk briskly. If you are running just to lose weight, control your diet.

Some Essentials For Running/Jogging

  • Track suits/ loose clothing
  • comfortable shoes
  • Supportive sports bra for girls
  • Knee cap

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Infinity Walking : Weight Loss

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Infinity Walking : Weight Loss

Walking has many health benefits. Just keep these things in mind while doing this. How does infinity walking work? That is called 8 walks. Going for a walk early in the morning is considered very beneficial to keep oneself fit and healthy. 

This not only keeps you healthy but also keeps your weight balanced. Walking also has mental benefits. The cool morning breeze soothes your mind and brain. It makes you want to do your work all day long.

One such way of walking is Siddha walking. Very few people know about it, but it has many health benefits. In many countries this is called infinity walking. Whether you go for a walk in the room, on the terrace, or even in the garden.

In India it is also known as Siddha walk. Walk where there is air and space. Generally people associate Siddha walking with yoga. Along with walking, it also acts as meditation. Siddha walking focuses on just walking, forgetting all the stress and tension.

Just as yoga associated with different organs has been given different names, meditation has been given the name Siddha walk. Let's know in detail about its benefits and methods of practice.

What Are The Benefits Of Siddha Walking/Infinity Walking?

As we have already told you that Siddha walking keeps your digestive system healthy, with the help of which you do not suffer from stomach related problems.

When your gut is healthy, your weight and immune system also stay strong. Also, you don't succumb to diseases easily even when the weather changes.

It is also considered beneficial in high BP and diabetes problems. Walking keeps your glucose levels balanced and nerves and nerves moving.

It can help reduce your stress and relax you. It makes you feel energetic throughout the day.It is also very beneficial for older women and men and they can do proven walking at home or in their own garden.

Regular practice of this improves your memory and concentration. Apart from this you don't complain of headache and knee pain.

How To Walk Siddha? How To Do Infinity Walking?

1. Start Walking

In Siddha walking first walk from south to north direction for 15 minutes. Then you walk south for 15 minutes along the same route.

2. Keep Calm

Do not think of any kind while doing Siddha walking. Just focus on sticking to size 8. Also don't go too fast. Breathe while walking at a controlled pace.

3. Keep The Stomach Completely Empty

One thing to keep in mind when practicing the Siddha walk is when you practice it. Your stomach should be completely empty because if the stomach is full, you may suffer.

4. Walk Barefoot

If you are in the habit of walking barefoot on the grass in the morning, it is very beneficial for you. Walking barefoot puts pressure on the acupressure points on your feet and relieves many problems.

5. Stay Away From Mobile Phones

Many people have a habit of listening to music while walking or exercising. Although there is no harm in this, you should stay away from any kind of noise while walking Siddha so that you can meditate.

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Running for Weight Loss : mistakes

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Running for Weight Loss : mistakes

Here are 5 mistakes many people make when running long distances, without reaping the full benefits of running. Running is beneficial for the body in many ways. 

It balances the body and increases the body's capacity as well as weight loss, but if you make some mistakes while running for a long time, your running can be harmful to your health. In this article, we are going to look at 5 common running mistakes that you should avoid while running.

1. To Run Far And Fast

Running multiple times in a single day is also not a good habit, as it can reduce your efficiency. If you too have this habit, quit it today. At the same time, you should avoid running in the afternoon, when the sun is very intense, which can burn your skin and cause dehydration in the body.

You also need to take breaks from time to time while running. This will save your energy and increase your speed, but avoid running too fast and running without spacing. Running at a fast pace can lead to muscle soreness, so you should correct this mistake.

2. Eating Right Before Running

Eating right before a run can prove to be a big mistake. Doing so will make it impossible for you to run and may also lead to abdominal pain, vomiting, heaviness. Doing so can cause you indigestion.

You should eat 2 hours before the race, eating too soon won't make you run very far. Before the race you should eat a high fiber diet. Include fresh fruit and vegetable juices in your diet.

3. Running After A Lot Of Exercise

If you do intense exercise for long periods of time, you may experience problems. Overexertion is not good for the mind and body, it can cause pain in your bones, preventing you from running as fast. You should avoid intense exercise before long runs. Keeping your body fresh and warm before a long run will help you run faster.

4. Avoid Water During The Run

Dehydration can be a problem if you don't drink enough water during a race. As the pace increases, your body needs more energy and you should keep your body hydrated for more energy. If you plan to run long distances, you should take breaks and drink water. Apart from water, you can also drink lemon water or coconut water. Avoid sugary juices altogether.

5. Get Some Sleep

If you want to run you need to get enough sleep, a lack of sleep can sap your energy and you won't be able to run as long. We run to keep fit and improve our physical abilities.

But if you don't get enough sleep, you won't have the energy to work out or run, so people who have to run or exercise should do it too. Sleep is essential. 

Having 7 to 8 hours of sleep will help you feel fresh and achieve your target. By recognizing these mistakes, you can improve and better prepare for long-distance running.

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Running Injury : Ankles Hurt Remedy

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Running Injury : Ankles Hurt Remedy

After running a lot, you may suffer from ankle pain. In such cases you can follow some home remedies. Sometimes after running or brisk walking, you may experience pain in your ankles. The pain can sometimes make it difficult to walk or even sleep.

Apart from this you may face difficulties in doing your daily activities. Sometimes even a slight stretch can cause muscle pain. The pain may worsen even after waking up suddenly. 

There could be many reasons like you didn't warm up before starting the race or your legs hurt. Besides, you might not be wearing the right shoes or you might not be doing the right exercises.

All of these reasons can cause pain in your calves. Although this injury is very common and athletes may experience this pain easily, if the muscle tension is high, do not ignore the problem or the pain may worsen. Learn about it and home remedies in this article.

If There Is Pain In The Ankle, These Symptoms Are Seen

  • Mild swelling
  • Redness at the painful site
  • Bruises and cramps
  • Difficulty standing on your feet

Remedies For Ankle Pain

If you have just started running, you may feel a little sore. You need to rest well for this. But if this problem happens to you frequently, you should make sure that you warm up properly before running. Also, keep your body hydrated as dehydration increases the chances of injury.

You can also use an ice pack or oil massage if the muscles are sore. Besides, you can also focus on your form to ignore the pain. In fact, many athletes start running slowly so that the body is ready for running and the chance of injury is reduced. Many times, if you first start running fast, the injury will be worse.

It can also cause stiffness and cramps. Also, if you already have pain in your ankle, you should not take any risk and start exercising only after consulting your trainer. Carelessness can lead to damage to the gastrocnemius muscle. Apart from this, knee pain can increase.

Home Remedies For Ankle Pain

You can choose the right option to avoid injury to the ankles. Like wearing the right shoes and sportswear so you can walk or run comfortably.

Stop and rest immediately in case of pain or injury. This can help the pain heal faster. If you overstretch it in any way, the pain can become unbearable.

You can apply icing to the muscles to reduce swelling and pain.You can also relax by elevating your legs for a while while sleeping to reduce swelling and pain.

Exercises To Relax The Ankle

  • Single leg squat
  • Lifting the shins
  • Stretch the ankles
  • to jump

Apart from this, in case of excessive pain or swelling, contact the doctor immediately without delay. Otherwise, the problem may worsen and you may even find it difficult to walk.

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Morning Routine to Lose Weight

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Morning Routine to Lose Weight

Friends, due to weight gain right now, you may suffer from stress and heart related diseases. You should include these 6 things in your morning routine to lose weight.

Follow This Routine In The Morning To Lose Weight .

If you are also tired of having a bulging stomach or your belly shows while getting dressed, you can incorporate these into your morning routine. This will help in weight loss.

 Due to increasing weight, we start working slowly, which makes you do all your work lazily. Then this increases the risk of stress and heart related diseases. How can you lose weight? Morning routine is the best solution for weight loss.

Solution For Weight Loss : Morning Routine

1. Get Up Early In The Morning

Experts say try to get up early in the morning to lose weight. For this, try to sleep early at night, so that you can wake up in the morning without feeling tired. Take time for yourself in the morning and stay away from mobile phones.

2. Drink Warm Water

Drink warm water after waking up early in the morning. It detoxifies your body, which helps in weight loss. Drink water comfortably. This will clear your stomach.

3. Aerobic

You can do aerobics to lose weight. Doing this exercise moves your entire body and keeps you mentally relaxed as well. You can also include brisk walking in your morning routine. This makes you lose weight faster. Try to choose exercises that will make your body sweat.

4. Wait For Hunger

If you are not hungry in the morning, do not force yourself. This can harm your health. Wait until you're hungry, then eat breakfast. For weight loss you can mix wheat and barley in food and eat fresh pitha roti. It contains fiber, protein, lactic acid, salicylic acid, phosphoric acid, potassium and calcium, which are very beneficial for your health. Do not eat food repeatedly and keep a gap of 4 to 5 hours between meals.

5. Eat Fruits

You can also include fruits in your breakfast. It provides your body with fiber, which helps your digestive system to function smoothly, and the vitamins and minerals it contains are beneficial for reducing your stress. We tell you that excessive stress can make you gain weight. Always eat seasonal fruits. Because they are more nutritious.

6. Take Half The Dinner As Compared To The Day

Doctors say to keep dinner light. Your dinner should be half of what you eat during the day. To lose weight, include protein in your diet instead of carbohydrates.

Remember To Lose Weight

  • Drink tap water instead of refrigerator water, it is good for your health.
  • You should not use packaged juice for juicing, instead you should make fresh juice at home.
  • Get enough sleep for 7 to 8 hours. This will keep your weight under control.
  • To lose weight, be happy throughout the day and avoid sitting in one place for too long.

Each person's physical nature is different. So, before following this routine, you should consult a doctor and keep reading health information.

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Fat Burning Foods and Spices

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Fat Burning Foods and Spices

Looking for a solution if the waist circumference has increased and the stomach circumference has become larger? But there is no preparation to diet. So don't worry. Along with your waistline, these spices also work to reduce belly fat. Let's know about 5 such spices in your kitchen. 

Why are you using spices in food? Why spices are used only for taste? do you know If not then we tell you that apart from taste they also take special care of your health.

These spices have been used for years. And it is these spices that tempt you to eat your favorite foods. This spice itself also has many medicinal properties, which work to bring many benefits to your health.

Not only this, these spices also work to reduce fat from other parts of the body along with your waistline. Let's know about 5 such spices in your kitchen, which will help you a lot in reducing your growing belly.

Reduce Your Fat/ Spices Fat loss

1. Cardamom

The taste of cardamom not only attracts you but also helps in weight loss. It improves your digestion and boosts metabolism as well as speeds up the fat burning process in the body. 

You should add cardamom to your tea or chew two to three cardamoms to get maximum benefits.

2. Dill

You may have seen in many restaurants that people eat dill after their meal. Because eating fennel has a diuretic effect along with suppressing your appetite. 

Fennel tea, on the other hand, contains vitamins A, C and D as well as several anti-oxidants, which aid in digestion. When your digestion is good, it will be easier for you to lose weight.

3. Turmeric

You may have heard of the many benefits of curcumin, the main ingredient in turmeric. It not only helps in controlling blood sugar levels, but has also been found to be very effective in weight loss. 

Apart from this, it also reduces insulin resistance. Turmeric does not allow fat to accumulate in the body.

4. Cumin

A new study on overweight women found that adding a teaspoon of cumin to your daily meal can help you lose weight three times faster than normal. 

Cumin is a powerful ingredient that you can use in everything from vegetables to soups, curries or even tea.

5. Cinnamon

Not only does cinnamon help stabilize your blood sugar levels, it can also be effective in curbing your appetite. The best way to use cinnamon is in tea. You boil a cup of water and add a pinch of cinnamon powder or an inch of ginger to it. 

Now boil it for 5 minutes and then strain it with lemon juice and drink it. The combination of cinnamon and lemon will help in rapid weight loss.

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