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11 Brilliant Ways To Find Out Calories In An Egg

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11 Brilliant Ways To Find Out Calories In An Egg

copyright: healthybrain

Eggs have been getting a bad reputation in the health and fitness community because they are associated with cholesterol and weight gain.

some people say "excess amount of eggs trigger a heart attack" also people who want to lose weight usually "remove eggs from their diet" all this are the myth.

An egg is the best and cheapest great source of protein.

You might be missing more benefits than you realize after reading this article you will gel idea of it.

Now imagine how a single cell turned into a healthy baby chicken for this to happen an egg must be packed with life-giving nutrients.

As per the United States Department of Agriculture, one single large egg contains near about 72 calories in an egg.

One egg contains
6 grams of protein,
11 grams of fat in that
3.3 grams of saturated fat,
also, it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals.

An egg is loaded with amazing stuff  

  •  protein 
  •  healthy fats 
  •  folate
  •  calcium
  •  zinc 
  •  phosphorus 
  •  selenium 
  •  vitamins A B 5 B 12 B 2 D E K and B 6 

Calories In An Egg

Yolks contain an insane amount of cholesterol but did you know that cholesterol is not entirely bad according to the website medical news today.

It can be found in every cell in your body gasp.

This waxy and fat-like substance plays an important role in digestion and vitamin D production.
It also helps generate steroid hormones like testosterone estrogen and cortisol.

Type of cholesterol :

Low-density lipoproteins or LDL also known as bad cholesterol.
High-density lipoproteins or HDL the good cholesterol.

The American Heart Association explains the difference between the two LDL contributes to fatty build ups and arteries or the process known as arteriosclerosis and increases the risk for heart attack stroke and peripheral artery disease.

HDL knocks out LDL by taking it away from the arteries and dumping it on the liver to break it down and annihilate it completely.

What type of cholesterol will you find in an egg?

Is it HDL nope then its LDL nope.
If an egg contains neither good nor bad cholesterol then what's going on.
Eggs contain omega-3 fatty acids and dietary cholesterol.

omega-3 fatty acids -

It is healthy fats yes the National Heart Foundation of Australia said that omega-3 fatty acids can lower your heart rate and rhythm decrease the risk of clotting reduce blood pressure levels.

It improves blood vessel function and delays the build-up of plaque in coronary arteries.

Several studies proved that eggs don't increase the risk of heart disease.

Calories In An Egg

What are the benefits of eggs ?

One egg keep you full and helps with weight loss.

They're rich in protein a large egg contains about 6 grams of quality protein which may help you eat less for several hours after a meal.

Egg breakfast enhances weight loss more than a bagel breakfast.

Eggs improve eye health.

Egg yolks contain lutein which helps reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

Egg contains ZX Anthon which protects you from the sun's harmful UV rays.

According to the egg nutrition council, eggs can protect your eyes from retinal damage because they contain omega-3 fatty acids.

Eggs are loaded with vitamin A which protects your cornea. zinc which improves the health of urina and helps you see better at night number.

Eggs keep your bones healthy a study conducted by the department of food & technology at hanseo university suggests that egg yolks are in a roll improve bone metabolism and prevent the risk of osteoporosis.

Whole eggs contain vitamin D to protect your bones phosphorus to keep your bones healthy and calcium to improve the density of bones number

Eggs prevent iron deficiency.
when you don't have enough iron in your body and low iron levels can lead to equally low red blood cells iron is needed to produce hemoglobin the part of red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body.

Eggs help with brain development in infant and fetuses eggs aren't only good for adults but for infants and even fetuses the choline.

Eggs are beneficial for fetal brain development the yolks can also help to prevent birth defects during pregnancy.

Vitamin B is important for the development of the spinal cord and fetal nervous system.

Eggs also help prevent breast cancer according to a study so eggs are essentially food for the brain.

 How can you choose the right egg?

  Types of eggs 

    Organic eggs the chickens are fed organically and not treated with hormones pastured eggs the hens are free to roam and eat natural foods like plants and ] omega-3 enriched eggs the chickens feed is mixed with flax seeds a source of omega-3

  •   Organic 
  •   Omega-3 enriched - best one
  •   Pastured 

Which one healthier white or brown eggs ?

Truth is that it doesn't matter brown and white eggs have the same nutritional value according to the USDA who debunked all previous myths on this matter

Summary : 

A study from the department of nutritional sciences at the University of Connecticut revealed that a person who consumes 3 eggs a day may experience more of an increase in good cholesterol and decrease in bad cholesterol than someone who eats the same amount of egg substitute.

The UK National Health Service says there is no recommended limit meaning eat all you can.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests a maximum of 12 eggs per week.

The National Heart Foundation of Australia limits it to 6 or 7 eggs each week

In breakfast, eggs are a great option.

we can try boiled eggs, fry eggs in oil or butter mean omelet, egg white,  foods you can eat in breakfast.

So the message is clear eggs are safe and healthy to eat eggs according to several health authorities and institutions eggs.

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