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🌱 Lemongrass Tea

Discover the natural goodness of lemongrass tea! Detoxify, boost immunity, and relax with every sip.

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Dixit Diet chart

Diet Plan Details Healthy Food Review Download

Dixit Diet chart

How to create a diet plan or schedule?

Dixit Diet chart

  • The technique is very simple and practical.
  • Find out the times of the day when you feel most hungry.
  • Select two time periods of max.
  • we have 55 minutes max for one meal.
  • we can take only two meal a day.
  • Within the fasting period we must stop the eating/munching.

In between meal :

  • If you feel hungry/weak/ energy down then and then only you can allow taking bellow item with small quantity.
  • You can have ample water, coconut water, thin buttermilk, green tea, black tea, black coffee (unsweetened and without sugar).
  • There are no dietary restrictions, except sugar, an excess of oil.

simple exercise :

  • Within 2/3 days take the walk of 45 min. Ideally, in 45 min, we can cover 6/7 km distance.
  • There are no other restrictions.
  • But if you want to see imidate result you can check out more simple exercise.
  • The daily exercise which we can do at home or in the office.

Weight Loss Science2 Meal a Day DietMilitary dietBalanced dietDixit Diet

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  1. Great blog. So informative and encouraging, Thank u for this post! So much good info!

    Health Fitness Nutrition

  2. Hey, very nice blog. Thanks for sharing this valuable piece of information.

    Fitness Diet

  3. Hi few simple questions please reply...
    1. In this diet y only one tomato is allowed if tomato is no producing insulin y we cant have as many tomatoes as we want

    2. can we use salt or lemon in the food that r allowed in between like buttermilk with salt or green tea with Lemon

    3. I read it in lot of reviews that this diet makes us energetic but personally I feel low... It is just 3 day I am doing diet how can I be more fit??

    4. can you share few vegetarian foods that can be app for this program like which is more energatic and feeling.

    Thank you in advance for the response

  4. I have one query can I drink lemon juice,ashmelon juice, or green veg juices in between the meals or in the morning

  5. Hello sir
    I have 1 question
    Just 1 month before i got to lnow i have high diabetes
    And last three years i m suffering from un intentionally weight loss
    So my question is if i m following dr dixit diet plan..for blood duger level control..then what about my weight loss..it is more decrease or stay balanced ?

  6. Sir I am following this fro. last 1 mnt doing exercises also but I haven't reduce a kg and in a day my head also spin pls help me My email is meghascorner@gmail.com

  7. dint feel safe to share my number
