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Discover the natural goodness of lemongrass tea! Detoxify, boost immunity, and relax with every sip.

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Dr. Swagat Todkar Contacts Appointment

Dr. Swagat Todkar Contacts Appointment

Dr. Swagat Todkar Contact 
Todkar Sanjivanee Nisargopachar Kendra, Kolhapur

Our Sanjeevini Naturopathy Kendra is offering the best treatment, counseling, and guidance for all the diseases, by paying a very nominal fee. However.
We should stay away from all mental and physical disorders in our family and visit the institute.

Swagat Todkar is Naturopathiest is an art and science of healthy lifestyle. Naturopathy is a very old science.
We can find a number of references in our Vedas and other ancient texts.
It is a drugless system of healing based on well-founded philosophy. It has a different approach for health and disease and also the principle of treatment.

Hospital Name :: Todkar Sanjivani Naturopathy Center


9:30 AM to 5:00 PM

Open  : Monday to Saturday

Close : Sunday 

Contact details : 

Whats App No For all information : 9152756255

Mobile no for treatment issue: 7066021312 / 7066132299 

Mobile no for treatment issue:9921577033 / 7875518151

Mobile no lecture:   7066132288

Mobile no Event event organizer:   7066132288 / 7875518152 

Address : 

C.S. No. 1004/16B, 

A Ward, New Mahadwar Road, 

Opp Siddhala Garden, Near Axis Bank.

Mangalwar Peth, 

Kolhapur – 416012.

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Swagat Todkar tips for Teeth

Swagat Todkar tips for Teeth

Toothache :

Add 10-12 leaves of Peru to the copper water and boil it with 1 tsp salt and 4-5 cloves. When the water is warm, squeeze it and rotate it two times and stir it with water.

Fill the broth. This results in the prevention of blood transfusion or toothache and sensation.

Glee blooms:

Take the molasses (big grapefruit) and cut it into boiling water. Drain it with water When it is a little hot, it should be well filled with the sieve.

Immediately afterward fill the chutney with plain water.

Loose Motion :

Sprinkle mangoes of a spoon without irritation and drink half a glass of warm water.

If children have stomach pains:

Soak 1 spoon of water in the bowl overnight and boil overnight and sieve it Children should spoon it with water.

Remembrance :

Feeding children to Peru for 7 consecutive days once a year increases memory.

If children teach terror Increases memory and concentration.


Drinking carrot juice once a year for 3 consecutive days does not result in cancer of a lifetime.

Arthritis And Bone Pain :

Mix two tablespoons of white sesame oil with the flour, add the bread and eat. This results in spondylitis,

Waist hurts, knee jerks and joints.

Spondylitis and Spinal Disorders :

Cook 3 tablespoons of black alkali powder in milk. Once warm, add 1 tbsp ghee to it daily

This mixture should be taken as a morning breakfast. Nothing should be eaten. Gap in the spine within 3 days Fill up.

Body cleansing:

Wash fresh butter and add 2 liters of water in 1 liter of water.

Drink at least 7 liters. Doing this experiment for 3 consecutive days will result in body cleansing. The treatment of Panchakarma in Ayurveda.

The benefit is due to this experiment. However, these 3 days can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and weakness.

To avoid any kind of trouble, 'Clean Sanjivani' is made from fruits and vegetables to make body cleansing.

There is a medicinal beverage like sorbet. All persons, including children over 6 years of age, can take this medicine.

Women should not take this drug only during pregnancy. This drug purifies the body like Panchakarma. In the body

All poisons are removed. It also helps to prevent blood pressure, diabetes, and many diseases

Excitement goes on going through weakness. It costs approx 1260 rupees. And that

Dr. from Kolhapur Welcome is available at Todkar's clinic.

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Swagat Todkar tips for Cough and Cold

Swagat Todkar tips for Cough and Cold


Grab the stomach and jumbo. Add half a teaspoon of water to it and heat it till it becomes warm.

Leave the garment and half a spoon each in both the nostrils. Slip for half an hour after heading.

Then do the same experiment again for half an hour.

If the nasal cord is enlarged:

Boil 1 spoon and 2 tablespoons clove powder in 2 cups of water until half a cup of water.
Then this water cloth Make it After lukewarm, keep it in a clean plastic bottle.

Both before going to bed every night In the nostril, release 3-5 drops of it. Increased nasal bone after 10 days of experimentation Was permanently undone.


Cold soreness if you hold the thumb of both hands in the fist against the fist for 5 minutes.

If you have a cough or have asthma:

Grind the onion and squeeze the juice. Squeeze the juice out of the cloth and drink a lotus.
Then drink hot water in half a minute.

It clears all the cuffs in 3 minutes, eases breathing, Oxygen supply increases and does not diminish.

For Children's Colds and Coughs:

Add half a spoon of mustard and add 1 drop of honey to it and give it its smell.
The cuffs become free and the cold goes away.

Sleep Disorders:

Heat the ghee and let it cool down and leave it 1-1 drops in both nostrils. If this experiment is done for 3 consecutive days, the rash is permanently closed.

Cold, Cough, Fever:

When bathing, the mouth should be filled with excess water until the bath is finished. Therefore thyroid, Cold, Cough, and fever do not bother.

Stop loose motions : 

Take 1 spoon of Fenugreek seeds/Methi seeds.
Take that without chewing.
After that take 1 glass of warm water 

Boost memory :

take 1 Guava for 15 days.
this is the easiest approach to boost your memory.
cold and cough :
If you daily do gargling with warn water you never face any issue related to cold and cough.

headache :

1/2 teaspoon of salt put on your tough for 5 min.
after that take 1 glass of warm water.
you get relife form headache.

Glowing Skin Face Wash:

5/7 spoon milk mix with 2 spoon lemon.
Wait till 2 hr after 2 hr mixture looks like as curd.
Apply the mixture on your skip. scrub till 10 min.
Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry with a soft towel.
The same process follows 15 days.
you will get glowing skin.

Itching of skin:

Potassium alum, potash alum [ Turati ] mix with water.
After 30 min takes a bath with that water.
scar /spot/patches on neck prepare a mixture from memory and salte.
mix till paste will prepared.
rub on the infected skin.
Within 10 days you will get the result.

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Swagat Todkar Tips for Hair

Swagat Todkar Tips for Hair

Hair Grow naturally :

After bathing in the morning, crush the garlic cloves and drizzle the juice over it and let it dry in the shade.

This experiment is recommended for 2 months. The hair starts coming. Cut the onion into the night and apply a hat on the head Sleep well This experiment halts the case.

Hair loss :

Coconut oil (not branded) on coconut oil, 1 leaf of basil, 2 leaves of basil, 2 leaves of the jasmine tree (Not a flower), 1 teaspoon Brahmi powder, 1 teaspoon Avila powder and beeswax powder.

Combine 3 to 4 grams (not candle) and cook on low heat. Filter it after its color (not to be black) should be squeezed.

Massage the hair roots every night for 5 minutes with this oil. Initially, this experiment for eight consecutive days Does it every day.

Women should do this experiment twice a week for the next two months. Men every day No problem While bathing, women should be warm with warm water and men with cold water.

For the eyes :

Rinse the leaf of nagavelli with salt water, rinse with clean hands and its juice Leave one drop in both the nostrils.

If you do this experiment everyday, the vision is good, No glasses for life, glaucoma/cataracts, etc. do not cause eye diseases.

To wash the face:

Add 4-5 spoons of milk and add 2 drops of lemon juice and keep it for 1 hour.

An hour's worth of fire Massage this mixture for 10 minutes. Then wash it.
Use this 2 a week Do it at times.

If the skin has scabies:
After three months, you should have a bath for 8 consecutive days with clean water.


If you have headache, put 1 pinch of salt on your tongue and drink half a glass of water for half a minute. The headache stops immediately.


Grind raw Peru at night and apply it on the forehead. In the morning, wash the coating.
Doing this experiment for 3 days in a row eliminates the problem of cortisol.

Full headache:

The rinse should be washed with saltwater. Crush it with a clean hand and release 3-5 drops of its juice into the nose and back the head and sleep for half an hour.

To rise:

Wash the carrot leaf with saltwater and grease it on both sides until it has a crunchy sound on the pan.

Heat it up. Leave two drops of that incense in both nostrils and sleep for half an hour.

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Swagat Todkar Tips of Diabetes, Thyroid, Kidney Stone

Swagat Todkar Health Tips


Take half a lemon and fry the saffron salt over it and toss it. 3-5 days in a row, 2-3 times a day Hemorrhoids disappear if this experiment is performed.

Kidney Stone:

Wash the stone leaf (lumber tree) with salt water and remove the juice. After sunrise for 7 consecutive days And before sunset, drink 2 teaspoons of this juice every 3 times. 

Do this experiment once a year for 3 consecutive days. Kidney problems are cured forever. 

Drinking 3 glasses of butter daily is also a pain in the urine Not happening.

Sore throat:

Remove the sap of the sap and apply it on the cheeks. Once the sore is healed, the coating will automatically Go away Even before trying to remove it, he doesn't leave.


Wash the middle (coiled or unripe) leaves of the citrus tree in saltwater and remove the stalk.

Stir and swallow. On the first day, vomiting, it can be delayed. This experiment
Do this for 3 consecutive days. 

Do not drink water for half an hour after meals. After that eat a bunch of jaggeries
Drink water. 

Sugar is not increased by eating jaggery after meals. After standing outside in the afternoon, an eagle stands to Eat and drink water on it. 

This does not increase the sugar.

Thyroid woman :

The thyroid does not hurt if women permanently apply silver gloves to their feet and the mind is calm, restrained.

Lives Thyroid gland if you permanently insert gold beads in such a way that women can touch their throat.

Not happening. The females anonymously (on the forehead) between the two eyebrows for a minute Massage the circle like a clockwise nail to the butt.

Thyroid Men :

The men emerged from the center of both eyebrows with the right-hand thumb on the forehead towards the hair Massage three times in a row.

It relieves the stress of the mind, keeps the mind stable, the ideological level Stays good, no headache. No glasses needed.


Drink cold water regularly during pregnancy one day. This allows the baby to pass safely
The baby is well fed. 

No foods should be eaten while hot. Eat only when it is warm. Run as much as possible every day.

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Swagat Todkar Health Tips

Swagat Todkar Health Tips 

To hear :

Take a spoonful of onion juice, take a drop of honey, take it in warm water, and wear cotton garlic and cotton in the ear.

Do 3 days or 6 to 7 days. Do it for 3 days.

For laxatives :

Sprinkle fenugreek seeds in half a glass of warm water in warm water.

Nose bone enlargement :

Put 5 Rita 3 slices in water, take 1 spoon of fine powder and keep it in a cup, garland, put in a glass bottle and sleep 2 to 2 in a nappy for 8 days at night.

On the stomach ulcer :

spraying a spoonful of water in a bowl of water, in the morning, after boiling in rubbing water.

Children's breasts fill up, if it gets cold - take half a spoonful of mustard and add one drop of honey - only that.
Give smile to the mint When bathing, take a bath with water in your mouth - no cold, cough, no fever.

Paralysis does not occur if the footfalls to the north and the head to the south.

If you eat a mango leaf every day, the odor goes away and there is no indigestion.

A heart attack does not occur every day if you take a glass of milk.

Eating a Peruvian 15 days a day for the power of remembrance, giving children.

If you take juice for 15 consecutive days once a year, then cancer can not be done.

Eating 4 teaspoons of leaves daily and walking 3 kilometers - The first 5 kilometers of regular walking goes hand in hand and back on the stomach.

The second-kilometer walk like a catwalk should lie in a line, the intestine should suffer from indigestion No worries, stomach fat goes away.

The pancreas starts working and sugar is no problem Third Kilometer Run like Army Parade.

Eat a spoon white sesame per day - the bones become strong.

Take a lemon with a soda and wash it for 1 minute and clean the third minute. If done for 3 days in a row, the scars completely disappear.

Take two to four spoonfuls of milk, grind it with lemon and keep it for half an hour and apply it on the face. Doing once a week. Katgolden was in color.

If the juice of basil leaves is applied at night and washed in the morning, it is not necessary to go to the beauty parlor. 

Even the makeup needs to be done. All black spots on the face go away.

If you take a bath for eight consecutive days (3 times a year, 4 times a year), then your hands will not get scabbed.

The father only drinks fresh ginger a day without eating anything once a day for body cleansing. Saltwater will be used at night.

Nothing happens on the first day, feeling tired in the evening, loosely like motion. The next day, the page crashes.

On the third day, completely sleeping. Eat varied rice from 1st day to 5th day - eat green chili for 5 days.

Drinking pure Sanjivani only once a year for 3 days (250 ml) costs Rs. 1 / - only flowers and fruit juice. 

Sarcasm is the same. Diet is nothing. No matter how hard you work, waist pain, knee pain, BP pain will go away.

The heat, roots and hair leak troubles are gone.

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·         Swagat Todkar Health Tips

Swagat Todkar Tips for Weight Loss

Swagat Todkar Tips for Weight Loss

lose weight:

Add fresh butter and drain the butter, and add 1 liter of water to 1 liter of water.
Drink a day and a half.

Tips 1 :

  • Take 1 ltr buttermilk.
  • Remove butter from buttermilk using the mixer.
  • Add 2 ltr water in 1 ltr buttermilk.
  • Drink that mixture alternate day.
  • You will get the result in 2 weeks.

Tips 2 :

  • Take ginger, lemon, salt.
  • Make a mixture of 2 tablespoon ginger and 1/2 lemon juice.
  • Using mixer make a paste of the mixture.
  • Add salt as per taste.
  • Take that paste empty stomach.
  • Your belly fat loss started within the week.

Tips 3 :

  • Take 2 meal a day.
  • Take balance food in-between meal.
  • Don't eat cold food, cold drink, ice cream, cold dessert after the meal.

To strengthen the heart:

Eat regular garlic cloves regularly in the morning. Eat 4 petals with heart disease.

Eliminates the blockages :

Immediately drink 2 tablespoons basil leaf juice. After 3-5 minutes, it comes to the bottom of the finger Take the piece and buy it. 

Squeeze half a teaspoon of lemon juice over it and add salt to taste and taste it.

Drink the remaining juice. It eliminates heart attack in 5 minutes.

Indigestion :

You should take a piece of dough that is equal to the finger. Squeeze half a teaspoon of lemon juice over it and taste.

Add salt and let it taste dry. It stops the pimple in 5 minutes and eliminates the pain of indigestion.

To reduce abdominal cramps :

After eating it, you should take a piece of dough with it. Half a teaspoon of lemon juice over it Add salt to taste and squeeze the mixture. 

Half a teaspoon of cumin seeds and ova (a little bit of dill) If chewed, swallow with lukewarm water. In the morning and afternoon, the same amount of diet should be taken.

That means if you eat 3 hives in the morning, you should eat 2 hives in the afternoon. But half of it at night That means, eat 3 cats. 

Do not eat any cold foods (eg ice cream, syrup, etc.) after meals.

To reduce women's stomachs :

Add a thick pair of silver to the toes. In a large spoonful of sesame oil, add 2 tbsp of saffron salt Add this mixture and drink it.

For 5 minutes before going to bed every night.  This reduces weight loss.

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Virat Kohli Diet Plan

Diet PlanDetailsHealthy FoodReviewDownload

Virat Kohli Diet Plan

Virat stays away from packaged juice, instead, he only drinks fresh juice. He follows a low-carb, high-protein diet to help maintain the fat percentage of his body. 

He makes sure to eat boiled or grilled food and takes his coffee without sugar.  Virat, who is a regular at the gym, follows a strict workout routine. 

He works out five days per week. He does a combination of weights and cardio exercises.

As part of his fitness regime to help him gain lean ‘n’ strong muscles. This also improves body strength and stamina, while also toning his lower body muscles.

Virat Kohli has joined the vegan club of athletes. According to a national daily, Kohli turned vegetarian four months ago and the run-machine is now on a new diet plan to further improve his fitness.

Kohli is undoubtedly among the fittest athletes in the world and being the youth icon that he is, people look up to him.

The India captain has been setting fitness goals not only for the masses but also for other professional athletes around the world.

Virat Kohli’s diet plan :


  • Omelet (3 egg whites and 1 whole egg), Spinach, black pepper, and Cheese.
  • He prefers some grilled bacon or smoked salmon.
  • Fruits: Watermelon and Papaya
  • Virat also eats cheese for some good fats. 
  • He carries nut butter and Gluten-free bread for net sessions.
  • He consumes 3-4 cups of green tea with lemon.


  • Grilled chicken, 
  •   Mashed potatoes, 
  •   Green vegetables,
  •   Spinach 
  •   Red Meat according to the requirements


  •        Restricts himself to seafood which is either boiled or grilled.
  •       When He is trying to put on muscle then increase red meat
  •       Otherwise grilled chicken and mashed potatoes, spinach and veggies, seafood

Virat Kohli’s diet Tips : 

Eat well: 

Virat doesn’t seem to believe that eating less food is good for your body. Rather he emphasizes on eating freshly cooked meals to your heart’s content. 
He is a fan of home-cooked meals and suggests everyone to avoid eating out when you can easily cook at home.

His favorite dishes: 

He probably cannot resist trying it out, when he is on a tour and has to eat in restaurants or hotels. 
It’s a pretty cool option as it’s filled with protein (the building blocks of our muscles) and contains fewer amounts of fats.

Mineral water: 

He addicted to drinking only the purest form of water. 
fact that he is very serious about what he consumes. After all, waterborne diseases can hit you up pretty badly.

Avoid Junk Food: 

Virat also seems to be the fan of the “avoid junk food” propaganda as he has been seen consuming organic wheat crackers over fried chips. 
It’s a pretty good choice as all those fried chips may seem delicious but can harm your body in more ways than you can imagine.

How to be fit?

Self-control in eating right: 

Kohli keeps a close watch on what he eats, every time he opens his mouth. You should do it too. 
So exercising self-control in what you eat on a constant basis is the first step towards achieving your fitness goals.

Hit the gym five days a week: 

Virat hits the gym at least 5 times a week and you should try it too. If you don’t have an ample amount of time, then an hour for 5 days a week would be more than enough.

Do a combination of cardio and weights: 

Kohli also seems focused enough to try on core exercises like cardio and heavyweights. 

These exercises would surely help you develop your muscles in a precise manner and you’ll have an impressive body within a few months.

Consider Below hormones :

1. Ghrelin

“Fat Storage Hormone.” If your levels of Ghrelin get too high, you constantly feel hungry, constantly crave food, typically bad-for-you foods like sweets and fatty snack foods.

If you’re always experiencing urges for “bad foods”, it’s because your Ghrelin level is high and it’s activating the hunger centers of your brain that control your appetite.

high Ghrelin levels make it extremely difficult to lose weight and keep it off.

2. Insulin

“Fat Saving Hormone.” The truth is if you are overweight, you’re probably carrying around a lot of excess sugar or glucose, in your bloodstream, and when you are storing it as fat. 

If you eat a lot of sugar-filled foods, or if you drink lots of sugary drinks, your blood glucose levels are too high for you to burn any body fat for food. 

Again, having even a low level of insulin resistance, (which most of us have) can make it virtually impossible to lose fat.

3. Cortisol

“Fat Defense Hormone.” Excess cortisol is produced in response to stress; it amps you up to be ready to fight or flee in case of danger. 

Unfortunately, in today’s stress-filled world, excess cortisol harms your body’s ability to burn fat and store it. 

Having too much cortisol can actually cause your body to burn muscle for energy and push excess fat into the abdominal area where it is stored.

4. Adiponectin

“Fat Burning Hormone.” It is responsible for telling your body to use “fat for fuel” instead of storing it. 

Unfortunately, a common hormone production imbalance that many people suffer from can cause adiponectin levels to sink which in turn causes you to store more fat and have a more difficult time getting rid of that excess fat.

Fact check : 

  • Virat is very particular about his water intake, he only prefers packed mineral water, which is imported from France.
  • Mostly He choosing nuts and black coffee as snacks keeps his calorie intake low.

Exercise :

Apart from being an athlete, Virat, who is a regular at the gym, follows a strict workout routine. He works out five days per week.  He does a combination of weights and cardio exercises as part of his fitness regime to help him gain lean ‘n’ strong muscles.

This also improves body strength and stamina, while also toning his lower body muscles.Virat's routine is to stay extremely disciplined and work out regularly, without taking offs. He eats a decent amount of cheese for good fats also. 

He stays absolutely away from drinking and smoking, to ensure better immunity and better health in the long run. 

Weight Loss Science2 Meal a Day DietMilitary dietBalanced dietDixit Diet