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Military diet chart | shopping list

Dixit Diet2 Meal a Day DietMilitary dietBalanced dietDixit Diet

Military diet chart | Shopping list

Three-day military diet will help you shrink out of your clothes. The military diet is a short-term food plan that claims to help you lose up to 10 pounds in a week.

What's even better you get to eat hot dogs and ice cream let's get to it and see what this magical diet is all about.

What exactly is the 3-day military diet and why is it so popular. Well one of the coolest things about this diet is that it lasts only three days.

You can lose up to 10 pounds in pretty much no time at all. However you can achieve these impressive results only if you follow the eating plan to a stirct.

About Military Diet Plan

This diet is surprisingly really easy to follow and you don't need to constantly count calories spend hours at the gym or by along list of really expensive supplements

The military diet ingredients you can easily find at your nearest grocery store and how exactly does it work no miracles just pure metabolism

It kick-starting by decreasing your calorie intake over a short period your body will burn more fat and as a result

You'll lose weight effortlessly  it's definitely not your typical starvation diet. while it is low in calories it provides you with the energy
you need to have a productive day since it includes healthy fats carbohydrates and protein.

Military Diet Meal Plan and Shopping List

This diet plan or chart for 3 days after some break you can repeat the plan.

Day One :: Breakfast  |  Lunch | Dinner

start your day with a hot caffeinated beverage such as a cup of coffee or tea make yourself one slice of toast it'seven better if it's whole-grain with two tablespoons of peanut butter don't forget to grab exactly half a grapefruit eat.

It will be a cup of hot coffee or tea a slice of toast half a cup of tuna don't add anything else the diet will only work if you strictly follow all the rules.

you should have about 85 grams of any meat, it can be boiled or steamed sorry no fried chicken allowed. add one cup of green beans, half a banana and one small apple if you want you can add one cupof vanilla ice cream

Day Two :: Breakfast  |  Lunch | Dinner

Start you day with one slice of toast again whole-grain is desirable then change things up a little bit with one hard-boiled egg and half a banana.

In lunch eat one more hard-boiled egg, five saltine crackers, in one cup of cottage cheese.

Its little more interesting your final meal for the day should include two hot dogs yep that's right not with bun. Also add a half cup of carrots, a cup of broccoli, half abanana if you want you can add half a cup of vanilla ice cream.

Day Three :: Breakfast  |  Lunch | Dinner

Final day of your strict diet plan starts with 5 saltine crackers, a slice of cheddar cheese and 1 small apple again the portion size might seem like nothing but it'll actually give your body all the nutrients it needs to kick start your day.

In Lunch consists of just a slice of whole grain toast and one egg. the last day of dieting is really light but it's still nutritious with same simplicity

It's a cup of tuna and your favourite part half a banana with a whole cup of vanilla ice cream. this note your diet plan is done.

Tips for best Result 

remember if you want to achieve the best results follow the diet for three days. Then eat normal food for the next four days don't over eat during the next few days.

It'll only bring back all that weight, you've worked so hard to lose repeat the three day military diet every four days for several weeks.Follow that diet in a row until you reach your goal.

it's even better to stick to this eating plan fora whole month.

For More Effectiveness

There are some additional tips to make this diet even more effective, first of all make it a habit to start your day with a glass of water.

Drink two glasses of water before every meal.

This is great for your health because one your body needs h2o and two water is known to be exceptionally filling as a result it keeps your body hydrated.

Also Water flushes outicky toxins and reduces your appetite helping.

You to feel full longer and don't forget to drink water during the four days of normal eating too.

Find yourself a diet buddy so that you can control and motivate each other.

Severely restricting calories isn't suitable for everyone it's always a good idea to consult your doctor before trying any diet.

It's right for you or not depends entirely on your health and that information can only be provided to you by your physician.

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