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BOOK : Effortless Weight Loss and Diabetes Prevention by Dr Jagannath dixit book Chapter 1 - My Experiment with weight !

 Effortless Weight Loss and Diabetes Prevention

by Dr Jagannath dixit book Chapter 

1 - My Experiment with weight !

effortless weight loss dr dixit book pdf

Dr. Dixit contacted me a few months back, I think I was not very sure that he would roll out a book like this,detailed to the core, about the carbo-insulin theory, propagated by Dr. Shrikant Jichkar. 

Obesity, whose major source is modern lifestyle, is a key reason of our health problems today. 

It is taking the toll of many Indians. Though many of us would definitely like to overcome it, what we need is someone to push us to do it. And this is precisely what Dr. Dixit has done by writing this book.

I would say that by writing this book, Dr. Dixit has carried forward the torch lit by Dr. Shrikant Jichkar, to enlighten people and help people achieve their target of losing weight. 

Dr. Jichkar took up this cause and did extensive research and found out this easy way of life to overcome the problem of obesity. 

Not only did he experiment the theory on himself but also on his close friends, like me. Dr Jichkar went on to deliver speeches enlightening the common public in various cities with the sole intention of service to the people. 

His idea was to create a fitness movement all over the country The Carbo-Insulin connection theory works like magic. And there are no side effects whatsoever. I have been following this since 1999 and now it has become my way of life.

This is a remarkable book, a solution and medicine to overcome obesity, rolled into one. I congratulate Dr Jagannath Dixit for compiling the facts and bringing them in the form of this book, in this simple manner, for a layman. 

Dr Daxit, professional himself, got inspired by listening to the audio tape of Dr. Jichkar's speech and implemented the theory on him and got astonishing results. 

This inspired him to write about it by way of this book, which I am sure, will be used every day, by conscious people, interested in staying healthy.

This book is one more way one can bestow honour on Dr. Jichkar. From all of us who continue to be influenced by such way of life... thank you, Dr. Dixit, I shouldn't have doubted that you could do this. Not for a minute.

Raju Akolkar

My Experiments with Weight!

As a student and later teacher of public health, I got an opportunity to study the interrelationship between health and disease. It is only partially true that micro organisms are responsible for diseases. 

For any disease to occur there must develop in-equilibrium between three factors which include factors in the human being, agent factors (such as a virus, bacteria or deficiency of a nutrient etc) and factors in the environment. 

This learning came to me due to my subject of preventive and social medicine. This subject cultivated the curiosity, to understand the causes of various diseases, in me. 

As I studied methods of research in medicine, I could develop an ability to look at contradicting medical research with an impartial view helped me a lot.

As a medical student my weight was just 50 Kg. At the time of marriage it was 54 Kg. In twenty years after marriage it reached to 74 Kg! In spite of this substantial weight gain I was not labeled as obese! Thanks to my height i7o cm!! I was very curious about body weight since student life. 

In cooperative mess, we used to have a feast on Sundays and that was the occasion to eat as much as possible. It was common to eat 12 to 14 chapatis and around 30 Gulab Jamuns. Surprisingly there was no weight gain. 

Contrary to this some of my friends used to eat less but still were obese. Some lean and to eat so much that one may wonder where they must be storing this much food! But weight could not become an issue of concern or even worth thinking about! Probably it was appropriate in those circumstances.

married life! The fierce fight for career, service and family life unnoticeably adds some pounds to our weight. This must be the common experience for all. From my college days I have always attempted to keep fit by some or the other method. 

It was table tennis, badminton, lawn tennis or running. Naturally my fitness was not a surprise for me. On one day I was just trying some of my pants before donating them to our maid. 

I was shocked as the pants refused to take in my ballooned tummy! I realized that I have become "Heavy weight". I stood on the weighing machine and it read-74 Kg. It evident that during 20 years of married life I was roughly putting on 1 Kg weight every year. 

The growing weight was giving signals like pain in knee joints while playing badminton. But I had conveniently ignored it. I get certain blood and urine tests for diabetes and hypertension done every year without fail. 

I undergo these tests before my birthday and after confirming that "All is well", donate blood. This is my routine for last 35 odd years. The tests showed that I had none of the diseases.

The realization of weight gain encouraged me to experiment with myself. I tried various methods to reduce weight. The first measure tried was complete fasting for one day in the week.

On every Monday I did not consume any food item but had only water. I continued this experiment for three to four months. When I weighed myself it was 75 Kg! Naturally I discontinued this experiment. 

Then I started looking at my relatives, aunts and neighbours who used to fast repeatedly. I was shocked to see that most of them were obese. The realization came to me that fasting is useless for losing weight.

Then I tried another measure. In this I used to eat only fruits in the dinner. I continued this for almost 2 months. One advantage of this experiment was that bowel evacuation was proper and I experienced lightness in the body. But there was no loss of weight. 

Then one of my friends told me about a diet plan popular on the internet. It was a plan for seven days. On first day you can consume all vegetables, raw or cooked. Second day for fruits and vegetables, third for 6 bananas and half a litre milk, fourth for 50 gm cooked rice and 8 tomatoes and last day rice or meat and wine for celebration! 

I did this experiment with utmost sincerity and to my surprise lost 4 Kg weight! I was very delighted. It was recommended that one can repeat this diet plan any number of times with a minimun gap of 4 to 5 days. This made me happier. Due to some reasons I could not follow the second cycle of the diet plan for next 15 days. 

When I measured my weight before commencing this diet plan again, it was 74 Kg! In short whatever weight I had lost in 7 days I had regained in 15 days! So I stopped myself from repeating this experiment.

The next experiment was of a cyclical eating and fasting. First day one can eat as many fruits as possible. Second day complete fast and third day only juices of fruits and vegetables. This diet plan was to be continued till achievement of expected weight loss. 

In five to six days I started tummy upset. I was getting loose motions and weakness. The worst part wasI developed dislike for fruits. As fruits are my favorite food it was very painful. So I stopped this fruity regime and regained my lost 1 Kg weight in a few days.

Then I consulted an Ayurvedic doctor well known for weight loss treatment. He weighed me and even calculated body fat percentage. It revealed that I was OVERWEIGHT, POT BELLIED and having excess fat. He started treatment. 

He gave me some tasteless, bland oil. First day I was supposed to drink 60 ml of this oil as first thing in the morning. The quantity of the oil went on increasing by 15 ml everyday to reach around 150 ml on last day. 

The oil made me sick. It reduced my appetite. In the night I was supposed to eat half or one Jowar roti and green gram dhal. Drinking that oil was a terrible experience for me.

Many times I felt like asking the question, "why me?" to the almighty! After seven days I lost around 2 Kg. Frankly speaking my diet had become almost 1/5th of my usual diet and I had lost appetite also. So this weight loss was obvious. 

If I felt hungry in between, I had the option of butter milk and Jowar flakes as snacks. I continued this for a month. During this weight loss experiment my relatives and friends developed complaints against me. The friendly party invitations had decreased noticeably. 

I was being a fanatic or whimsical in my friend's view. But this tasteless food stole the flavor of my life too. It was a real torture watching everyone enjoying delicious food while I had to pretend to be enjoying mine. Finally, 

one day I was enlightened! "Can life be like this...ating Jowar roti and a bowl of dal?" "How can I spend my life like this?", "What is my crime?" At that moment I went in the kitchen and grabbed pakodas and enjoyed all favorite food items which I had missed for a month or more. Thus this experiment came to its logical end! And I successfully regained my 3 Kg lost weight.

After this experiment I started developing interest in advertisements on television and other channels claiming to lose weight with 100% guarantee. 

These included sona belts, slim teas some diet formulae and exercise machines. Due to the cost I refrained from really indulging in any of these measures. I met some people who had tried all these methods and got frustrated with the outcome.

Later I tried various homeopathic medicines to lose weight. It only resulted in loss of money! I have respect for Ayurveda and Homeopathy as disciplines of medicine and also for doctors who practice these pathies honestly as per the documented principles. 

I am only against doctors who do not respect even the basic principles of their pathies and have started exploitative business of weight loss. To cut the story short, I was getting frustrated by the failing experiments.

All my efforts were proving useless for losing weight. I started doubting whether it is really possible to lose weight. Then I came across a popular book. 

It had a fabulous advice of eating every three to four hours! Such advice is like a boon to obese person as it is his way of life already! I started to follow this diet plan. 

I used to carry three tiffins while going to college. One contained fruits, other chappati and dhal andthird the vegetables. The peculiar feature of this expennent was that I was always thinking about eating, actually "what next I could continue this for 2 weeks. 

The result was amazing. I had put on ½ Kg weight! The worst part was the feeling that the purpose of our lives is to eat or think about eating. Obviously I bid goodbye to this experiment.

While I was travelling to Chikhali-Khamgaon as a part of my duty as Chairman of the flying squad of Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, I heard the lecture of Dr. Shrikant Jichkar which was downloaded on mobile by my friend Dr Shital Antapurkar. 

I was highly impressed by that lecture. Actually Dr. Jichkar had come to Aurangabad in 2001 and delivered lecture on the same topic. Unfortunately at that time I missed the opportunity to listen to him. 

In his lecture Dr Jichkar had explained the role of insulin and glucagon in relation to obesity. Dr. Jichkar was MD in Preventive and Social Medicine. I did my post graduation in the same subject. 

He was extremely talented and research minded. In his speech with lawless logic he had explained relationship between insulin-glucagon and healthy life. I was fascinated by the solid scientifiect

logiec in his speech. His urge was equally appealing. Immediately from the next day I started experiment on myself. In the first month itself, my weigh reduced by 3 Kg. 

In three and half months it reduced by 8 Kg! There was no adverse effect and also no restrictions on diet. Truly this diet plan is a miracle. The point to be noted is that since then my weight has not increased by even half a Kg. 

My critical suspicious mind raised a query "Is my weight loss related to diabetes and I am giving credit to Dr Jichkar's theory?" To rule this out I underwent medical and laboratory investigations just to confirm that I was perfectly healthy. 

I also tried reverse system to prove this hypothesis doubly. I resumed my previous lifestyle for about a month and I was gifted by 1 Kg weight gain. Now I was sure that this theory really works.

Since last many years I am following the diet plan advocated by Dr. Jichkar. It helped me a lot. I reduced my waist size by 2 inches. My stamina is the same. 

Daily exercises are continued without any issue. Once I got convinced by this theory, I started motivating others to follow this diet plan. Each and everyone without a single exception, has benefitted from this advice. 

I have now data of about 1200 individuals with around 150 doctors who have benefitted from this diet plan. I firmly opine that this message should be spread to each and every citizen of this country as all of us have major risk to face the problems of obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart attack and stroke. 

This should become a campaign for healthy living. This book is written precisely for the same purpose. Before we go to the simple measure for losing weight, let us try to understand the causes of obesity, role of diet and exercise in reducing weight and functions of various hormones secreted in our body.

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