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Dr Jagannath Dixit Diet Plan

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Dr Jagannath Dixit Diet Plan

jagannath dixit diet chart

About Jagannath Dixit : 

          Dr. Jagannath Dixit has 28 years of teaching experience, he is working as Professor and Head of Community Medicine Department at Government Medical College, Latur Maharashtra. 

    Dr Jagannath Dixit is the brand ambassador for its anti-obesity campaign in Maharashtra. His diet plan based on dr Shrikant jichkar theory. He was awarded fellowship by the Indian medical education department.

    Dixit Diet meal about 2 meal a day diet plans it's widely used for healthy lifestyle also some people use dr Dixit diet plan for weight loss.

Dr dixit diet plan chart

  • 2 meal a day
  • per meal time is 55 minutes
  • Drink a lot of water more than 4  Ltr
  • Don't take water 1 hr before meal
  • Don't take sleep 1 hr after meal
  • Afternoon sleep maximum 30 min
  • Avoid sugar and sweet food
  • Add protein and complex crab in meal

Dr Dixit diet plan chart: Exercise

  • Daily 5 km walk within 45 min

Dixit Diet Science

Dr Jagannath dixit creates a diet plan which is based on insulin level. this diet plan scientifically validated so anyone can follow that diet plan.

Dixit diet plan is helpful over obesity and diabetes. Dixit diet plan similar to intermittent fasting and 2 meal a day diet.

It is one of the diet plans which can be allowed for diabetic patients. its also help to overcome on type-2 diabetic. it also knows as type 2 diabetes reversal diet.

Dixit diet plan details: Insulin secretion

Insulin is the main factor for lose weight and weight gain. this also helps to control diabetes.

Type 1 - baseline

The pancreas secretes 18 to 32 units of insulin throughout the day.
This secretion cannot be stopped as it is essential for survival.

Type 2 - food intake secretion

Every time you eat insulin is secreted. General behavior is 50% come as baseline secretion and 50% from the secretion of food.

Whatever you eat, insulin is secreted. Small meals are responsible for multiple times insulin level changes. Once insulin is secreted, it takes 55 minutes to refill it.

Hence if you eat up to 55 minutes, insulin will be secreted only once. If you continue eating more than 55 minutes, then for every 55 minutes slot you will secrete insulin.

Frequently asked a question about Dixit diet :

  • How to get rid of sugar tea?

Its world best hack that if we try anything then after 15 days it converted to habit. By birth, we have the habit to drink tea with sugar. It is a matter of only determination of 15 days.

If you will drink tea without sugar for only 14 days. you will not like tea with sugar on the 15th day!

  • Dixit diet allow 2 meal a day how to overcome weakness?

Our body has 15% fat so if we only drink water for 7 weeks you will not die. Our body can adjust after 2/3 days to take only 2 meal after that you make this as a lifestyle.

Our body has stored energy about 1,20,000 calories. On average one needs 2000 calories every day.

So do not worry about giddiness or weakness. As you are eating two square meals everyday nothing will happen to you.

  • Some people ask about while dieting they are facing acidity?

If we take a small meal then we are facing acidity problem best ways to overcome on that this is Dixit diet.

Acid secreted in the stomach may not be utilized by a small amount of food that remains in the stomach and problem started.

When you eat full stomach, the acid produced gets utilized, so no acid remains in the stomach and problem go away.

This is proved by experience who are doing Dixit diet or 2 meal a day.

  • Will I lose my muscles while doing Dixit diet?

Proteins are the main part to build and maintain muscles so you can take in 2 meal we also give the advice to take protein as per the proportion of weight.

Body Always burns glucose and fatty acids to get energy if this is not available then and then only Your proteins are used for energy purpose.

This can happen only if you starve for many days. As you are eating two square meals every day in this diet plan, there is no possibility of losing muscles.

  • Is it risky to skip breakfast or snacks?

Eating when you are hungry is a natural way. If you eat when you are not hungry, you will face the problem of indigestion.

If you do not eat when you are hungry, you will get acidity. We never advise skipping breakfast we are saying take only 2 meal as when you get hungry.

you can take in early morning if you feel hungry at that time. We are only saying that take 2 meal no breakfast you can take the first meal at the time of breakfast.

what to eat in Dixit diet plan and what is Dixit diet Meal?

  1. start with seasonal fruit, dry fruit.
  2. take salads
  3. sprouts/boiled egg/protein source.
  4. Take chappati, dhal, rice, and vegetables.
  5. At the end, you can drink milk.
  6. You can pick some part and create your balanced meal.
  7. It is important to note that it is not necessary to eat all these food items in every meal every day!

Weight Loss Science2 Meal a Day DietMilitary dietBalanced dietDixit Diet

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