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Dr Dixit Diet Plan for weight loss based on dr jichkar theory

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Dr Dixit Diet Plan for weight loss 

based on dr jichkar theory

Dr Dixit Diet Plan for weight loss based on dr jichkar theory

 As per Hindu scriptures.
“What do they say about the intake of food?”

“That a person who eats just one meal a day is a Yogi two meals, you are a bhogi, but if you eat food thrice, you will become a rogi.”

About Jagannath Dixit :

professor Dr. Jagannath Dixit as the state's brand ambassador for tackling obesity and diabetes.

Dixit sir is a professor in the department of the medical education department college Latur.
He is working on theory is based on the diet plan drafted by late Dr. Shrikant Jichkar.

He decided to take his research further and make people live healthily.

Dixit diet plan details: 

Why insulin is a key factor?

Multiple meals increase of insulin in the blood, usually released after meals, triggers obesity.

Also a lot of people facing insulin-resistance and type-2 diabetes health issue.

Dixit advises restricting all eating during the day to just two meals.so insulin under control.

Once insulin level rises, the body uses glucose for energy not burn our fat for energy.

if insulin level falls, the body uses fatty acids. As baseline insulin secretion cannot be controlled voluntarily, one option is to control the number of times insulin is secreted into the blood after every eating episode. 

As more or less the same amount of insulin is secreted every time, irrespective of the quantity of food consumed, reducing eating frequency can reduce the insulin level. 

Dixit diet plan chart :

  • Dixit sir advice to eat twice in a day its 2 meal a day diet plan.
  • In between two meals
  • Drink water, 
  • Home-made buttermilk, 
  • Green or black tea (without sugar), 
  • Coconut water,
  • One tomato.

Dixit diet chart: Exercise

  • Finish meal in 55 minutes.
  • Walk 4.5 km in 45 minutes daily.

For best result need to follow :

  • Keep an eight-hour gap between meal.
  • Have more proteins.
  • Cut down on sweets.

Dr Dixit diet plan reviews :

If anyone follows the two-meal diet. They are sure there will not only be lose weight, but it will help in controlling diabetes. 

This diet review by a lot of medical education as per there report Dixit diet is scientifically validated which helps in weight loss and anti obesity.

Also as per there opinion diabetic patients can do this diet with the consultation of the doctor.  As per J dixit, type 2 diabetes may be the reversal if we try this diet. 

Reversal of diabetes is also possible.

Dixit diet review :

Dr. Dixit from last six years since he began propagating his diet plan, Dixit has not charged a “single penny” for his consultations and talks.

All he wants people to do is to “take health into their own hands”.

Dixit sir has been a tireless campaigner for weight loss and reversal of diabetes for the last 10 years.

They spreading his message through 250 WhatsApp group and other social media platforms. 

He has more than 50,000 followers from 37 countries.

Dixit diet success stories / Dixit diet results :

Before starting anything we see the first review and result from diet its also good think.
We have a lot of results and review about Dixit diet you please visit below story and get there experience about Dixit diet.

As per healthyBrain India advice, we can do this diet with intermittent fasting for better result.

13 kg of weight loss in months dr dixit diet plan for weight loss

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Click here: Dixit Diet Plan

13 kg of weight loss in months

dr dixit diet plan for weight loss 

Hi, Healthy brain reader, we come up with new inspiration story here we get all details about Dixit diet.
we have a story to weight loss motivation "12 kg weight loss in 90 days"

Name - Ghanashyam Ballal
Mobile - 9881149601
Place - Satara

dr dixit diet plan for weight loss

Age - 39 years
Height - 171 cm

BEFORE: 11 February 2019
Weight - 85 kg
Waist circumference - 98 cm

AFTER: 11 May 2019
Weight - 73 kg
Waist circumference - 84 cm

I received this Dixit Diet Plan information in Satara lecture organized by Satara police station.

I walk 4.5 km daily in 45 minutes and now I run 6 miles in 45 minutes. When morning exercises were not performed during the day, I used to exercise in the evening. 

I Have not skipped the diet in the last 3 months. Every 15 days.

I have to travel to Mumbai and have to reach there early morning, but my daily targets were completed at Azad Maidan.

Sometimes I go on trekking.

I ate at 9/30 am and at 8 o'clock in the night. During these two meals, I only drink water, rarely have buttermilk. In any case.

I have never broken the diet. Attempted to have meal regularly as per my diet schedule at the time of procession, travel, Lok Sabha elections.

I am head of the police station where many recognized people visit and they insist to have tea or coffee but I have stopped.

It completely saying that I am following Dr. Dixit Diet plan. In meal, I have 1/3 salad, 1/3 of the cereal and 1/3 of the usual meal.

In three months, my weight decreased by 11.40 kg and waist circumference decreased by 14 cm

Before Dixit Sir's Diet Plan, I was doing the gym to reduce weight but the weight did not decrease. 

It is important to note that under normal diet or exercise only, we do not get the expected results both of these exercises and diet are required to be 100% ritualized

As soon as I got to know about Dixit Sir's Diet Plan, I started a new healthy lifestyle and now I will follow it for my whole LIFE. 

Samsung health is the app in SAMSUNG MOBILE that I used to measure run time and distance.

I inspired my colleagues from the police department to adopt this diet. 

A healthy inspector is not one with a big bump and this diet will help change that image. 

Earlier we policemen used a mirror to lock our belts, however, that's not the case anymore

 I sincerely thank Dr. Dixit Sir and his colleagues. Also thanking my then SP, Pankaj Deshmukh, and Rajmane Saheb.

Thanks to my wife, Chaitrali, who gives me food on my scheduled diet time.

Weight Loss Science2 Meal a Day DietMilitary dietBalanced dietDixit Diet

Dixit Diet Plan for Police

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Click here : Dixit Diet Plan for Normal people
Click here : Dixit Diet Plan for children or below 18 year

Dixit Diet Plan for PoliceDixit Diet Plan for Police

Dr Jagannath Dixit are do lot of social work for our health of society.

They provide diet plan which know as dixit diet plan using this diet 10000+ people got result for weight loss and diabetes reversal.

Dixit sir provided diet plan for children : dixit diet plan for children. 

Dr Dixit is the brand ambassador of obesity control program of Maharashtra. He has taken the initiative to help the police force to become healthy and fit. 

He is giving them a diet plan which will help them work better because police are responsible for security of our society. Dr Dixit has taken this initiative starting with Nashik police.

Currently police have 24hr shift time with no work life balance hence there life style are very unhealthy. Dixit sir started to help them get rid of obesity and diabetes.

This is the first experiment for the Maharashtra police. A proper clinic for counseling and treatment will be opened in Nashik commissioner’s office.

A new ‘Dixit diet’ plan will be formulated for the police staff and their families. They will all be screened and then for the next year they will be put on the Dixit diet. 

The police staff and their family members will be Dr Dixit and his team. “In the next one year, the number of Nashik police, suffering from diabetes will be reduced by 50 per cent.
This is the first project and we will then take this to police across the state,” said Dr Dixit.

Moreover, the Indian Medical Association and the physician association will also be part of Dr Dixit’s team to help he police become ‘fit’.

The Mumbai and Maharashtra police has undertaken many program for keeping their force physically fit.

There also are regular workshops for de-stressing and meditation, to help them deal with the various stress situations in their lives arising out of the irregular hours the police are forced to keep.

Currently this diet plan under process when it available for all we let you know also update our article.

Weight Loss Science 2 Meal a Day Diet Military diet Balanced diet Dixit Diet

Dixit diet plan for children

Click here : Dixit Diet Plan for Normal people

Dixit diet plan for children

Dixit diet plan for children

In India currently, more than 5 children are overweight out of 10. this result is showing so Dixit sir decided to create a diet plan for children or below the 18-year child.

above overweight result keep on increasing very fast so we need to care for our child.

If our child has diabetic and obesity type of disease at this age then what will be the future of there life, So we need to take care of our child.

Most of the child play sport or game on mobile not on the ground this is the start of the unhealthy lifestyle.

We must force our child to play sport on the ground at least 1 hr daily.

If a child currently facing issue related to obesity and diabetic then avoid zero calories food like ice cream, chocolate, cake.

For a normal child, it's best practice to avoid or try to reduce the quantity of zero calories food like ice cream, chocolate, cake, zero calories drink.

Dixit Sir work on child diet plan also discuss with a lot of experts and came up with this diet plan.

By research, they identified 4 times meal is more than enough for children.

Dixit Diet Plan for children -

  • 4 times meal.
  • Don't drink zero calories drink like cold drinks. Like coca, sprit.
  • Avoid all Sweet.
  • Play as much on the ground.

Condition : 

  • After 10-year children can follow this Dixit diet plan.
  • Don't take meals while watching tv. 
  • Concentrate on food enjoys the taste of food.

Advice to parent :

  • They also provide advice to all parent As,
  • Don't give cake, chocolate, sweet foods, cold drink.
  • Don't give zero calories food and zero calories drink.
  • Support child to play minimum one sport.
  • Provide proteins, nuts, healthy food, daily one fruit.
  • Don't give mobile in child's hand to play the game.

Schedule of 4 meal :

  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Snacks
  • Dinner
Thanks for reading free to ask questions in a comment and please share this article with your friend and family on WhatsApp and Facebook.

Weight Loss Science 2 Meal a Day Diet Military diet Balanced diet Dixit Diet