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Top 13 Benefits of Eating Nuts Everyday

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Benefits of Eating Nuts Everyday

Top 13 Benefits of Eating Nuts Everyday

All seeds and nuts are healthy but we ignore lot of nuts and seeds they have lot of good nutrients.

They can do just as great of a job and depending  on your personal needs some provide even better results.


If you start  eating almonds every day it's been proven that regular consumption of seeds and nuts including almonds is incredibly good for your health and appearance.

They actually transform our body and lot of positive changes made in body.

Let's start with almonds basically, they're always a good choice when it  comes to keeping a healthy diet. countless studies have shown that these nuts not only normalize lipid levels in the blood.

They also reduce the risk of  developing cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes.

Almonds are a  true miracle for helping you lose weight  as well since they lower the level of  fat in the body.

They are an alternative to the animal protein they give you that same sense of being full which means that you won't constantly overeat.

Experts recommend eating just 20 almonds  a day to get all these awesome health benefits the best way to do it is to snack.

Or we can add them in between meals remember the amount of intake of foods.

A healthy body wasn't built in a day, so your desired results won't come right away be patient. and keep on the path means exercise and healthy eating habit.

After daily eating almonds see and feel your overall health  improving guaranteed but our almonds.

Flax seeds   

Scientists at the National Dairy  Research Institute have proven that flax  seeds are great for your health.

Flaxseed chemical composition basically  multitasks at improving all kinds of  modern systems at once.

The magic is in  the natural hormones called  phytoestrogens found in flax seeds.

They  effectively fight off malignant tumors especially breast and prostate cancer.

The fiber in these seeds coats the  stomach and prevents inflammation same like banana.

1 tablespoon of  mashed flax seeds contains nearly 2  grams of omega-3 fatty acids which keep your cardiovascular system in tip-top shape.

 Sesame seeds 

After reading below research you will add include more flax seeds in their diet sesame seeds.

According to researchers at Australia's Griffith  University the chemical composition of sesame seeds decreases blood pressure.

Also effectively preventing stroke heart attack and kidney failure even more.

this seed performs amazingly these seeds contain a ton of  special antioxidants that significantly reduce high cholesterol.

These seeds high amount of oils in them that improve the condition of your  skin hair and nails.
So with the help of  sesame seeds, you'll be feeling and looking good its added start in your beauty.

Pumpkin seeds 

pumpkin seeds contain a huge amount of argan eyes which helps dilate the blood vessels. Pumpkin seeds improving circulation and preventing hypertension and although.

These seeds really do have a ton of  calories they also contain lots of protein that balances everything out and normalize blood sugar level.

Pumpkin seeds are also rich in vitamins A and E  which are essential for maintaining skin  elasticity.

This explains why pumpkin seeds are one of the most effective secret weapons.


The  cosmetic industry has  walnuts researchers at Latrobe  University in Australia have
found that the minerals contained in walnuts lower the risk of developing both  cardiovascular disease and coronary  heart disease.

Additionally they have a natural chemical called Klose Ferrol which is highly effective at minimizing symptoms associated with age-related disorders and protecting men from prostate cancer.

According to dr. Joe Vinson a chemistry  professor at the University of Scranton  just seven
walnuts a day can bring you all of their potential health benefits so eat up.

Sunflower Seeds 

Sunflower seeds contain sulfur-rich proteins that  are proven to be extremely good for your muscle and bone tissue.

According to  researchers in the department of botany  at the PMA as arid agriculture  University
sunflower seeds effectively prevent bronchial and lung infections.

Sunflower seeds have antioxidant antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory  properties if you want to get in on all these health-boosting benefits.

Just make it a habit to consume one ounce of  sunflower seeds every single day.


Compared to other nuts  pistachios contain a lot less fat in  calories but the most interesting part  is
that they have the highest level of  unsaturated fatty acids potassium and carotenoids means all are healthy fat.

These chemicals basically provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects experts at  nutrition science solutions.

we can add pistachios snacking on pistachios can help you  feel full longer which makes them great for weight control.

Best to consume 1.5 to 3  ounces about one or two handfuls of pistachios per day.
Let all these amazing properties work their magic on your system.


First off cashews are full of  iron which is a must-have to prevent  anemia.
They can really help diabetics stabilize their blood sugar levels.

The advantage is just keeping on coming to the phosphorus and thiamine contained in cashews will help you get through the workday a lot easier since they both keep energy levels up.

 The anti-inflammatory effect of these nuts strengthens the immune system and protects the body from the flu virus.

Weight  management expert dr. Gary Sharma who  says that eating just four to five cashews a day will give you visible results within a couple weeks.


hazelnuts are a big favorite for a lot of people and their amazing health benefits will make you fall in love with them.

 Researchers in the  Department of nutritional sciences at  the University of Connecticut have
proven that the abundance of vitamin B  contained in hazelnuts helps make bones and muscles stronger.

Also, hazelnuts make the  immune system stronger also welcomed boost your circulatory system.

The organic acids of  these nuts block cholesterol levels from increasing in the blood, this as you may  know by now prevents cardiovascular disease.

Eat 20 per day and the hazelnuts will do the your system stronger.


Peanuts are definitely one of the most  popular items on our list and it's no  surprise since they contain tons of  important elements.

The  polyphenol protects the cells of the  body from harmful free radicals helping  us stay young longer.

Linoleic acid in its turn brings high cholesterol down and prevents sclerosis.

You can get the  most out of peanuts if you make them part of a nutritionally balanced diet.

According to the Institute of chemical technology, peanuts subdue hunger for a  while so as a between-meal snack.

Peanuts help you eat less so you can bid farewell to all those extra pounds.

Brazil nuts  

thanks to their large amounts of fiber  and the cleaning effect they have on the intestines Brazil nuts significantly improve digestion.

According to the Department of nutritional sciences  at the University of Connecticut they  also contain something called selenium.

Which plays a huge role in producing the cells that make up the immune system.

The  unsaturated fats found in Brazil nuts  decreased blood sugar levels  dramatically protecting the
body from  diabetes and atherosclerosis.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds pack a big health-boosting punch their omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.

Chia seeds  work wonders on the heart and blood  vessels lowering cholesterol and
preventing blood clots.

Another component in chia seeds is vitamin B which helps clear up and prevent skin  problems.

These seeds  are especially good for women  particularly during menopause studies estimate that reasonable amounts of chia seeds to consume are about one ounce per day.

No matter which type of nuts or seeds you choose  from this list after that definitely see positive changes in your body just remember that as always moderation is key.

Most nuts and seeds have  a lot of calories so be sure to stay within the daily limit which is no more than an ounce for any nut or seed.

Weight Loss Science2 Meal a Day DietMilitary dietBalanced dietDixit Diet


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