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Workout: How to Reduce Love Handles

WorkoutHow to reduce love handles

We don’t fit into our skinny jeans, This the main reason to remove love handles I think.
 love handle fat sits on the above of the hip and side of the abdominal area.

 lots of people think that a typical ab workout will remove or clear love handles but this not real.

 Love handles are on the top of obliques, which is a specific group of muscles.
In order to clean or remove love handles, we need to target them precisely in a workout.

Exercise 1:

reduce love handles

Time: 15 Min
Repeat: Daily
Workout : Cardio / Running
Target Muscles: Core of the body.
A 30-minute cardio session every day.

Exercise 2:

reduce love handles

Workout: Woodchoppers
Total Reps: 40 (20 on each side).
  • Using one hand weight stand on feet hip-width apart with your weight on your left leg.
  • Initial hold the weight in both hands up by your left shoulder.
  •  twist to make a chopping motion down towards your right hip.
  • Your feet and knees to pivot with the twist.
  • Raise the weight back up to your left shoulder and repeat for 20 reps. Next 20 reps right side.

Exercise 3:

reduce love handles

Workout: Russian Twists.
Total Reps: 50
  •  Sit on your butt. Your torso should be leaning back.
  •  Hold a dumbbell with both hands.
  • Lift your feet from the ground, crossing them at the ankles and balancing on your butt.
  • Next, twist your torso to the right and touch your dumbbell to the ground.
  • left touching the weight to the left side of your body.

Exercise 4:

reduce love handles

Workout: Plank Hip Lifts
Total Reps: 30  (15 on each side). 
  • Elbow on the ground and your legs and hips resting on the ground.
  • keeping your body in a straight line
  • Raise the lower half of your body up off the ground into a straight plank position.

Exercise 5:

reduce love handles

Workout: Bicycle Crunches.
Total Reps: 50
  •  Lie on back with knees bent and your hands behind your head.
  •  Engage your abs, lifting your shoulders and upper back off of the ground.
  • Move your right elbow toward your left knee so that they meet in middle.
  •  Switch position bringing your left elbow to your right knee.

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