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🌱 Lemongrass Tea

Discover the natural goodness of lemongrass tea! Detoxify, boost immunity, and relax with every sip.

Lemongrass Tea

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💚 Boosts Immunity

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Sugarcane Juice Benefits

Sugarcane Juice Benefits

Have the sugarcane juice (at least thrice a week), it’s a natural detox and pitta shamak. The stuff that looks after the pitta or the heat response in the body. It’s a natural coolant but comes in season during the winters. Here’s how you should have it for the best benefits - 

  • It is diuretic in nature & helps keep infections at bay.
  • Sugarcane juice helps strengthen the liver & is a proven remedy for jaundice.
  • Sugarcane juice is a good source of Vitamin C & antioxidants.
  • Sugarcane juice contains vitamin B9 (folic acid) which helps in conception & pregnancy.
  • Sugarcane juice is good for the body’s immunity & helps treat sore throat, cold, & flu.

How to take:

  • Have it freshly squeezed 
  • Preferably before noon
  • Sit down when you drink it

How to make:

  • do you get spotting before periods? Second day tougher than the first? Make sure that you are having the sugarcane juice a week before periods and you are sorted.
  • This has the potential to go the golden milk route but hopefully you will adopt it before it is called the green nectar.

This guideline may catch you off guard but it’s going to be a sweet surprise to you. What’s the super food that India uses in every Puja to make a mandap? Which it offers to the fire at Lohri? To Vishnu at Tulsi vivaah? To the Sun at Pongal? Sugarcane, ganna, you got it.

A lot of the traditional Ayurvedic remedies use sugarcane and its derivatives. It is the harvest of the season and a store house of antioxidants, fibre and micro-minerals. Here are some of its many sugarcane juice benefits  – 

  • It works like a diuretic, removes bloating and tiredness and helps the kidneys function better. 
  • It helps optimise liver function and is also used as a treatment for jaundice. 
  • It gives you smooth skin and prevents acne and also dandruff in your hair 
  • It helps with constipation and weakness.
  • It’s a fertility booster, known to improve both sperm quality and lactation in new mommies.

In the winters, it’s especially useful as most people forget to drink water. If you are the type who wakes up in the night often, have a glass of it in the morning. 

Sugarcane is a natural source of sucrose that is the powerhouse of our energy. It normalizes the release of glucose in your body to regain lost sugar levels. Sugarcane juice hydrates your body and reduces your fatigue caused due to hot weather. This juice provides you carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals that help you to deal with dryness.

Sugarcane juice benefits for kedney 

Sugarcane juice has excellent diuretic properties that help eliminate toxins and infections from your body. Drinking sugarcane juice will help to prevent urinary tract infections and kidney stones. It also ensures the proper functioning of the kidneys. Mix some coconut water and lemon in the sugarcane juice and drink this mixture two times a day to get relief from the burning sensation.

Sugarcane juice benefits for liver

For digestive distress, sugarcane juice works as a digestive tonic. It is high in potassium that balances the pH levels in the stomach. Sugarcane juice facilitates the secretion of digestive juices and keeps the system on track. Sugarcane also contains a good amount of fibers that help clear your digestive tract and reduce constipation.

Sugarcane juice benefits for skin

If you are looking for a remedy for anti-aging and fine skin lines, sugarcane juice may help. It contains antioxidants, phenolic acid, and flavonoids. It helps in moisturizing the skin and making it soft and glowing from the inside. Glycolic acid in sugarcane helps to maintain the radiance of the skin too. 

Sugarcane juice benefits for skin and hair

Sugarcane is an excellent source of calcium for a growing kid. It smoothens the dentition period and also provides strength to their bones. It is not only beneficial for kids but also for adults. Drinking a glass of sugarcane juice can keep your bones strong as you age and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Sugarcane juice is low in fats, cholesterol, & sodium. It has no saturated fats.

Sugarcane juice benefits for male 

Sugarcane is a good source of vitamin C and antioxidants that may boost your immunity. Presence flavonoids – help the body stave off cancerous cells, especially prostate and breast cancer. Sugarcane juice work excellent for digestive and liver problems. The potent antioxidants in it can also neutralize the secretion of bilirubin levels in the body.

Sugarcane juice benefits for female

Sugarcane is rich in nutrients that essential during pregnancy, such as folic acid, vitamin B complex, antioxidants, and calcium. The presence of folic acid and vitamin B9 has proven to reduce the chances of congenital neural disabilities such as spina bifida in babies.

It is an instant energizer. The sugar in sugarcane are easily absorbed by the body & these help replenish the sugar levels.

Despite its content of sugar, sugarcane juice has a low glycemic index. So while it replenishes the body’s sugar levels, it’s low glycemic index prevents spike in the blood glucose levels. Being alkaline in nature, sugarcane juice helps maintain the electrolyte balance in our bodies.

Sugarcane juice has a high concentration of Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Iron, & Manganese.Sugarcane juice aids digestion.The Potassium present in sugarcane juice helps balance the body’s pH levels.

Astronaut DietAlmond BenefitsWalnut BenefitsBananaCalories Calculator BMI Calculator

Sleep is important : How Why

How sleep is important

Why sleep is important ?

Sleep deprivation affects your psychological state and mental health. And those with mental health problems are more likely to have insomnia or other sleep disorders.

Sleep problems are particularly common in patients with anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Why Exercise  is important For Sleep

Exercise improves mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood and by improving self-esteem and cognitive function. Exercise has also been found to alleviate symptoms such as low self-esteem and social withdrawal.

Lancet Psychiatry study found that high-intensity aerobic exercise helped promote good mental health.
Even short bursts of exercise in the morning or afternoon can help regulate your sleep patterns. If you prefer to exercise at night, relaxing exercises such as yoga or gentle stretching can help promote sleep.

Why Nutrition Food is important For Sleep

Poor nutrition can lead to physical health problems such as obesity, though there are a number of demographic variables that could affect the direction and/or strength of the association with mental health including severity of obesity, socioeconomic status and level of education, gender, age and ethnicity.

Mental health problem may also be associated with poorer diet and physical health. There have been efforts to close the ‘mortality gap’ for people with severe mental health problems.

why good job is important For Sleep

poor quality jobs are associated with a reduction in well-being and a reduction in mental health. being unemployed is much worse for your mental health and well-being than being employed.

If you move from unemployment into a very low quality job, your mental health actually gets worse, whereas if you move from unemployment into good quality jobs or even moderately good quality of jobs,your mental health and well-being improves.

What to do to have better sleep ?

  • Regular exercise can help you sleep better. And good sleep helps you regulate your moods.
  • Exercise can improve your sense of control, coping ability and self-esteem. 
  • People who exercise regularly often report how good achieving a goal makes them feel.
  • Exercise can distract you from negative thoughts.
  • provide opportunities to try new experiences.
  • In the brain,  serotonin, stress hormones and endorphins, change when you exercise.
  • Physical activity can be an outlet for your frustrations.

Below factors improve your sleep

Meal :

A meal which has full of nutrition looks like a  high in vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, beans, cereals, grains, fish, and unsaturated fats such as olive oil.

While preparing a meal we need to consider limited amounts of sodium, saturated fat, and added sugar.

omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid, vitamin D, magnesium, B vitamins, and tryptophan this kind of nutrients in food are useful emotional well being, positive mental health

Exercise :

You can do any kind of exercise, a simple 45 min walk also help you sleep better. And good sleep helps you regulate your moods.

Exercise can distract you from negative thoughts and provide opportunities to try new experiences. The levels of chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin, stress hormones and endorphins, change when you exercise.

Yoga :

We can start with basic breath awareness and Pranayama which increases body awareness, relieves stress, reduces muscle tension, strain, and inflammation, sharpens attention and concentration, and calms and centers the nervous system.

Yoga's positive benefits on mental health have made it an important practice tool of psychotherapy

Sleep :

Sleep and mental health are closely connected so we must complete our sleep without disturbance minimus 6 hr sleep is required to our body, we can wake up early and start day with yoga and Pranayama.

Work Life :

Good work balances the interest of the individuals, the employers, and society in order to deliver performance, engagement and fairness so that individuals are productive in a sustainable way and can remain in employment in a healthy way over time.

People talk about job quality, and one of the key issues is around whether employees have what's called autonomy which is the idea that you have some degree of control over your work or some degree of control over how you do your tasks at work.

working hours can improve that part of job quality as well as the actual nature of the working environment itself.

Vegan Diet Plan : Weight Loss : Myths

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Vegan Diet Plan : Weight Loss : Myths

Plant protein

There are so many plants that have proteins like chickpeas, beans, tofu, pulses the list goes on.Fruits and vegetables, being rich in fiber, are relatively easier to digest so plant protein can easy to digest by our body.

Virat Kohli have said that one of the main benefits he’s experienced since giving up animal products is increased digestive power. Virat also shifted to vegan diet.

There is lot of Myths around the Vegan diet and Protein, We will try to get the answer in a scientific way. World's best sportsperson follows a Vegan diet that means there is no issue with energy.

Myths about Vegan Diet

Animal Protein Require to Stay Fit and Build Muscle

Vegans are frail and weak and will not be able to build muscle, that not true. but the fact is gorillas and elephants are some of the strongest creatures on Earth, and they survive on plants.

The secret  of Gorillas and Elephants strength.

They spend 12-20 hours a day just foraging for and eating food, they need to eat that much. But humans, have the ability to break down starch from the food consumed and that for energy. Elephants and gorillas get their nutrition and strength from plant sources.

Need Eggs to Complete Protein Intake.

Our Parent touted us, eggs are a superfood, a cheap and viable source of nutrition, and high protien source so we must include in the diet but eggs aren’t all that good for you.

The fact is they are high in cholesterol that's the excess amount of cholesterol may cause health issue.
Plus, other nutrients in eggs we get from foods like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage lentils.

Milk makes us Stronger

Milk may contain calcium, but it’s not making, it’s way into your body the way you believe it is.It’s not about the amount of calcium a food contains, what matters is how much of that calcium is absorbed by our bodies.

The milk absorption rate of 30%, while greens like kale, broccoli, and mustard have absorption rates between 40%-60%.Dairy also tends to cause bloating, gas, and unease, mainly because most humans cannot digest the lactose in milk.

A Vegan Diet makes Exhausted

Actually feel more energized on a vegan diet. plant products are easier to digest than animal meat, eggs, and dairy.
So it's easy to digest, you won’t feel that lump of protein sitting in your stomach, waiting to break down.
Animal calories take longer to digest than plant-based calories because they contain higher amounts of complex saturated fats.

A Vegan Diet makes Vitamin B12 deficiency

Yes, that's correct but B12 is actually produced by bacteria and fungi, not from animals. Also, there are vegan sources of B12, starting with fermented foods like idli, dosa and mushrooms, nut milks
and nutritional yeast is a good source of Vitamin B12.

Tea/Coffee not allowed A Vegan Diet

You can take tea and coffee just have it a little differently. we know what a sensitive issue is morning cup of tea, but there are lot of ways to get your coffee and tea.

Substitute dairy milk with plant milk like coconut milk, soy milk, almond milk. You can even make your own plant milk. also, we have the option of  green tea or black coffee.

Vegan Diet is Expensive

This is a classic excuse, for non-vegans. It’s too expensive. Only Lewis and Virat can afford to eat vegan because they’re already so wealthy. this is not true.

Vegan food doesn't have to be expensive their plates are fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds. Dal, sabzi, roti. Oatmeal, salad, hummus. That’s pretty ordinary fare.

Weight Loss ScienceWeight loss TipsLow cost Best proteinGI IndexVirat Kohli Diet

IIFYM diet Plan : Weight Loss

 IIFYM diet Plan : Weight Loss

IIFYM, or “If It Fits Your Macros,” is a type of flexible dieting that helps people lose weight without feeling overly restricted. No foods are off-limits! As long as it fits your macro requirements, you can eat whatever you like.


Take control of your weight-loss journey while eating the food you enjoy! This is NOT a diet! No foods are off-limits! As long as it fits your macro requirements, you can eat whatever you like.

Easy weight loss

If your goal is to lose weight, we guarantee you will achieve this EASILY if you follow your unique plan. You’ll enjoy delicious food as you watch the pounds melt away.

Anyone following IIFYM aims to eat a certain set amount of fat, carbs, and protein every day. Beyond that, it's basically a free-for-all.

There's nothing magical about IIFYM. It follows the same calories in, calories out principle as all successful weight-maintenance and weight-loss diets.

If you're following a personalized diet template, it's best to get that template from a registered dietitian or a doctor.

The major upside of IIFYM is that it emphasizes the idea that all three macronutrients—fat, carbs, and protein—are important, and doesn't make any food off-limits.

One potential drawback is that, if you're not eating mostly nutritious foods, you might be missing out on important vitamins and minerals.

Also, tracking what you eat may make you focus on food in a way that starts to feel unhealthy. If this is the case, IIFYM isn't for you. No matter how you eat, the rules of fueling your body in a healthy way remain the same.

Personalized Meal Plans + Workout Programs

Take the hassle out of tracking your macros with a Meal Plan tailored to your exact unique macronutrient needs. Our IIFYM Meal Plan takes care of everything, recipes and shopping lists included

IIFYM, or “If It Fits Your Macros”  is a type of flexible dieting that helps people lose weight without feeling overly restricted.

Rather than focusing on calories, IIFYM tracks macronutrients instead — namely protein, fat, and carbohydrates. This allows for much more flexibility since all foods can be enjoyed as long as they fit into your macros for the day.

Here are the basic principles of IIFYM, details on how to follow it, and the pros and cons of this approach.

The IIFYM diet involves calculating the amount of protein, fat, and carbs to be eaten each day in order to meet your weight goals. Food choices are tracked and adjusted as needed in order to stay within these macros.

IIFYM is a new spin on dieting that focuses on macronutrients rather than calories.

Macronutrients, or macros, are the four types of food molecules the body can break down for energy. Three types of macronutrients are tracked in IIFYM:

  • Protein, which has 4 calories per gram.
  • Carbohydrates, which have 4 calories per gram.
  • Fat, which has 9 calories per gram.

Following the IIFYM diet is pretty simple, and only requires a few steps:

Calculating your macros: Calculations are used to determine how many grams of protein, carbs, and fat you need each day in order to meet your weight goals.

Meeting your macros: Once you know your macros, you just need to stay within them each day. Food intake is tracked and adjusted as needed.

Online or manual calculations are used to determine the appropriate number of calories needed to meet your weight goal. Then, the ideal ratio of macronutrients is determined based on your current body weight and allowed calories.

Calculate your basal metabolic rate:

Standardized equations are used to determine how much energy your body uses at rest, based on age, sex, height, and weight. This is known as your basal metabolic rate or BMR.

Adjust for activity level:

The BMR is multiplied by an activity factor to increase calories based on your activity level. This is known as your total daily energy expenditure or TDEE.

Adjust based on weight goals:

If you want to lose weight, reduce your calorie intake by 15–25%. If weight gain is the goal, increase calories by 5–15%.

Determine your macros

Protein intake should be between 0.7–1.0 grams per pound of body weight. Fat intake should be between 0.25–0.4 grams per pound of body weight. All remaining calories are allotted for carbs.

Foods High in Protein

  • Animal meats, like beef, chicken, lamb, pork, and turkey
  • Dairy products, like cheese, milk, whey protein, and yogurt
  • Eggs
  • Legumes, like beans, lentils, peanuts, peas, and soy
  • Nuts
  • Quinoa
  • Seafood, like fish and shellfish

Foods High in Fats

  • Avocado
  • Egg yolks
  • Fatty fish, like salmon, sardines, and anchovies
  • Full-fat dairy products, like cheese, cream, whole milk and yogurt
  • Mayonnaise
  • Nuts and nut butter
  • Oils from fruits, nuts, and seeds
  • Olives
  • Seeds, like chia and flax

Foods High in Carbs

  • Bread, cereals, pasta and baked goods
  • Legumes, like beans, lentils, peanuts, peas, and soy
  • Grains, like oats, wheat, barley, rye and rice
  • Fruits, especially bananas, plantains, mangoes, and apples
  • Pseudocereals, like amaranth, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, teff, and wild rice
  • Starchy vegetables, like potatoes, sweet potatoes, winter squash and corn
While tracking is important, there is no need to stress about hitting your macros exactly every single day.It’s generally easier to meet your macros by eating a whole-foods diet with plenty of produce. Exercise is recommended, but not required.


  • IFYM is a flexible alternative to traditional dieting. Since all foods are allowed, 
  • many people find it easier to stick to, increasing the likelihood of reaching their goals.
  • It’s Flexible and Easier to Stick To
  • It Helps You Achieve Your Weight Goals
  • IIFYM is a flexible dieting option
for people who want to lose weight and build muscle mass without feeling overly restricted.

It involves calculating how many grams of protein, fat, and carbohydrates you need to eat each day, then tracking your food intake to make sure you meet these macros.

However, IIFYM does not track micronutrients, and may not be suitable for people with certain medical conditions or those who are at risk of an eating disorder.

Some people find it difficult to keep weight off long term, and may benefit from working with a nutrition professional for more guidance and support.

Since all foods can be enjoyed on IIFYM, many people find it less restrictive and easier to stick to than other diets. It can be a great option for those looking for flexibility and balance while achieving their weight loss goals.


While IIFYM is flexible, it’s still a diet. It’s important to ensure you are getting enough micronutrients on this plan and to seek professional guidance as needed. IIFYM may not be appropriate for everyone, especially people with serious medical conditions.
Does Not Take Health Conditions Into Account
No Emphasis on Micronutrients

Bottom line

No matter how you eat, the rules of fueling your body in a healthy way remain the same.

Done right, IIFYM can support a balanced diet that leaves room for your favorite less-healthy foods, in moderation.

And, if you're consistently eating a caloric deficit within the guidelines of what's healthy, the method can be an effective, sustainable way to lose weight. But, it's still important to follow basic healthy eating guidelines.

Be sure to focus on food quality, with an emphasis on vegetables, fiber, and high-quality protein, choosing whole foods over heavily processed foods.

How Does Exercise Impact Weight Loss

Weight Loss ScienceWeight loss TipsLow cost Best proteinGI IndexVirat Kohli Diet

How Does Exercise Impact Weight Loss


We discussed the concept of physical activity and exercise as they relate to obesity in humans.

There is a fine balance between energy intake and energy expenditure energy intake is in the form of food and energy expenditure is in the form of the basal metabolic rate and physical activity.

The difference between energy  intake and energy expenditure is the net  energy balance if intake
exceeds expenditure then a net positive energy balance occurs.

Energy expenditure :

Energy expenditure depends on a number of factors this includes the starting body weight the basal metabolic rate and physical activity.

Physical  activity :

There are several key variables including the frequency, intensity, duration, and type of activity done.

let us examine energy consumption 1 honey glazed donut is shown which has approximately 300 kilocalories.

The energy intake from the consumed donut is equal to the energy consumed by moderate walking for 30 to 60 minutes at 3 miles per hour.

If an individual walks for an hour at 3 miles per hour they will expend approximately 300 kilocalories,  the same as what was contained in the consumed donut.

If an individual walks daily for one hour at approximately 3 miles per hour this type of activity would lead to weight loss.

This assumes that the individual does not consume any extra calories and has a net negative energy expenditure.

If this continues for a  period of two to four months body weight is reduced as depicted the initial weight loss is the result of a negative net energy balance.

Weight loss with Negative Energy :

The negative energy  balance is because energy expenditure  exceeds energy intake after the initial
weight loss the individual continues to  do the same type of exercise that is one  hour of moderate
walking daily.

The chart depicts changes in body weight over time individuals are often frustrated and surprised that the weight is not continuing to decrease despite regular walking.

They have reached a plateau the reason behind the weight loss plateau is that with decreased body weight the basal metabolic rate also decreases when the basal metabolic rate decreases there is a decrease in total energy expenditure.

Their daily walking exercise the weight is gained again at a quicker pace,  the weight is regained as a result of a  positive energy balance being created.

Energy expenditure is now less since the  physical activity has been stopped by  keeping the same
intensity and duration  of walking without making any changes in  the diet energy intake.

The individual would enter a weight maintenance phase this is characterized by gaining a small amount of weight.

Weight maintenance is the result of an energy balance being established within the body where energy intake essentially equals energy expenditure.

If there is no change in  energy balance there will not be any  further change in weight that must be done to end.

The weight loss plateau  several options exist to maintain

  • Negative net energy balance
    • Decreasing energy intake 
  • Increasing energy expenditure  
    • Increasing the frequency of workout
    • Increasing intensity of the workout
    • Increasing the duration of  exercise   

Summary :

in summary, then weight loss plateaus are expected and can only end with continued exercise and a net negative energy balance stopping exercise or increasing calories will lead to weight gain.

If one continues to exercise to maintain a net negative energy balance weight loss will be promoted.

GM DietDixit DietBalanced DietHealthy Food List2 meal a Day Diet Military Diet

Superfoods : Hyper Local Food

Superfoods : Hyper Local Food

Guideline - eat a hyper-local fruit as a mid-meal every day. 

1. Here are a few tips to recognize a hyper-local fruit -
- doesn’t have a name in English or has a name you don’t easily recognize, 
- may have folklores, songs and festivals around it, and 
- was sold outside schools and at railway stations while you were growing up. 

2. The guideline is about eating the fresh fruit, not drinking its juice or smoothies, etc., as we lose many nutrients that way. 

3. A good time to eat this fresh fruit is as a mid-meal between breakfast and lunch or between lunch and dinner. 

Why Hyper Local Food is Superfoods

A staggering 2 billion people across the globe suffer from micronutrient deficiencies and when these are left unaddressed can lead to deformity, disease and, in some cases, even death. Vit D, Vit B12, Iron, along with Vit A, folic acid, etc.

Are some of the common deficiencies that you must have seen around you. Nutrition science has now recognized a definite link between micronutrient deficiencies and non-communicable diseases like Diabetes, BP, PCOD, etc. 

Technically, its called as a malnutrition of obesity. And it’s not just NCDs, many other conditions that you see around - allergies, low immunity, IBS, loss of fertility, unexplained flus, etc., are all linked to micro-nutrient deficiencies. 

So, what can you do about it?
 For one know that the answer is not pills, shots or fortification, that is just business as usual.

The answer lies in embracing our hyper-local fruits. 

They are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, fibre and a host of bioactive compounds that are at work as co-factors and signalling agents for thyroid, insulin, sex hormones, etc. 

They are good prebiotics that will allow for diversity in probiotic bacteria. From a flat stomach to a flawless skin, from a sharp brain to eyesight, from strong joints to strong memory, they play a role in everything. 

They contribute to the soil health of your region and allow for a healthier ecosystem and income for small farmers

I am highlighting just a few but include atleast 12 hyper-local fruits in your diet year around (depending on season, change almost monthly) to stay healthy, glowing and disease free. 

Bora (ber), 
Maran (coconut flower), 
Phalsa (local berry), 
Shehtooth (mulberry), 
Karvanda , 
Cashew fruit, 
Dhurchuk (Seabuckthorn), 
Fresh dates, 
Nimboli (neem fruit), 
Kamrakh (star fruit), 

For the next month, include Bora (ber) or maran (coconut flower) as a mid-meal. You can continue having the common local fruits of the season in addition to the hyper local ones. E.g. Peru (guava) right now. 

Local fruits and vegetables benefits for health

Food that’s sourced from your community doesn’t need to be shipped from afar and is very fresh, especially when it comes to produce.

Some foods, especially fruits and veggies, lose nutrients during transportation and storage, making local options usually more nutritious.

Eating local often leads to the discovery of new and unique foods. In particular, CSA boxes are often filled with scrumptious, hard-to-find fruits and vegetables.

Local foods yield less pollution and waste due to their minimal — or complete lack of — packaging, processing, and transportation. Supporting local farmers who implement sustainable techniques also benefits the environment.

Money spent on local foods continues to circulate in your regional economy, supporting local jobs and strong communities.

Purchasing food directly from farmers and purveyors gives you the opportunity to learn more about farming practices and develop connections to your food.


If you want to eat local foods, check out farmers markets, co-ops, or farm-to-table restaurants in your area.Eating local doesn’t just benefit your health and the farmers in your community. It also has a host of positive economic, social, and environmental effects.

Local foods tend to taste fresher, have more nutrients, and use less packaging. Supporting local food businesses leads to strong local economies.