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ESG weight loss - Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty

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ESG weight loss - Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty

Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty

Why is ESG getting popular world OA over as a non-surgical weight loss solution?

Think of the special occasions in life when excess body weight becomes a huge liability and a quicker
solution is needed. 

Or of those situations, when one wants to lose weight faster but does not want to undergo a surgery. 

The emerging solution to such worries is ESG- the latest innovation in the field.

Team Mohak is adept in handling this novel non-surgical procedure and is already a leap ahead in India.

What is Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty ESG?

A non-surgical endoscopic procedure to reduce weight, it is done through the mouth using an endoscopic
suturing system.

It needs no incisions and reduces the stomach to one-fourth in size, limiting the amount of food intake before feeling full. 

It limits the amount of calories absorbed and prolongs the time food remains in the stomach, extending the feeling of fullness.

Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty

How is ESG different from a normal weight loss surgery?

Since ESG is not a surgery, it causes no incisions or scars, facilitating a faster recovery and healing. ESG
reduces the size of the stomach like a surgical sleeve gastrectomy but does not involve removal of any
portions of the stomach. This is a key difference.

How long does ESG take?

The procedure takes 30-45 minutes. The patient may be able to walk 4-5 hours later and usually gets
discharged the next day to resume his/ her regular routine. The best part is that no bed rest is required.

Who is apt for ESG? How much weight can a patient lose?

Any overweight/ obese individual, with a BMI between 25 and 35, unable to control weight through diet and
exercise, or ones who are afraid of surgery, or ones that are averse to scars. Actual weight loss will vary based
on various factors though current studies suggest a total body weight loss approximately up to 20%.

When can one return to work?

The patient can resume his or her daily lifestyle immediately after getting discharged.

Is ESG helpful in resolving other obesity linked diseases?

Absolutely, a large number of patients suffering from Diabetes, Hypertension, and Sleep Apnea, etc. 
Are leading a disease free life, once they have achieved the desired weight loss.

What about people who regained weight after a failed bariatric surgery?

ESG can act as a very good tool for revisional procedures. The patient may go down by 15-20 kgs.,
countering the weight regain. Also, since this is an endoscopic procedure, it limits hospital stay to
approximately 3 days. Patients may return to their regular lifestyle almost immediately.

Weight Loss Science2 Meal a Day DietMilitary dietBalanced dietDixit Diet

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1 comment:

  1. Obesity Care is one of the best Endoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery in Mumbai, headed by Dr. Ramen Goel. We also assist you after weight loss surgery. Consult at +91 9820170783.Our years of experience in weight-loss surgery enables us to provide safe results and quality obesity care
