BOOK : Effortless Weight Loss and Diabetes Prevention by Dr Jagannath dixit book Chapter 2 - Obesity

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Effortless Weight Loss and Diabetes Prevention
by Dr Jagannath dixit book Chapter
Chapter 2 : Obesity
India has become a capital for many non communicable diseases Such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart attacks and stroke.
Obesity itself is a disease but more importantly it is a...
Calories Needed per day Calculator - by World Health Organization

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Calories Needed per day Calculator
--by World Health Organization
The World Health Organization create equation is based on a persons sex, age range and weight. WHO did not feel that height was necessary to include in its equation.
When we change Calorie consumption...
My Diet Planner: Free Diet Planner That Creates Custom Meal

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Diet Plan Questionnaire
Eat This Much creates personalized meal plans based on your food preferences, budget, and schedule.
We give you details about every food and nutrition value of that food.
With the help of us, you can reach your weight loss goal. diet and nutritional goals with our calorie calculator,...
BMI Calculator

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BMI Calculator
The BMI know as body mass index that derived from the mass (weight) and height.
Formula of BMI is body mass divided by the square of the body height, [ kg/m2 ] resulting from mass in kilograms and height in metres.
The BMI quantify the amount of tissue mass like muscle, fat, and bone of...