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Dr dixit diet plan chart

Diet Plan Details Healthy Food Review Download

Dr Dixit Diet plan chart

Identify the time of the day when you are really hungry; usually, a person is truly hungry twice in the day. We recommend below times.
Dr dixit diet plan chart
Meal Timing
If we want best result out of eat we need to consider some points.
Add natural Protein in your meal. Protein help us to develop and improve body structure.
Also you can add low glycemic index food which make our stomach full throw out day.
If we add negative calories foods which make easy to achieve weight loss goal.

Allowed food list between 2 meal : 

Dr dixit diet plan chart
diet plan chart :
  • Dixit sir advice to eat twice in a day its 2 meal a day diet plan.
  • In between two meals
  • Drink water, 
  • Home-made buttermilk, 
  • Green or black tea (without sugar), 
  • Coconut water,
  • One tomato.

Dixit diet chart: Exercise
  • Finish meal in 55 minutes.
  • Walk 4.5 km in 45 minutes daily.
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Basic  Science of Weight Loss and  Weight Gain 

This weight loss theory is based on a very simple principle. 
Every time we consume any food item containing carbohydrates we secrete insulin. 

If we eat breakfast or complete lunch or dinner, the quantity of insulin secreted is almost the same.
There is a baseline secretion 18 to 32 unit per 24 hours which is beyond our control, Secondly with each episode of eating, we secrete insulin. 

As our blood always has high level of insulin, the body uses carbohydrates as a source of energy and fats remain untouched.
Dr dixit diet plan chart

Insulin being the saving hormone, tries to store energy in the form of fats.
When we treat a diabetic patient with injectable insulin, one of the side effects is weight gain.

When we are fasting say 3 to 4 hours after lunch or dinner, our insulin level goes down. 

The lowered level of insulin stimulates the body to use firstly liver glycogen and then fats for the purpose of energy.

Who are not allow to do Dixit diet 

This diet plan is not useful for those who are suffering from diabetes.
This diet plan is not required for persons below the age of 18 years.
Now Dixit diet also available for children and police you can check on below links

How to create diet plan ? 

Identify the time of the day when you are really hungry; usually, a person is truly hungry twice in the day. 

Some people have a pattern of 9 am, 6 pm and others have a pattern of 1 pm and 9 pm.

Eat whatever you are eating presently at these two times. You have to just divide the quantity into two.

More quantity (say 60 to 70%) should be at the time of lunch and remaining at dinner.

You can eat any food item. no restriction on foods.

You should not take tea/coffee with sugar, fruits, dry fruits or any other eatables in between the two meals.
Dr dixit diet plan chart

You should also not use sugar substitutes as the sweet taste stimulates the secretion of insulin.
If at all you feel hungry in between two meals, you can take buttermilk or coconut water.
Check your weight every 15 days on the same weighing machine.
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Survey of Dixit diet 

Total 446 individuals participated in this campaign.

The enrollment was done from 1st July 2018 to 31st December 2018. 
We provide questionnaires included demographic information and detailed diet history with special emphasis on frequency of eating, the quantity and types of food items consumed. 

During lecture, the author used to guide the participants to find out how many times they are secreting insulin and then deciding upon the timings of lunch and dinner.

He used to collect the questionnaires from the willing participants. The follow up was done on phone every fortnightly.

Dixit Diet Result 

Out of the total 446 participants, 18 were lost to follow up.
 The reasons were: 
inability to control the hunger (9), 
could not follow the diet plan due to tour and festivals (8),
 exacerbation of migraine (1).
Dr dixit diet plan chart

After first week most of them had a feeling of lightness in the body and they also reported increased work efficiency.

The weight loss and decrease in waist circumference in participants was as below:

Weight loss:  
1 Month
3 Month
6 Month
1.5 kg
4.2 Kg
6.8 kg

Inches loss:

1 Month
3 Month
6 Month
0.5 cm
1.5 cm
3.5 cm

No side effects were observed. More result visit our new survey and success stories


Most of the people spend lots and lots of money on diet formulate and exercise plans with little or sometimes no advantage. 

The weight loss activities have taken a form of exploitative business for many. Poor and ignorant people are being looted.

This simple method of weight loss costs nothing, there is no requirement of a doctor and contrary to many other successful methods of weight loss, can be followed for a life time. 

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  1. I also interested to start diet for weight loss. My weight 62kg now.

    1. thanks for response you can check review pages more than 10 kg weight loss story/interview we cover.

      by reading that you get more inspriation to follow.

    2. Can I have black coffee without sugar in between meals?

    3. Can I have Coffee with 90% water and 10% milk without sugar? It's instead of tea which I find recommended.

    4. Can I have meal.1a@ 8 meal 2 at clock at night

    5. May i take breakfast and lunch and skip dinner?

    6. I m 50 years old and a working woman. Underwent total thyroid removal surgery in August'19. I have no sugar , no bp and walk 7-8kg per day . I m following dr dixit's diet since Jan'20 . My weight was 62kg n now after 4 months reduced 2.5kg . Can i bring it to 55kg?

    7. Age ३८ hapo thoradid ७५ alo pesitu table is on mu night is ५ and weigh ७०

  2. I am not overweight but my absorption of food is not good. I feel tired all day. Will following this diet help in improving digestion? Regards

    1. for better digestion add complex carb in diet.

      Yes if we follow this its may our life style become healthy and more than thousands of people make this as there part of life style.

  3. I am following thi plan since 1 month I am feeling light energetic, but My sleep is reduced
    My weight is 56.5 n HbA1C is 6.3

  4. Want to lose my weight .My weight is 84 kg.Please give me some advise

    1. You can try this diet.
      for more customized diet plan please connect on fecabook page - Dixit Diet Plan

      Heathy brain india


    1. Yes.

      You can achive best healthy lifestyle using this.

  6. What shall a diabetes 2 patient do as mmy doctor is against of above

    1. Please visit all review document on our web or you can personally call the candidate how successfully achive diabetic reversal.

  7. Hi This is Dhanashri Potdar (Mumbai)

    Today i have called on 9423067399 which is given as whats up number for support. I have msg this person at 10.39am and there is no revert till 11.47am so i decided to call on the same.
    when i asked him that i want information he said wts up me will revert you and immediately he disconnected the call. which was very rude.
    If he don't want to entertain, request to delete his number from this site.

    Thank you

    1. thanks we will remove that no.

      meanwhile please try other no


  8. Is it ok if we have meal 3 times a day..?bcoz I m feeling low when I am skipping my breakfast..

    1. at breakfast time take full meal. only 2 meal are allowed in that diet

  9. If we leave this diet after losing weight then there will be chances of gaining again double weight? Because mostly when people left dieting they again gain weight double than original weight. Plz reply

    1. Yes thats true because thats why dixit diet is not about eating food or calculated calories its about life style.

      if you change your life style then never you face weight gain problem.

      so always think about healthy life style.

  10. I have thyroid problem ... Is this diet useful to reduce wright in this criteria ? And I also work out for 1 and half our daily then how to manage hunger after work out ?

    1. take meal after 30 min of workout and add more protein in meals

  11. Can I take only tea in the morning

    1. with 90% water and 10% milk without sugar is fine

  12. I reach home from work at 8:30post that I work out in the gym both weight training and cardio .when should I have my meals,I weigh 88 age 27.

    1. please connect with facebook page send message of personal details

  13. Hello I have acid reflux and hypothyroidism. My age is 34 I am female. I am following Dixit diet from past 10 days. I want to know if it's ok to have tea while having breakfast. And also please tell me if my mea timings are ok I eat breakfast around 9.30 with tea and afternoon around 2.30 I eat whole meal and fruits. Then I don't eat anything after that till next morning.
    So please guide me whether I am doing it properly.

    1. Hello I was hoping you would help I also what's app on one of the numbers mentioned in your site about the problem but nobody is responding

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hi...
    Can I use Stevia in tea or coffee Nd have during day time between two meals?

    1. Yes small amount but better is avoid any sugar contain food or sugar

  17. I want to loose weight what i should do

  18. Same diet will work to reduce cholesterol from body? I am not fat but cholesterol is high.

  19. Hello Dr Dixit...Thank you very much for educating us such simple effortless diet...I am doing it since 1month and I am feeling much lighter than before...

    1. Good.. share it your friend and family for Healthy socity

  20. Hi i want to start this plan, i am 85 kg please help with the diet chart if any

  21. It says Dr. Dixit Diet Plan is not for Diabetes people. Is that true?

    1. its Type 2 Diabetes Reversal diet.
      Please consult doctor or send your report on whatsapp group

  22. Hi my weight is 63 and want to loose

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    Trimester wise Diet Chart for Healthier Baby

  24. Hello. First of all thankyou dr. Dixit for this successful diet plan. My issue is i cannot survive only on 2 meals and my weight is reducing rapidly (4 kg in 8 days) and also i am feeling weak. Can anyone help me for getting rid of this weakness!

    1. Result are great. You can take buttermilk in between meal.

      Add more amount of protien and Complex carb which will reduce your weakness and hunger

  25. Hi...would like to start the diet.

  26. Hi, what about the plan if you want to gain weight

    1. We are writing one artical for that please keep in touch we update you with link

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  28. I am following two meals a day since a month. However due to office i hv first meal at 8.15 am and second meal at 8.30 pm. Only water in between. I lost 3.5kgs but tummy fat doesnt seem to have reduced. Although waist is reduced a little. I am not getting time to take a walk.

    1. Thats great you can add protein in your meals also read our documents for healthy meal plan.

  29. Sir can you please share your number, I have few questions. My mother is suffering from diabetes. last year she was detected TB because of this she is not able to walk and she is on the bed now.

    She take medicine three times a day & Insulin two times a day.

    She also have blood pressure and she is over weight.

    If she starts with this diet plan then how should we give the medicine?

    Please help.

    1. https://dixit-weight-loss-diet-plan.blogspot.com/2019/05/dixit-diet-whatsapp-group-join.html

  30. Replies
    1. You can click on above link or message us o n fb

  31. Amazing blog. I really loved reading your blog. Thanks for sharing. I am also following 7 days weight loss diet plan and I lost 3-4 kg.

  32. You have shared informative post for those people which are over weight problem, if we follow this diet plan and use Herbal Supplements For Weight Loss we get best result.

  33. I like your blog. I enjoyed reading your blog. It was amazing. Thanks a lot.

  34. I am breastfeeding mom of 11 month old child...started working from 6 month ago... Looking for weight-loss balanced diet ... Please suggest a good one.. Thanks in advance..!!

  35. UnknownNovember 22, 2019 at 9:58 AM
    I am breastfeeding mom of 11 month old child...started working from 6 month ago... Looking for weight-loss balanced diet ... Please suggest a good one.. Thanks in advance..!!

  36. Great article providing informative contents. I liked to visit your blog again - Can You Lose Weight Without Exercise

  37. Can people suffering from hyperacidity follow this diet plan?

  38. Thank you for a very interesting article. I greatly appreciate the time you take to do all the research to put together your posts. I especially enjoyed this one!!
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  39. Thanks for the blog
    I'm following this diet.
    I drink morning tea without milk and sugar.

    Can I use the ginger tea sachets for making my tea in office?(no milk and sugar)

    Thanks in advance.

  40. Can I start diet now I'm 43now my weight is 87 n also having health problems

  41. Nice post thank you for sharing this. Nowadays, the environment is not as healthy, given which we need to take care of our physical and mental health. For which we need to exercise, fitness keeps our body healthy and away from diseases. By doing exercise we reduce fat and we get a six pack abs. So we should follow Diet chart for weight loss.

  42. I have tried it for one year. After 6 months weight loss stops. May be body gets used to diet habits. Its effective. But mouth smells bad due to lack of salivation between 2 diets.

  43. So we can't do breakfast in morning only lunch n dinner? Plz reply

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  60. I have been on this diet since April 5. My weight dropped from 235 lb to 221 lb (about 7 kg). I am not perfect in maintaining an 8 hour gap, but do have 7 hour gap. When the weight loss stopped after a month, i started walking. Then the weight loss continued. Before this, i used to Binge on beer on the weekends. The last alcoholic drink i had was on April 4 (beer). I am not an alcoholic, so no withdrawl symptoms. But was wondering if it is possible to have a cheat day in a month were once can enjoy spirits.

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  116. The other focus of the MetaBoost Connection is the Isometric Movements. These are exercises that create tension and include the use of specific movements. Although it doesn't require the lengthening or shortening muscles, it does help to contract them to increase their strength. Some exercises consumers might be familiar with include side bridges and planking, also known as static strength training.

  117. Waist corset that helps to reduce the size of the abdomen and waist. The waist corset slimming machine will raise your body temperature and make you sweat more to effectively burn cellulite during your workouts. The elastic material of the corset allows you to achieve a tightening of the waist without restricting breathing and unnecessary pressure on your internal organs. The latex layer on the outside complements the cotton layer on the inside, which makes the product comfortable to wear.

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