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Top 13 Benefits of Eating Nuts Everyday

GM DietDixit DietBalanced DietKito DietDash Diet Military DietVegan Diet

Benefits of Eating Nuts Everyday

Top 13 Benefits of Eating Nuts Everyday

All seeds and nuts are healthy but we ignore lot of nuts and seeds they have lot of good nutrients.

They can do just as great of a job and depending  on your personal needs some provide even better results.


If you start  eating almonds every day it's been proven that regular consumption of seeds and nuts including almonds is incredibly good for your health and appearance.

They actually transform our body and lot of positive changes made in body.

Let's start with almonds basically, they're always a good choice when it  comes to keeping a healthy diet. countless studies have shown that these nuts not only normalize lipid levels in the blood.

They also reduce the risk of  developing cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes.

Almonds are a  true miracle for helping you lose weight  as well since they lower the level of  fat in the body.

They are an alternative to the animal protein they give you that same sense of being full which means that you won't constantly overeat.

Experts recommend eating just 20 almonds  a day to get all these awesome health benefits the best way to do it is to snack.

Or we can add them in between meals remember the amount of intake of foods.

A healthy body wasn't built in a day, so your desired results won't come right away be patient. and keep on the path means exercise and healthy eating habit.

After daily eating almonds see and feel your overall health  improving guaranteed but our almonds.

Flax seeds   

Scientists at the National Dairy  Research Institute have proven that flax  seeds are great for your health.

Flaxseed chemical composition basically  multitasks at improving all kinds of  modern systems at once.

The magic is in  the natural hormones called  phytoestrogens found in flax seeds.

They  effectively fight off malignant tumors especially breast and prostate cancer.

The fiber in these seeds coats the  stomach and prevents inflammation same like banana.

1 tablespoon of  mashed flax seeds contains nearly 2  grams of omega-3 fatty acids which keep your cardiovascular system in tip-top shape.

 Sesame seeds 

After reading below research you will add include more flax seeds in their diet sesame seeds.

According to researchers at Australia's Griffith  University the chemical composition of sesame seeds decreases blood pressure.

Also effectively preventing stroke heart attack and kidney failure even more.

this seed performs amazingly these seeds contain a ton of  special antioxidants that significantly reduce high cholesterol.

These seeds high amount of oils in them that improve the condition of your  skin hair and nails.
So with the help of  sesame seeds, you'll be feeling and looking good its added start in your beauty.

Pumpkin seeds 

pumpkin seeds contain a huge amount of argan eyes which helps dilate the blood vessels. Pumpkin seeds improving circulation and preventing hypertension and although.

These seeds really do have a ton of  calories they also contain lots of protein that balances everything out and normalize blood sugar level.

Pumpkin seeds are also rich in vitamins A and E  which are essential for maintaining skin  elasticity.

This explains why pumpkin seeds are one of the most effective secret weapons.


The  cosmetic industry has  walnuts researchers at Latrobe  University in Australia have
found that the minerals contained in walnuts lower the risk of developing both  cardiovascular disease and coronary  heart disease.

Additionally they have a natural chemical called Klose Ferrol which is highly effective at minimizing symptoms associated with age-related disorders and protecting men from prostate cancer.

According to dr. Joe Vinson a chemistry  professor at the University of Scranton  just seven
walnuts a day can bring you all of their potential health benefits so eat up.

Sunflower Seeds 

Sunflower seeds contain sulfur-rich proteins that  are proven to be extremely good for your muscle and bone tissue.

According to  researchers in the department of botany  at the PMA as arid agriculture  University
sunflower seeds effectively prevent bronchial and lung infections.

Sunflower seeds have antioxidant antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory  properties if you want to get in on all these health-boosting benefits.

Just make it a habit to consume one ounce of  sunflower seeds every single day.


Compared to other nuts  pistachios contain a lot less fat in  calories but the most interesting part  is
that they have the highest level of  unsaturated fatty acids potassium and carotenoids means all are healthy fat.

These chemicals basically provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects experts at  nutrition science solutions.

we can add pistachios snacking on pistachios can help you  feel full longer which makes them great for weight control.

Best to consume 1.5 to 3  ounces about one or two handfuls of pistachios per day.
Let all these amazing properties work their magic on your system.


First off cashews are full of  iron which is a must-have to prevent  anemia.
They can really help diabetics stabilize their blood sugar levels.

The advantage is just keeping on coming to the phosphorus and thiamine contained in cashews will help you get through the workday a lot easier since they both keep energy levels up.

 The anti-inflammatory effect of these nuts strengthens the immune system and protects the body from the flu virus.

Weight  management expert dr. Gary Sharma who  says that eating just four to five cashews a day will give you visible results within a couple weeks.


hazelnuts are a big favorite for a lot of people and their amazing health benefits will make you fall in love with them.

 Researchers in the  Department of nutritional sciences at  the University of Connecticut have
proven that the abundance of vitamin B  contained in hazelnuts helps make bones and muscles stronger.

Also, hazelnuts make the  immune system stronger also welcomed boost your circulatory system.

The organic acids of  these nuts block cholesterol levels from increasing in the blood, this as you may  know by now prevents cardiovascular disease.

Eat 20 per day and the hazelnuts will do the your system stronger.


Peanuts are definitely one of the most  popular items on our list and it's no  surprise since they contain tons of  important elements.

The  polyphenol protects the cells of the  body from harmful free radicals helping  us stay young longer.

Linoleic acid in its turn brings high cholesterol down and prevents sclerosis.

You can get the  most out of peanuts if you make them part of a nutritionally balanced diet.

According to the Institute of chemical technology, peanuts subdue hunger for a  while so as a between-meal snack.

Peanuts help you eat less so you can bid farewell to all those extra pounds.

Brazil nuts  

thanks to their large amounts of fiber  and the cleaning effect they have on the intestines Brazil nuts significantly improve digestion.

According to the Department of nutritional sciences  at the University of Connecticut they  also contain something called selenium.

Which plays a huge role in producing the cells that make up the immune system.

The  unsaturated fats found in Brazil nuts  decreased blood sugar levels  dramatically protecting the
body from  diabetes and atherosclerosis.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds pack a big health-boosting punch their omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.

Chia seeds  work wonders on the heart and blood  vessels lowering cholesterol and
preventing blood clots.

Another component in chia seeds is vitamin B which helps clear up and prevent skin  problems.

These seeds  are especially good for women  particularly during menopause studies estimate that reasonable amounts of chia seeds to consume are about one ounce per day.

No matter which type of nuts or seeds you choose  from this list after that definitely see positive changes in your body just remember that as always moderation is key.

Most nuts and seeds have  a lot of calories so be sure to stay within the daily limit which is no more than an ounce for any nut or seed.

Weight Loss Science2 Meal a Day DietMilitary dietBalanced dietDixit Diet

9 Evidence-Based Almond Eating Benefits

GM DietDixit DietBalanced DietKito DietDash Diet Military DietVegan Diet

Almond Eating Benefits

Eat four almonds every day and you will see healthy body transformation. almonds have been popular in the diets of ancient Indians and Egyptians.

This nut is a very healthy snack as it contains many minerals and vitamins that you need.

They're rich in magnesium,  vitamin B, protein, and amino acids. all you need to do is just eat four almonds a day. Your body will transform in an amazing way in almost no time.

 here are the eight most significant health benefits of eating almonds did you know.

Weight Loss

Almonds can even prevent some types of cancer also help you lose in weight loss.
Almonds are very beneficial when it comes to losing  weight despite their high-calorie content.

almonds are rich in fiber, protein and a healthy type of fat according to a recent study almonds reduce hunger and desire to eat later in the day so eating almonds is an easy way to reduce your overall calorie intake.

Also, the vitamin B that almonds contain keep your metabolism healthy.

Healthy brain 

To boost your brain activity almonds are the source of many nutrients that help in the development of the brain.

Almonds contain amino acids and oils which help your brain maintain and increase concentration level.

Ayurveda medicine believes that almonds are capable of increasing intellectual ability and longevity.

Almonds minimize stress can reduce the risk of insomnia.

Almonds are especially rich in phosphorus which improves your brainpower and eyesight.

Skin Care

For skincare as we already learned and we know almonds contain vitamin E being one of the most powerful antioxidants almonds prevent the cells of your body against premature aging.

Healthy Heart 

Eating four almonds a  day allows your skin to stay soft and  elastic as these nuts boost
the production of natural collagen in your body to reduce heart attack risk.

A  recent study has shown that those who consume almonds five times a week have a  50% less chance to get a heart attack.

A significant amount of vitamin E found in these nuts reduces the risk of heart disease.

Almonds also help reduce the c-reactive protein which usually causes damage to the arteries as you can see there are many nutrients and almonds that are beneficial to your heart health.


Make your bones strong almonds are a  source of calcium that prevents osteoporosis and strengthens your bones teeth and muscles.

Also, these nuts contain magnesium and potassium which are essential for healthy bones as well.

The habit of eating almonds every day  also it can help you increase bone  mineral density that
strengthens your skeletal system.

Lower and Bad Cholesterol 

Almonds are an excellent source of monounsaturated fats and some polyunsaturated fats that help reduce bad cholesterol.

According to studies eating half a cup of almonds, every day can lower bad cholesterol by eight to twelve percent.

However, if you just eat a  few nuts a day it will reduce bad cholesterol in your body as well it helps feel better during pregnancy.

In case you're pregnant you should eat a  few almonds every day as vitamin E is necessary for a woman during the pregnancy period.

These nuts are very beneficial for both a woman and her baby especially when the fetus is developing slower than normal.

Reduce the Risk  of Cancer

American biochemist Edwin Krebs put forward the theory that cancer is a disease of vitamin deficiency more precisely according to him cancer is caused by a deficiency of certain B  vitamins.

Almonds are an excellent source of vitamin B and flavonoids that lessen the risk of breast cancer.

Also, these nuts are rich in boron which helps prevent prostate cancer.

Astronaut DietAlmond BenefitsWalnut BenefitsBananaCalories Calculator BMI Calculator

13 Proven Walnut Eating Benefits

GM DietDixit DietBalanced DietKito DietDash Diet Military DietVegan Diet

Walnut Eating Benefits

13 Proven Walnut Eating Benefits

Walnuts have vitamin E, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals that make life healthy also stay away from lot of diseases.

Walnuts have higher antioxidant activity than any other common nut also it contains vitamin E, melanin, and plant compounds called polyphenols.

Eating meal which contains walnut that prevented oxidation damage of “bad” LDL cholesterol after eating.

If you eat just a handful of walnuts a day,  you will see all kinds of positive changes in your health and wellness.

Stop hair fall 

A healthy head of hair can make or break a  person’s appearance and confidence. eating your daily dose of walnuts will help prevent hair loss.

These brainy-looking nuts contain selenium,  an essential mineral for our bodies to carry out some basic functions.

Experts say that people who don’t get enough selenium tend to struggle with balding and hair fall.

Youthful Radiant Skin

Walnuts help your body fight free radical damage.  Free-radicals are molecules from your environment and the foods you eat that cling onto the collagen your body produces.

Imagine your skin is like a bedsheet.  When it’s clean and ironed, it feels and looks perfectly smooth. But when it’s dirty and wrinkled, yuck,  nobody wants to lie on that.

That’s what happens to your skin when free radicals tamper with your collagen.  Then you get breakouts, your skin looks tired, dehydrated, and fine lines and wrinkles show up.

The boatload of antioxidants found in walnuts neutralizes those free radicals.  Once your skin regains its elasticity, then fine lines and tiredness clear out.

Cold and flu

That same selenium stuff that makes your hair thick and strong is also vital for your immune health.

We need our body’s defense system  to be strong so that all that nasty stuff  out there in the world
doesn’t make you sick.

Walnuts have selenium which strengthens your immune system.

Better Concentration 

According to one Harvard study, eating walnuts every day improves cognitive performance.

It makes it easier for your brain to take in and process information.  but the most important perk is that they help you concentrate on one task at a time and stay focused for longer, which is a lifesaver.

Getting a daily dose of walnuts has also been found to protect brain cells from deteriorating with age.

A Good Mood 

Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.  According to the National Institute of Health,  people
who doesn’t get enough omega 3 in their diet are more likely to feel sad and maybe even depressed?

Your brains produce a hormone called serotonin, which is responsible for controlling anxiety, boosting happiness, and improving our mood.

When your brain doesn’t produce enough serotonin, you get the opposite negative feelings and mood swings.

Omega 3 helps your body produce more of that hormone to keep all that negativity away.

Weight Loss  

If you grab a handful of walnuts,  you might be a little hesitant to find out that you’re about to take in 185  calories.

Studies have shown that your body absorbs only 21% of those calories that better is that you feel fuller for longer, so they lower your appetite.

Another study showed that people who consumed smoothies containing walnuts had a notable decrease in cravings for junk food.

Easier Workouts

Easier workouts gym-goers will love this one.  Walnuts contain a ton of magnesium, which plays a huge role in exercise performance.

When you work out, you need more magnesium. and that you get walnut. Magnesium does its duty by transferring blood sugar into your muscles and getting rid of lactate.

When you’re working out, lactate builds up and causes muscle soreness.  So, if you eat your healthy snack right before the gym, you won’t have that painful nuisance.

A handful of walnuts also contains more than  4 grams of protein, which is a must for people who work out regularly.

Vitamins and Nutrients  

Overall, walnuts are just a great source of all the good stuff your body needs that you might not be getting enough of in your regular diet.

They contain 65% healthy fats and 15% protein.  They’re low in carbs, and most of those carbs consist of fiber.

That last one is really good for digestive health and can take care of problems like bloating!

Walnuts might do your body a whole lot of good, but there are a few things you should be aware of before you go out and stock up on this health-boosting little nut.

Just 5 – 8 walnuts are more than enough.  Otherwise, they might cause bloating and even headaches.

Walnut Therapy 

Rolling the walnuts around in your hands.  Well, back in the day, this practice was known  as
walnut therapy because of all the health benefits.

Listening to the sound of walnuts rubbing together was believed to cleanse the mind and help calm you down after a stressful day.

Also, just rolling them around in your hands was thought to help with joint pain and slowing down the aging of the bones.

Faster Stronger Hair Growth

Walnuts have another fancy element called biotin, which not only helps with hair fall but also makes your hair grow faster.

Biotin does this by pumping up the production of keratin in your body.  Keratin acts as a protective
moisturizing layer on your strands.

That’s why you will also see less breakage and splitting since your hair will be stronger.

 Stronger Nails  

Any time you’re dealing with stuff that’s good for your hair, you can pretty much guarantee.

It will help your nails out too.  So, keep it short: if your nails are thin and constantly splitting and breaking,  better snack on some walnuts each day.

We are talking about keratin here which is part of the protein that makes up your hair, nails and outer layer of skin.

Astronaut DietAlmond BenefitsWalnut BenefitsBananaCalories Calculator BMI Calculator

Keto diet what not to eat | side effect | good or bad

GM DietDixit DietBalanced DietKito DietDash Diet Military DietVegan Diet

Keto Diet  

what not to eat | side effect | good or bad

Everyone have to know what is the keto diet and how it differs from all other diets.

There are so many different diets out there that it can feel like you're drowning in a sea of endless choices. but we are here to help you.

Keto Diet Benefits

Keto diet has pretty much everything you need among the proven health benefits.

This diet famous for more than 10 to 20 reasons but few of them are below

  • Weight loss 
  • Mental focus
  • Increased energy 
  • Controlled blood sugar
  • Stabilized blood pressure

How Keto Diet Works

Well, the word keto comes from the name of small molecules that our bodies produce called ketones.

They are basically an alternative fuel source that your body. naturally, our body uses glucose as blood sugar body fuel.

If you consume fewer carbs the things that break up into blood sugar quickly and moderate amounts of protein can be converted into blood sugar.

When we are keto diet your body produces the necessary amount of ketones and starts running almost entirely on fat.

Your insulin levels become really low while fat burning increases dramatically to put it short when you follow the ketogenic diet.

It becomes easier for your system to get access to your fat stores and burn them off as a result.

Should I try?

You lose weight incredibly fast but unlike a lot of crash diets out there this one doesn't hurt your system.

It'll still work like a charm even though all these changes and while this diet seems like a dream come true.

Not everyone can follow it if you have diabetes or high blood pressure and take medication for your condition the keto diet isn't for you.

women who are breastfeeding should also steer clear of this one always talk to your doctor before you start a new diet.

Only a medical professional can tell if your body can handle such changes if they give you the green light.

They can also give you a few tips on how to make it safer and easier for your system.

Types of Keto Diet

The keto diet is sort of an overarching term there are actually a few versions you can choose from depending on your preferences or body reaction.

There are the standard keto diet a low carb moderate protein and a high-fat diet. macros for that kind of diet is approximately 75% fat and 20% protein and 5% carbs

The cyclical keto diet involves periods of higher-carb refeed for example to higher carb days after five standard low-carb ketogenic days.

The targeted keto diet allows you to add carbs around your workouts and higher protein.

Standard keto diet but with more protein changing the menu to 60% fat 35% protein and 5% carbs keep in mind that.

The safest choices here are the standard and high protein ketogenic diets since they've been studied more exclusively than the other.

These two types the cyclical and targeted diets are more suitable for bodybuilders or athletes.

Keto Diet Food List

Let's have a look at what you can and can't eat while on a standard ketogenic diet.             


You should base the majority of your meals around these foods and ingredients meat like red meat, chicken or turkey, fatty fish including salmon trout and tuna, eggs.

Vegetarian :

Also add grass-fed butter and cream unprocessed cheese such as goat cheese cream cheese blue cheese or mozzarella, nuts and seeds like almonds walnuts pumpkin seeds and chia seeds.

Healthy oils especially extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil.

Low carb vegetable tomatoes, onions peppers and most green leafy veggies will do healthy herbs and spices as for the food.

You should avoid under any circumstances they are sugary foods such as soda smoothies cake ice cream candy.

Anything of the like fruits that include whole fruit and fruit juice.

Grains or starches including wheat-based products rice pasta or cereal beans or legumes such as peas kidney beans lentils or chickpeas root.

sweet potatoes, carrots, or parsnips, the products labeled low-fat or diet unhealthy fat the kind found in vegetable oils, mayonnaise.

the perfect beverage choices for the keto diet are water coffee and tea just avoid sweetening those up with sugar.

you can add a small amount of milk or cream to your coffee also occasionally a glass of wine won't hurt your diet.

Keto Diet Meal Plan

The ketogenic meal plan that you can follow or use as an example we provide you in details of breakfast lunch and dinner. you can use this as a base or support document for creating your own meal plan.


Day 1 


a sausage and spinach frittata.
a cup of coffee with two tablespoons of heavy cream.


Half a cup of simple egg salad for romaine lettuce leaves.
Two slices of bacon dinner 6 ounces of rotisserie chicken.
3/4 cup of cauliflower gratin.
2 cups of chopped romaine lettuce.
2 tablespoons of sugar-free Caesar salad.


half an avocado with light salt and pepper
24 raw almonds

Day 2


A sausage and spinach frittata
A cup of coffee with heavy cream
Or you can make an egg tomato basil and goat cheese omelet


Instead of two cups of chopped romaine lettuce two tablespoons of sugar-free Caesar salad dressing
One cup of chopped leftover chicken


One Italian sausage link one cup of cooked broccoli one tablespoon of butter
Two tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese


Half an avocado with light salt and pepper.
Five sticks of celery with two tablespoons of almond butter.

Day 3


Cream cheese cupcakes two slices of bacon
A cup of coffee with two tablespoons of heavy cream


 Italian sausage length was 3/4 cup of cauliflower gratin
 Or a salad with olive oil and avocado


1 and 1/2 cup of chili spaghetti squash casserole 2 cups of raw baby spinach
1 tablespoon of sugar-free ranch


Two sticks of strength cheese
One cup of bone broth

Day 4 


A sausage and spinach frittata.
A cup of coffee with heavy cream
Drink sugar-free yogurt with peanut butter cocoa powder and stevia


half cups of Chile spaghetti squash casserole or stir-fried beef with vegetables cooked in coconut oil


1/2 a cup of antipasto salad for sun-dried tomatoes
Feta meatballs 2 cups of raw baby spinach 1 tablespoon of sugar-free Italian dressing


 half an avocado with light salt and pepper
 1 cup of bone broth

Day 5


Cream cheese pancakes two slices of bacon
A cup of coffee with heavy cream
A ham and cheese omelet with vegetables


Half a cup of antipasto salad
Four sun-dried tomatoes and feta meatballs or chicken salad with olive oil and feta cheese


One cup of Cuban pot roast
Two cups of chopped romaine lettuce
Two tablespoons of sour cream
1 tablespoon of chopped cilantro
A quarter cup of shredded cheddar cheese


five sticks of celery with two tablespoons of almond butter or 1 cup of bone broth

If you want to go with something else you can have pork chops with Parmesan cheese broccoli and salad between-meal snacks one cup of bone broth and two sticks of string cheese.

Side Effects Keto Diet 

You might experience some unpleasant side effects as you begin.

In the ketogenic diet biggest effect one is keto flu the symptoms of which include poor energy and mental function, increased hunger, sleep issues nausea, digestive discomfort.

 How to minimize side effects

In order to minimize your risk of having these problems try a regular low carb diet for the first few weeks so your body will comfortable in keto.

 Before going full-on keto it'll give your body a chance to burn more fat while gradually preparing it for the keto diet. Just try to add extra salt or take mineral supplements

If you notice these changes and be sure to check in a few doctors from time to time despite these unpleasant but still possible side-effects the ketogenic diet.

This diet has been proven to have the times of amazing health benefits scientists from the Center for obesity research and epidemiology at Robert Gordon University.

This diet can
  • Decrease the risk of developing heart disease.
  • Stabilizing blood sugar 
  • Reduce blood pressure levels
  • Increasing the good cholesterol in your blood

Researchers from the University of Padova also found that lower insulin levels and eating less sugar and processed foods are really helpful for getting rid of acne.

One studies conducted by the Department of Biology at Boston College have that a ketogenic diet can be used to treat certain types of cancer and even slow tumor growth.

Astronaut DietAlmond BenefitsWalnut BenefitsBananaCalories Calculator BMI Calculator

Dash Diet Meal Plan

GM DietDixit DietBalanced DietKito DietDash Diet Military DietVegan Diet

Dash Diet Meal Plan

What is the dash-diet and why doctors call it one of the best diets.DASH diet ranked as the best diet, the healthiest diet, and the best diet for diabetes because it is proven to improve health, has a balance of healthy food groups, and it actually works. 

Also, it proves proven to lower blood pressure and cholesterol and is associated with a lower risk of several types of cancer, heart disease, stroke, heart failure, kidney stones, reduced risk of developing diabetes, can slow the progression of kidney disease, and now is associated with reduced risk of depression.

Doctors say that this diet is the most effective way to improve your overall condition according to the National Institute of Health.

It scored 3/5 in the weight loss effectiveness category and 4/5 in healthy usefulness out of 40 diets result is evaluated.

Dash Diet Benefits

This diet is an easy safe and useful plan that can help you feel better and get rid of excess weight. You can lose weight gradually no starving or yo-yo dieting it won't shock or stress your body out.

It stands for Dietary Approaches to stop hypertension. It is a diet developed specifically to reduce blood pressure in those people who live with hypertension. 

what scientists understood later on that  this diet results it resolve tons of other health issues

  •  Reduces cholesterol
  •  Prevent stroke
  •  Prevent heart failure
  •  Brings weight down to a healthy level
  •  Prevent diabetes
  •  Controlling blood pressure

About Dash Diet

The DASH diet balances all the necessary nutrients and minerals. In this diet we take care of all essential minerals like calcium potassium protein and fiber.

This Minerals are responsible for the brain and overall organ function. it improves the condition of your hair and skin.

The best thing about this diet is that you don't have to calculate and monitor each nutrient. you just need to reduce your salt intake and eat certain recommended foods.

Food like for fruits, vegetables, grains, protein-rich foods and dairy products compared to trendy crash diets.

As compared to other diets this is a complete lifestyle change, it's for people who need to take care of their eating habits throughout their lives.

There's no cutting out or starving involved. You can have all sorts of tasty dishes you just need to keep in mind a few general rules.

Dash Diet Meal Plan


Your snacks to no more than eight bite per day in between meals and if you're really hungry not bored.

Lunch and Dinner 

It's not about the quantity of the food as much as it is about the quality drink.

It should be still water or green tea just limit the tea to no more than four cups a day.

Try to eat five times per day one serving should be no more than eight point eight ounces.

It's basically better to have smaller portions but eat more often.

limit your daily calorie intake it should be around 2,000 to 2,500 a day

If you have a sweet tooth you'll need to control yourself. 

You don't have to stop eating sweet foods completely just no more than five times a week.

Try to eat more cereals, seeds, beans lean meats, and vegetables.

Your diet should include whole-wheat bread exclude smoked or fatty foods, pickles pastries, and canned fish or meat.

If you want to slim down your menu should contain fewer calories in other words you need to reduce the size of your servings.


You should avoid drinking soda or alcohol because too much alcohol elevates your blood pressure also it harms your liver heart and brain limit.

 remember that tobacco use is prohibited.

Reduce your salt intake to a maximum of two to three teaspoons a day.

Dash Diet Chart 

Cereals no more than seven servings per day one serving should be a slice of bread half a cup of cooked pasta or half a cup of oatmeal.

Fruit no more than five servings a day. This could be one fruit 1/4 cup of dry fruits or half a cup of juice.

Vegetables 5 servings in a day. half a cup of steamed vegetables could be serving non-fat dairy products, two to three servings per day.

Eight ounces of cheese or five ounces of milk would do just fine.

Seeds beans and nuts five servings a week, one serving is 1.4 ounces animal and vegetable fats three servings per day.

Oil - 1 teaspoon of olive or linseed oil sweet dishes no more than five times a week a teaspoon of honey or jam is okay fluids again 67 ounces per day.

Water is preferred but green tea and juice are fine too.

Protein 7 ounces of lean meat fish or eggs a day is ideal.

Dash Diet Foods to avoid 

it is a diet and lifestyle change so you'll have to avoid all the typical unhealthy products and food

  • Fast food
  • Chips
  • Smoked and canned food salami sausage
  • Fatty meat
  • Candy
  • Cookies
  • Sweets
  • Soft drinks

 At initial time take baby steps over time your cravings will disappear.

Dash Diet Plan for weight loss

You can create your own menu by taking into consideration the diet rules in incorporating the products.

You have allowed to eat food list so you don't have to do anything special to create your diet plan.
You just need to include the necessary products and gradually exclude the bad ones.

If your goal is to lose weight cut the amount of recommended servings you can also find all kinds of tasty approved dishes on the internet.

According National Institute of Health, we mentioned earlier - 

Scored a 3.4 out of 5 in the category of easiness.

This diet doesn't restrict you from entire food groups there are tons of recipe options.

When you go out to eat preferred food options for fruits and vegetables and avoid soups, drink, alcohol.

Alcohol on Cheat Day

remember that you still have to limit yourself for the ladies that's no more than one drink a day.

men shouldn't have more than two per day and what's considered a drink that's five ounces of wine one and a half ounces of liquor or 12 ounces of beer.


A nice feature of this diet is that you never feel hungry the main idea is to have a satisfying feeling of fullness remember no starvation.

Astronaut DietAlmond BenefitsWalnut BenefitsBananaCalories Calculator BMI Calculator

Dr Dixit Diet Plan for Weight Loss

GM DietDixit DietBalanced DietKito DietDash Diet Military DietVegan Diet

Dr Dixit Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Dr. Jagannath Dikshit has tightened his waist to make Hindustan free from obesity and diabetes. For this, they have started a different diet…

They go throw dr jichkar theory also our scripter state that if we eat one time then its "YOGI"
if we eat 2 times a day then we are "BHOGI",
and more than 2 we are "ROGI" this is the reason where a lot of diseases easily capture us.

Everyone Loved eating, but have you ever found yourself in the crap of a broken stomach?

Have you, like many, fallen asleep thinking that diabetes and other problems will soon go away if you don't lose weight in time?

Don't be afraid This is not an advertisement for expensive weight loss measures. It's free advice or guideline to weight loss and an easy way to tackle all common diseases.

Weight-loss diet plan

Every fat person wants to lose weight by not eating too much hard and eating the foods he likes and not wanting to exercise too much.

Now, with all these things, anybody can say that weight loss will definitely not happen. But wait! Even with all of this.

The great news is It is now possible to lose weight in a very convincing way. That is exactly what you read.

Dr. Dikshit has worked hard to lift obesity, which means obesity and diabetes, diabetes-free Hindustan, and the universe.

To this end, they started a campaign called Vinyasa Weightloss, which to date has helped thousands of people to lose weight and get rid of diabetes.

The most important of these is that even with such a surefire solution, Doctor Dikshit and his team do not charge any new money to anyone.

Self Inspired by the 'Diet Plan' mentioned by Srikant Jichkar, Dr. Dixita has created this useful 'Diet Plan'. To date, they have added eighty thousand people from thirty-two countries.
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About Dr. Jagannath Dixit

He has been teaching in various medical colleges for the last 3 years. Currently, he is a professor and head of the Department of Public Medicine in the Government Medical College of Latur.

He has received 6 National and 3 State-level awards for his outstanding work in health education.

He is actively involved in the voluntary donation movement and has donated blood more than 3 times.

He has served as a consultant to several international organizations such as WHO, UNICEF.

If you want to check review and success stories of the Dixit diet please follow this link.

Diet Plan

According to this diet plan, you can eat only two times a day its also know as 2 meal a day diet plan.

You can determine exactly what these two times are for your appetite but if you take two meals within an 8 hr timeframe then you get benefits of intermittent fasting.

During these two times, you can eat your favorite foods but its 2 meal a day diet so just take 2 meals. At both times you need to finish your meal within 55 minutes.

If anyone feels down or low energy then below is the food you can take between meal.

allowed food list between meal 

Honey water,
One tomato,
20 percent milk tea without sugar,
Thin buttermilk,
Green tea,
Black tea

For best result recommendation 

Not to eat anything after 2 meals.
Complete both meals within 8 hr time frame.
The minimum intake of sweet foods.
The protein intake high.
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In addition to following a diet plan, it is important to walk forty-five kilometers every day for forty-five minutes.

The above plans should not be made by children under eighteen years of age and Type 2 diabetic patients.

The science behind the success of the plan. If we eat anything in our body, a measure of insulin is secreted by the pancreas.

Diabetes and obesity result when a large amount of excess insulin is produced.After one insulin measurement is made it lasts for 5 minutes and then another measurement is made.

We can restrict insulin production by reducing eating times, which can be overcome with diabetes and obesity.

The benefit of Dixit Diet

  • In addition to reducing weight and diabetes, it has many other benefits.
  • It can gradually reduce diseases like constipation, indigestion, hyperacidity, and then disappear.
  • Joint pain, backache, or other organs can also be avoided.
  • Sleep deprivation and sleep regular and good.
  • The mind is happy.
  • Each person has different benefits as he gets new energy to work and so on.

It has taken you many years to gain weight. Now give yourself at least 3 months to one year to reduce it, and you will know the difference.

'Effortless' weight loss is impossible. But this plan will help you reduce both weight and diabetes in 'less' efforts.

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